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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国仲裁法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


If the party against whom the application was made was served with a notice in writing but does not appear before the tribunal without due reasons or leaves the tribunal room during a hearing without the permission of the arbitration tribunal, an award by default may be given.

第四十三条 当事人应当对自己的主张提供证据。

Article 43 The parties shall produce evidence in support of their claims.


An arbitration tribunal may collect on its own evidence it considers necessary.

第四十四条 仲裁庭对专门性问题认为需要鉴定的,可以交由当事人约定的鉴定部门鉴定,也可以由仲裁庭指定的鉴定部门鉴定。

Article 44 For specialized matters, an arbitration tribunal may submit for appraisal to an appraisal organ agreed upon by the parties or to the appraisal organ appointed by the arbitration tribunal if it deems such appraisal to be necessary.


According to the claim of the parties or the request of the arbitration tribunal, the appraisal organ shall appoint an appraiser to participate in the hearing. Upon the permission of the arbitration tribunal, the parties may question the appraiser.

第四十五条 证据应当在开庭时出示,当事人可以质证。

Article 45 Any evidence shall be produced at the start of the hearing. The parties may challenge the validity of such evidence.

第四十六条 在证据可能灭失或者以后难以取得的情况下,当事人可以申请证据保全。当事人申请证据保全的,仲裁委员会应当将当事人的申请提交证据所在地的基层人民法院。

Article 46 In the event that the evidence might be destroyed or if it would be difficult to obtain the evidence later on, the parties may apply for the evidence to be preserved. If the parties apply for such preservation, the arbitration commission shall submit the application to the basic-level people's court of the place where the evidence is located.

第四十七条 当事人在仲裁过程中有权进行辩论。

Article 47 The parties have the right to argue during an arbitration procedure.


At the end of the debate, the presiding arbitrator or the sole arbitrator shall ask for the final opinion of the parties.

第四十八条 仲裁庭应当将开庭情况记入笔录。当事人和其他仲裁参与人认为对自己陈述的记录有遗漏或者差错的,有权申请补正。如果不予补正,应当记录该申请。

Article 48 An arbitration tribunal shall make a written record of the hearing. If the parties or other participants to the arbitration consider that the record has omitted a part of their statement or is incorrect in some other respect, they shall have the right to request correction thereof. If no correction is made, the request for correction shall be noted in the written record.


The arbitrators, recorder, parties and other participants to the arbitration shall sign or affix their seals to the record.

第四十九条 当事人申请仲裁后,可以自行和解。达成和解协议的,可以请求仲裁庭根据和解协议作出裁决书,也可以撤回仲裁申请。

Article 49 After the submission of an arbitration application, the parties may settle the dispute among themselves through conciliation. If a conciliation agreement has been reached, the parties may apply to the arbitration tribunal for an award based on the conciliation agreement.Then may also withdraw the arbitration application.

第五十条 当事人达成和解协议,撤回仲裁申请后反悔的,可以根据仲裁协议申请仲裁。

Article 50 If the parties fall back on their words after the conclusion of a conciliation agreement and the withdrawal of the arbitration application, application may be made for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration agreement.

第五十一条 仲裁庭在作出裁决前,可以先行调解。当事人自愿调解的,仲裁庭应当调解。调解不成的,应当及时作出裁决。

Article 51 Before giving an award, an arbitration tribunal may first attempt to conciliate. If the parties apply for conciliation voluntarily, the arbitration tribunal shall conciliate. If conciliation is unsuccessful, an award shall be made promptly.


When a settlement agreement is reached by conciliation, the arbitration tribunal shall prepare the conciliation statement or the award on the basis of the results of the settlement agreement. A conciliation statement shall have the same legal force as that of an award.

第五十二条 调解书应当写明仲裁请求和当事人协议的结果。调解书由仲裁员签名,加盖仲裁委员会印章,送达双方当事人。

Article 52 A conciliation statement shall set forth the arbitration claims and the results of the agreement between the parties. The conciliation statement shall be signed by the arbitrators, sealed by the arbitration commission, and served on both parties.


A conciliation statement shall have legal effect once signed and accepted by the parties.


If the parties fall back on their words before the conciliation statement is singed and accepted by them, an award shall be made by the arbitration tribunal promptly.

第五十三条 裁决应当按照多数仲裁员的意见作出,少数仲裁员的不同意见可以记入笔录。

Article 53 An award shall be based on the opinion of the majority arbitrators.The opinion of the minority arbitrators shall be recorded in writing. If an opinion of the minority arbitrators shall be recorded in writing.


If an opinion of the majority arbitrators can not be constituted at the tribunal, the award shall be given according to the opinion of the presiding arbitrator.

第五十四条 裁决书应当写明仲裁请求、争议事实、裁决理由、裁决结果、仲裁费用的负担和裁决日期。

Article 54 The arbitration claims, the matters in dispute, the grounds upon which an award is given, the results of the judgement, the responsibility for the arbitration fees and the date of the award shall be set forth in the award.


If the parties agree not to include in the award the matters in dispute and the grounds on which the award is based, such matters may not be stated in the award. The award shall be signed by the arbitrators and sealed by the arbitration commission. The arbitrator who disagrees with the award may select to sign or not to sign it.

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