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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法实施细则          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

(5) List of candidates for the chairman, deputy-chairman, directors of the board of the contractual JV, or the director, deputy director and members of the joint management committee;


(6) Other documents required by the examination and approval authorities.


Except for documents listed in item (4) that need to be submitted by the foreign parties, the aforesaid documents must be submitted in the Chinese language; Documents listed in items(2),(3) and (5) may be simultaneously submitted in foreign language agreed upon by all parties of venture.


The examination and approval authorities shall decide whether to approve the application or not within 45 days from receipt of all required documents. The authorities have the right to demand mending and revision of the submitted documents within a set time if they think the documents are incomplete or have inappropriate parts.

第八条 对外贸易经济合作部和国务院授权的部门批准设立的合作企业,由对外贸易经济合作部颁发批准证书。

Article 8 Morftec shall issue approval certificates to the contractual JVs approved for establishment by it and government departments authorized by the State Council.


Local people's governments authorized by the State Council shall issue approval certificates to the ventures it has approved for establishment, and shall put relevant approval documents on the record of Moftec within 30 days from the approval date.


Approved contractual JVs shall apply for registration with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce, and obtain business licenses according to law.

第九条 申请设立合作企业,有下列情形之一时,不予批准:

Article 9 Applications for the establishment of contractual JVs shall not be approval on any one of the following conditions:


(1) Detrimental to national sovereignty and public interests;


(2) Hazardous to national security;


(3) Causing pollution on environment;


(4) Other conditions that run against laws, decrees or the national industrial policy.

第十条 本实施细则所称合作企业协议,是指合作各方对设立合作企业的原则和主要事项达成一致意见后形成的书面文件。

Article 10 The contractual JV agreement mentioned in this detailed rules refers to the written document whose principles and major points governing the JV establishment are agreed upon and concluded by all parties.


The contractual JV contract mentioned in this detailed rules refers to the written document agreed upon and concluded by all parties on their rights and obligations for establishing the venture.


The contractual JV articles of association mentioned in this detailed rules refers to the written document drafted according to the joint venture contract and agreed upon by all parties on matters including the organizational principles, operation and management methods.


In case the contractual JV agreement and the articles of association contradict with the contractual JV, the contract shall prevail.


It is not absolutely necessary for cooperative parties to formulate contractual JV agreement.

第十一条 合作企业协议、合同、章程自审查批准机关颁发批准证书之日起生效。

Article 11 The contractual JV agreement, contract, articles of association take effect upon the issuing date of approval certificate handed out by the examination and approval authorities.


Consent of the examination and approval authorities shall be obtained to make any major change to the agreement, contract, articles of association within the term of cooperation.

第十二条 合作企业合同应当载明下列事项:

Article 12 The contractual JV contract shall include the following items:


(1) Names, registration localities, and addresses of all parties, as well as names, professions and nationalities of the legal representatives( or name, nationality, and address, in case the foreign party is a natural person).


(2) Name, address, and business scope of the contractual JV.


(3) Total amount of investment, registered capital of the venture, ways and time limit for all parties to contribute investment or provide cooperation input.


(4) Assignment of the investment contributed by all parties or conditions for transfer.


(5) Distribution of earnings or products between all parties and ways to share risks and losses.


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