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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国著作权法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

in the course of employment where the copyright is, in accordance with laws, administrative rules and regulations or contracts concerned, enjoyed by the legal person or entity without legal personality.

第十七条 受委托创作的作品,著作权的归属由委托人和受托人通过合同约定。合同未作明确约定或者没有订立合同的,著作权属于受托人。

Article 17 The ownership of copyright in a commissioned work shall be agreed upon in a contract between the commissioning and the commissioned parties. In the absence of a contract or of an explicit agreement in the contract, the copyright in such a work shall belong to the commissioned party.

第十八条 美术等作品原件所有权的转移,不视为作品著作权的转移,但美术作品原件的展览权由原件所有人享有。

Article 18 The transfer of ownership of the original copy of a work of fine art, or other works, shall not be deemed to include the transfer of the copyright in such work, provided that the right to exhibit the original copy of a work of fine art shall be enjoyed by the owner of such original copy.

第十九条 著作权属于公民的,公民死亡后,其作品的使用权和获得报酬权在本法规定的保护期内,依照继承法的规定转移。

Article 19 Where the copyright in a work belongs to a citizen, the right of exploitation and the right to remuneration in respect of the work shall, after his death, during the term of protection provided for in this Law,be transferred in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Succession.


Where the copyright in a work belongs to a legal person or entity without legal personality, the right of exploitation and the right to remuneration shall, after the change or the termination of the legal person or entity without legal personality, during the term of protection provided for in this Law, be enjoyed by the succeeding legal person or entity without legal personality which has taken over the former's rights and obligations, or, in the absence of such a successor entity, by the state.

第二章 著作权 第三节 权利的保护期

Section 3 Term of Protection of Rights

第二十条 作者的署名权、修改权、保护作品完整权的保护期不受限制。

Article 20 The term of protection of the rights of authorship, alteration, and integrity of an author shall be unlimited.

第二十一条 公民的作品,其发表权、使用权和获得报酬权的保护期为作者终生及其死亡后五十年,截止于作者死亡后第五十年的12月31日;如果是合作作品,截止于最后死亡的作者死亡后的第五十年的12月31日。

Article 21 The term of protection of the right of publication, the right of exploitation and the right to remuneration in respect of a work of a citizen shall be the life time of the author and fifty years after his death, expiring on December 31 of the fiftieth year after his death. In the case of a work of joint authorship, such term shall expire on December 31 of the fiftieth year after the death of the last surviving author.


The term of protection of the right of publication, the right of exploitation and the right to remuneration in respect of a work where the copyright belongs to a legal person or entity without legal personality, or in respect of a work created in the course of employment where the legal person or entity without legal personality enjoys the copyright (except the right of authorship), shall be fifty years, expiring on December 31 of the fiftieth year after the first publication of such work, provided that any such work that has not been published within fifty years after the completion of its creation shall no longer be protected under this Law.


The term of protection of the right of publication, the right of exploitation and the right to remuneration in respect of a cinematographic, television, video-graphic or photographic work shall be fifty years, expiring on December 31 of the fiftieth year after the first publication of such work, provided that any such work that has not been published within fifty years after the completion of its creation shall no longer be protected under this Law.

第二章 著作权 第四节 权利的限制

Section 4 Limitations on Rights

第二十二条 在下列情况下使用作品,可以不经著作权人许可,不向其支付报酬,但应当指明作者姓名、作品名称,并且不得侵犯著作权人依照本法享有的其他权利:

Article 22 In the following cases, a work may be used without permission from, and without payment of remuneration to, the copyright owner, provided that the name of the author and the title of the work shall be indicated and the other rights enjoyed by the copyright owner by virtue of this Law shall not be prejudiced:


(1) use of a published work of others for the user's own private study, research or self entertainment;


(2) appropriate quotation from a published work of others in one's work for the purposes of introduction to, or comment on, a work, or demonstration of a point;


(3) use of a published work in newspapers, periodicals, radio programmes,television programmes or newsreels for the purpose of reporting current affairs;


(4) reprinting by newspapers or periodicals, or rebroadcasting by radio stations or television stations, of editorials or commentator's articles published by other newspapers, periodicals, radio stations or television stations;


(5) publication in newspapers or periodicals, or broadcasting by radio stations or television stations, of a speech delivered at a public gathering, except where the author has declared that the publication or broadcasting is not permitted;


(6) translation or reproduction in a small quantity of copies, of a published work for use by teachers or scientific researchers, in classroom teaching or scientific research, provided that the translation or reproduction shall not be published or distributed;


(7) use of a published work by a state organ for the purpose of performing its official d

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