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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国高等教育法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

rning in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.

第三十七条  高等学校根据实际需要和精简、效能的原则,自主确定教学、科学研究、行政职能部门等内部组织机构的设置和人员配备;

Article 37 Institutions of higher learning independently decide on the setting up and personnel employment of such internal organizational structures as teaching, scientific research and administrative functional departments in the light of actual requirements and in accordance with the principle of streamlining and efficiency;


assess the positions of teachers and other specialized technical personnel, adjust the allocation of subsidies and salary in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.

第三十八条  高等学校对举办者提供的财产、国家财政性资助、受捐赠财产依法自主管理和使用。

Article 38 Institutions of higher learning independently administer and use the property provided by the sponsor(s), state financial subsidy and properties donated and granted in accordance with law.


Institutions of higher learning must not use the property for teaching and scientific research activities for other purposes.

第三十九条  国家举办的高等学校实行中国*高等学校基层委员会领导下的校长负责制。

Article 39 The state-run institutions of higher learning practice the president responsibility system under the leadership of the grass-roots committees of the Chinese Communist Party in institutions of higher learning.


In accordance with the Constitution of the Chinese Communist Party, the grass-roots committees of the Chinese Communist Party in institutions of higher learning exercise unified leadership over school work and support the presidents in independently and responsibly discharging their duties, their responsibilities of leadership are mainly as follows:


 to implement the line and policies of the Chinese Communist Party, adhere to the socialist orientation of running the institutions, exercise leadership over ideological and political work and work related to morality in the institutions, hold discussions and take decisions on the set-up of internal organizational structures and candidates for the persons-in-charge of internal organizational structures, hold discussions and take decisions on such major matters as the reform, development and basic administrative rules of the institutions to ensure the completion of various tasks centered round training of talents.


Internal management system of institutions of higher learning run by social forces shall be determined in accordance with the provision of the state concerning running of schools by social forces.

第四十条  高等学校的校长,由符合教育法规定的任职条件的公民担任。

Article 40 Presidency of institutions of higher learning shall be taken up by citizens conforming to the qualifications for the office prescribed by the Education Law.


Appointment and relief from duties of presidents and vice presidents of institutions of higher learning shall be made pursuant to the relevant provisions of the state.

第四十一条  高等学校的校长全面负责本学校的教学、科学研究和其他行政管理工作,行使下列职权:

Article 41 The president of an institution of higher learning shall be fully responsible for the teaching, scientific research and other administrative work of the respective institution and exercise the following duties and powers:


(1)to draft development planning, formulate specific rules and regulations and annual work plan and organize their implementation;


(2)to organize teaching activities, scientific research and ideological and moral education;


(3)to draft schemes for the setting up of internal organizations, recommend candidates for vice presidency, appoint and relieve persons-in charge of internal organizations;


(4)to employ and dismiss teachers and other internal workers, administer students' school roll and give rewards or impose penalties;


(5)to draft and implement annual fund budget proposal, protect and manage school properties and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the school; and


(6)other duties and powers provided for in the articles of association.


The president of an institution of higher learning chairs the president's administrative meeting or the institution's administrative meeting and handles the relevant matters prescribed in the preceding paragraph.

第四十二条  高等学校设立学术委员会,审议学科、专业的设置,教学、科学研究计划方案,评定教学、科学研究成果等有关学术事项。

Article 42 An institution of higher learning establishes an academic committee for the review of such relevant academic matters as setting up of disciplines and specialties, proposals of teaching plan and scientific research plan, and evaluate achievements in teaching and scientific research.

第四十三条  高等学校通过以教师为主体的教职工代表大会等组织形式,依法保障教职工参与民主管理和监督,维护教职工合法权益。

Article 43 Institutions of higher learning guarantee the participation of teaching and administrative staff in democratic management and supervision and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of teaching and administrative staff in accordance with law in the organizational form of the conference of representatives of teaching and administrative staff with teachers as the main body.

第四十四条  高等学校的办学水平、教育质量,接受教育行政部门的监督和由其组织的评估。

Article 44 Levels of running a school and educational quality of institutions of higher learning shall be subject to the supervision of departments of education administration and the evaluation organized by them.

第五章  高等学校教师和其他教育工作者

Chapter V Teachers and Other Educational Workers of Institutions of Higher Learning


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