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中英对照法律资源--使用有毒物品作业场所劳动保护条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

bought work injury insurance, it shall, when its workers engaging in the operations in which toxic substances are used suffer from occupational diseases, guarantee that such workers enjoy the welfare benefits for work injury in accordance with the items and standards of the work injury insurance prescribed by the State. <0}

{0>第四十三条 用人单位无营业执照以及被依法吊销营业执照,其劳动者从事使用有毒物品作业患职业病的,应当按照国家有关工伤保险规定的项目和标准,给予劳动者一次性赔偿。 <}0{>Article 43 Where an employing unit has no business license or its business license has been revoked according to law, it shall, when its workers engaging in the operations in which toxic substances are used suffer from occupational diseases, make compensation in one lump sum for these workers in accordance with the items and standards of the work injury insurance prescribed by the State. <0}

{0>第四十四条 用人单位分立、合并的,承继单位应当承担由原用人单位对患职业病的劳动者承担的补偿责任。 <}0{>Article 44 Where an employing unit is divided or merged, the successors shall bear the former employing unit’s liabilities of compensation for the workers who suffer from occupational diseases. <0}

{0>用人单位解散、破产的,应当依法从其清算财产中优先支付患职业病的劳动者的补偿费用。 <}0{>Where an employing unit is dissolved or goes into bankruptcy, it shall make compensation for the workers who suffer from occupational diseases with priority from assets in liquidation according to law.<0}

{0>第四十五条 劳动者除依法享有工伤保险外,依照有关民事法律的规定,尚有获得赔偿的权利的,有权向用人单位提出赔偿要求。 <}0{>Article 45 In addition to the work injury insurance, the workers shall also have the right to claim for compensation from the employing unit if they are entitled to obtain compensation in accordance with the provisions of relevant civil laws.<0}

{0>第四十六条 劳动者应当学习和掌握相关职业卫生知识,遵守有关劳动保护的法律、法规和操作规程,正确使用和维护职业中毒危害防护设施及其用品;发现职业中毒事故隐患时,应当及时报告。 <}0{>Article 46 The workers shall learn and master the knowledge of occupational health, abide by the relevant laws and regulations on labor protection as well as the operating rules, and correctly use and maintain safeguards and protective appliances against occupational poisoning hazards. When finding potential occupational poisoning accidents, they shall make reports in time. <0}

{0>作业场所出现使用有毒物品产生的危险时,劳动者应当采取必要措施,按照规定正确使用防护设施,将危险加以消除或者减少到最低限度。  <}0{>In case of hazards in workplaces due to the use of toxic substances, the workers shall take necessary measures, correctly use the safeguards in accordance with the provisions, and eliminate such hazards or reduce them to the minimum.<0}

{0>第六章 监督管理  <}0{>Chapter VI Supervision and Administration<0}

{0>第四十七条 县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门应当依照本条例的规定和国家有关职业卫生要求,依据职责划分,对作业场所使用有毒物品作业及职业中毒危害检测、评价活动进行监督检查。 <}0{>Article 47 The administrative departments for public health of the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations and the relevant requirements of the State for occupational health, supervise and inspect ex officio the use of toxic substances in workplaces and the test and evaluation of occupational poisoning hazards.<0}

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