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中英对照法律资源--外国保险机构驻华代表机构管理办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

{0>外国保险机构驻华代表机构管理办法<}0{>Rules on Administration of Representative Offices of Foreign Insurance Institutions <0}

{0>第一章 总则 <}0{>Chapter I General Provisions <0}

{0>第一条 为了加强对外国保险机构驻华代表机构(以下简称“代表机构”)的管理,适应中国保险市场对外开放的需要,根据《中华人民共和国保险法》,制定本办法。 <}0{>Article 1 These rules are formulated in accordance with the Insurance Law of the Peoples Republic of China, and for the purpose of strengthening the administration of representative offices of foreign insurance institutions (hereinafter referred to as representative offices), and meeting the needs of the opening up of Chinas insurance market to the outside world. <0}

{0>第二条 本办法所称外国保险机构,是指在中国境外注册的保险公司、再保险公司、保险中介机构、保险协会及其它保险组织。 <}0{>Article 2 Foreign insurance institutions hereof referred to in these rules are those insurance companies, reinsurance companies, insurance intermediaries, insurance associations, and other insurance organizations incorporated outside the territory of the Peoples Republic of China. <0}

{0>本办法所称代表机构,是指外国保险机构在中国境内获准设立并从事联络、市场调查等非经营性活动的代表处、总代表处。 <}0{>Representative offices hereof referred to in these rules are both representative offices and general representative offices established by foreign insurance institutions within Chinese territory for the purpose of conducting such non-operational activities as liaison service and market research etc. <0}

{0>本办法所称首席代表,是指代表处的主要负责人;本办法所称总代表,是指总代表处的主要负责人。 <}0{>Chief Representative hereof referred to in these rules is the principal responsible person of the representative office, and the general representative is the principal responsible person of the general representative office. <0}

{0>第三条 代表机构必须遵守中国法律、法规和中国保险监督管理委员会(以下简称“中国保监会”)的有关规定。代表机构的合法权益受中国法律保护。  <}0{>Article 3 Representative offices shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations and related regulations made by China Insurance Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as CIRC) and their legitimate rights and interests are protected by Chinese laws. <0}

{0>第四条 中国保监会根据法律和国务院授权,对代表机构履行监管职责。 <}0{>Article 4 CIRC is authorized by law and the State Council to perform regulatory responsibilities over the representative offices. <0}

{0>中国保监会派出机构,在中国保监会授权范围内,代表中国保监会对本辖区的代表机构实施日常监管。 <}0{>Under the authorization scope of CIRC, the local branch offices of CIRC take general regulation of those representative offices that are located in their jurisdictions on behalf of CIRC. <0}

{0>第二章 申请与设立 <}0{> Chapter Application and Establishment <0}

{0>第五条 申请设立代表处的外国保险机构(以下简称“申请者”)应当具备下列条件: <}0{>Article 5 Foreign insurance institutions (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) applying to establish a representative office shall satisfy the following requirements: <0}

{0>(一)经营状况良好; <}0{>(1) Good business performance; <0}

{0>(二)申请之日前3年内无重大违法违规记录; <}0{>(2) No record of any major violation of laws and regulations within three years prior to the application date; <0}

{0>(三)中国保监会规定的其他审慎性条件。 <}0{>(3) Other prudential requirements stipulated by CIRC. <0}

{0>第六条 拟设代表处的正式申请表由中国保监会提供。 <}0{>Article 6 The formal application form for the establishment of representative office is provided by CIRC. <0}

{0>第七条 申请者应当提交下列材料: <}0{>Article 7 The applicant shall submit the following documents: <0}

{0>(一)正式申请表; <}0{>(1) The formal application form; <0}

{0>(二)由董事长或者总经理签署的致中国保监会主席的申请书; <}0{>(2) A letter of application addressed to the Chairman of CIRC and signed by its Chairman of the Board of Directors or General Manager of the concerned insurance institution; <0}

{0>(三)所在国家或者地区有关主管当局核发的营业执照或者合法开业证明或者注册登记证明的复印件; <}0{>(3) A photocopy of the business license or the certificate of authorization for insurance business, or the registry certificate issued by the relevant regulatory authorities of its home country or territory; <0}

{0>(四)机构章程,董事会成员名单、管理层人员名单或者主要合伙人名单; <}0{>(4) Articles of association and the name list of the members of the Board of Directors, management personnel or principal partners; <0}

{0>(五)申请之日前3年的年报; <}0{>(5) Annual reports of the last three years prior to the application; <0}

{0>(六)所在国家或者地区有关主管当局出具的对申请者在中国境内设立代表处的意见书,或者由所在行业协会出具的推荐信,意见书或者推荐信应当陈述申请者在出具意见书或者推荐信之日前3年受处罚的记录; <}0{>(6) A letter of permit issued by the competent authority of its home country or territory allowing it to set up a representative office in China, or a letter of recommendation from the industrial association of which the applicant is a member, and both types of letters shall contain information about the penalty records of the applicant received within three years prior to the application; <0}

{0>(七)由董事长或者总经理签署的首席代表授权书; <}0{>(7) A power of attorney signed by the Chairman of the Board or General Manager for the chief representative designated; <0}

{0>(八)拟任首席代表的简历以及相关证明材料; <}0{>(8) The resume of the designated chief representative and other relevant supporting documents; <0}

{0>(九)中国保监会规定提交的其他资料。 <}0{>(9) Other documents and materials required by CIRC. <0}

{0>“营业执照”、“合法开业证明”和 “注册登记证明”的复印件必须经其所在国家或者地区依法设立的公证机构公证或者经中国驻该国使、领馆认证。 <}0{>The photocopy of the business license or the certificate of authorization for insurance business, or the registry certificate shall be

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