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中英对照法律资源--使用有毒物品作业场所劳动保护条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

{0>使用有毒物品作业场所劳动保护条例  <}0{>Regulations on Labor Protection in Workplaces Where Toxic Substances Are Used<0}

{0>第一章 总则  <}0{>Chapter I General Provisions<0}

{0>第一条 为了保证作业场所安全使用有毒物品,预防、控制和消除职业中毒危害,保护劳动者的生命安全、身体健康及其相关权益,根据职业病防治法和其他有关法律、行政法规的规定,制定本条例。 <}0{>Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases and other relevant laws and administrative regulations for the purposes of ensuring the safe use of toxic substances in workplaces, preventing against, controlling, and eliminating occupational poisoning hazards, and protecting workers' life safety, body health and their relevant rights and interests.<0}

{0>第二条 作业场所使用有毒物品可能产生职业中毒危害的劳动保护,适用本条例。 <}0{>Article 2 These Regulations shall be applicable to labor protection against possible occupational poisoning hazards due to the use of toxic substances in workplaces.<0}

{0>第三条 按照有毒物品产生的职业中毒危害程度,有毒物品分为一般有毒物品和高毒物品。<}0{>Article 3 Toxic substances are classified into general toxic substances and high toxic substances in light of the extent of occupational poisoning hazards caused by toxic substances. <0}

{0>国家对作业场所使用高毒物品实行特殊管理。 <}0{>The State exercises special control over the use of high toxic substances in workplaces. <0}

{0>一般有毒物品目录、高毒物品目录由国务院卫生行政部门会同有关部门依据国家标准制定、调整并公布。 <}0{>The catalogues of general toxic substances and high toxic substances shall, on the basis of the national standards, be formulated, adjusted and published by the administrative department for public health under the State Council jointly with the departments concerned.<0}

{0>第四条 从事使用有毒物品作业的用人单位(以下简称用人单位)应当使用符合国家标准的有毒物品,不得在作业场所使用国家明令禁止使用的有毒物品或者使用不符合国家标准的有毒物品。 <}0{>Article 4 An employing unit that engages in the operations in which toxic substances are used (hereinafter referred to as the employing unit) shall use toxic substances that meet the national standards, and shall not use in workplaces the toxic substances that are explicitly prohibited by the State, or that fail to meet the national standards.<0}

{0>用人单位应当尽可能使用无毒物品;需要使用有毒物品的,应当优先选择使用低毒物品。 <}0{>An employing unit shall, as possible as it can, use nontoxic substances; where it is required to use toxic substances, low toxic substances shall be selected for use with priority.<0}

{0>第五条 用人单位应当依照本条例和其他有关法律、行政法规的规定,采取有效的防护措施,预防职业中毒事故的发生,依法参加工伤保险,保障劳动者的生命安全和身体健康。 <}0{>Article 5 An employing unit shall, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations and other relevant laws and administrative regulations, take effective protective measures to prevent the occurrence of occupational poisoning accidents, and buy work injury insurance according to law so as to safeguard workers' life safety and body health.<0}

{0>第六条 国家鼓励研制、开发、推广、应用有利于预防、控制、消除职业中毒危害和保护劳动者健康的新技术、新工艺、新材料;限制使用或者淘汰有关职业中毒危害严重的技术、工艺、材料;加强对有关职业病的机理和发生规律的基础研究,提高有关职业病防治科学技术水平。 <}0{>Article 6 The State encourages the research, development, popularization and application of the new technologies, new techniques and new materials that are beneficial to the prevention, control and elimination of occupational poisoning hazards and to the protection of workers' health, restricts the use of, or obsoletes, the technologies, techniques and materials that may cause serious occupational poisoning hazards, and strengthens the basic research on the mechanism and regular rules for occupational diseases so as to improve the level of science and technology in the prevention and control of occupational diseases.<0}

{0>第七条 禁止使用童工。 <}0{>Article 7 Child laborers shall be prohibited from being employed. <0}

{0>用人单位不得安排未成年人和孕期、哺乳期的女职工从事使用有毒物品的作业。 <}0{>An employing unit shall not assign minors and female employees in pregnancy or lactation to engage in the operations in which toxic substances are used.<0}

{0>第八条 工会组织应当督促并协助用人单位开展职业卫生宣传教育和培训,对用人单位的职业卫生工作提出意见和建议,与用人单位就劳动者反映的职业病防治问题进行协调并督促解决。 <}0{>Article 8 Trade unions shall urge and assist employing units in the publicity, education and training of occupational health, make proposals and suggestions concerning employing units' occupational health work, and coordinate with and urge the employing units to solve the problems in relation to the prevention and control of occupational diseases that are reported by workers. <0}

{0>工会组织对用人单位违反法律、法规,侵犯劳动者合法权益的行为,有权要求纠正;产生严重职业中毒危害时,有权要求用人单位采取防护措施,或者向政府有关部门建议采取强制性措施;<}0{>Trade unions shall have the right to demand corrections by employing units committing acts of infringing upon workers' legal rights and interests in violation of laws and regulations; in cases of serious occupational poisoning hazards, they shall have the right to require the employing units to take protective measures or suggest that the relevant departments of the people's governments take compulsory measures; <0}

{0>发生职业中毒事故时,有权参与事故调查处理;发现危及劳动者生命、健康的情形时,有权建议用人单位组织劳动者撤离危险现场,用人单位应当立即作出处理。 <}0{>in case of occupational poisoning accidents, they shall have the right to participate in the investigation and handling of the accidents; under circumstances in which workers' lives and health are jeopardized, they shall have the right to suggest that the employing units should organize the evacuation of the workers from the premises in danger, and the employing units shall immediately take such measures.<0}

{0>第九条 县级以上人民政府卫生行政部门及其他有关行政部门应当依据各自的职责,监督用人单位严格遵守本条例和其他有关法律、法规的规定,加强作业场所使用有毒物品的劳动保护,防止职业中毒事故发生,确保劳动者依法享有的权利。 <}0{>Article 9 The administrative departments for public health and other relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall, in light of their respective functions and responsibilities, supervise employing units’ strict compliance of the provisions of these Regulations and other relevant laws and regulations, strengthen the labor protection against the use of toxic substances in workplaces, prevent the occurrence of occupational poisoning accidents, and ensure the rights enjoyed by the workers according to law.<0}

{0>第十条 各级人民政府应当加强对使用有毒物品作业场所职业卫生安全及相关劳动保护工作的领导,督促、支持卫生行政部门及其他有关行政部门依法履行监督检查职责,及时协调、解决有关重大问题;<}0{>Article 10 The people's governments at all levels shall strengthen the leadership over the occupational health and safety as well as the relevant labor protection in the workplaces where toxic substances are used, urge and support the administrative departments for public health and other relevant administrative departments to fulfill their functions and responsibilities of supervision and inspection according to law, and coordinate the work of solving relevant major problems in time; <0}

{0>在发生职业中毒事故时,应当采取有效措施,控制事故危害的蔓延并消除事故危害,并妥善处理有关善后工作。  <}0{>in case of occupational poisoning accidents, the

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