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中英对照法律资源--中国保险监督管理委员会行政许可实施办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

{0> 第三十二条  中国保监会及其派出机构应当按照监管职责分工,对被许可人实施有效监督。<}0{>Article 32 The CIRC and its local offices shall divide their work according to their respective regulatory responsibilities and shall supervise licensees effectively.  <0}

{0>派出机构应当对辖区内的被许可人实施有效监督。<}0{>The local offices shall effectively supervise licensees in the area under its jurisdiction. <0}

{0>被许可人异地从事保险违法行为的,由违法行为发生地的派出机构进行查处。<}0{>If a licensee is engaged in an illegal activity in a place outside its registered locality, the local agency of the place where the illegal activity occurs shall be responsible for investigation and handling. <0}

{0>负责查处的派出机构应当将被许可人的违法事实、处理结果抄告作出行政许可决定的行政机关和被许可人所在地的派出机构。<}0{>The local agency in charge of investigation and handling shall send a copy of the licensee’s illegal facts and the results of handling to the administrative institution making the administrative licensing decision and the local agency of the locality of the licensee. <0}

{0> 第三十三条  中国保监会应当加强对派出机构实施行政许可的监督检查,及时纠正行政许可实施中的违法行为。<}0{>Article 33 The CIRC shall strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of administrative licensing of its local offices, and shall correct illegal activities in the implementation of administrative licensing.  <0}

{0> 第三十四条  有下列情形之一的,中国保监会或者派出机构可以依法变更或者撤回已经生效的行政许可:<}0{>Article 34 If any of the following cases occurs, the CIRC or its local offices may alter or withdraw a valid administrative license according to law. <0}

{0> (一)行政许可所依据的法律、法规修改或者废止的;<}0{>1. Alteration or abolishment of the laws and regulations on which administrative licensing is based; <0}

{0> (二)中国保监会的规章或者规范性文件调整行政许可的条件或者标准的;<}0{>2. Adjustment of conditions or standards of administrative licensing in the regulations or normative documents of the CIRC; <0}

{0> (三)准予行政许可所依据的客观情况发生重大变化;<}0{>3. Material change in objective conditions on which an administrative license is based; <0}

{0> (四)准予行政许可的行为对公共利益或者保险业发展有重大损害的;<}0{>4. The granting of an administrative license has a serious negative effect on the public interests or the development of the insurance sector.  <0}

{0> (五)被申请人的资格、条件发生重大变化,不符合行政许可的法定条件或者标准的。<}0{>5. The qualification and conditions of the applicant change materially and do not comply with the legal conditions or standards of administrative licensing.  <0}

{0> 第三十五条  有下列情形之一的,保监会或者派出机构应当依法办理行政许可的注销手续:<}0{>Article 35 If any of the following cases occurs, the CIRC or its local offices shall go through the procedures of cancellation of an administrative license according to law: <0}

{0> (一)行政许可有效期届满未延续的;<}0{>1. An administrative license expires but has not been renewed; <0}

{0> (二)赋予公民保险行业特定资格,该公民死亡或者丧失行为能力的;<}0{>2. A citizen who has been granted the specific qualification of the insurance sector is dead or lost capacity.  <0}

{0> (三)被许可的法人或者组织依法终止的;<}0{>3. A legal person or organization who has been granted an administrative license is terminated according to law; <0}

{0> (四)行政许可被撤销、撤回或者行政许可资格被依法吊销的;<}0{>4. The revocation or withdrawal of an administrative license, or the revocation of administrative licensing qualification according to law; <0}

{0> (五)因不可抗力导致行政许可事项无法实施的。<}0{>5. An administrative licensing item cannot be implemented owing to force majeure. <0}

{0> 第三十六条  本办法规定的实施行政许可的期限以工作日计算,不含法定节假日。<}0{>Article 36 The time limit of the implementation of administrative licensing stipulated in these Measures shall be calculated in terms of working days, excluding legal holidays. <0}

{0> 第三十七条  本办法自200471日起施行。<}0{>Article 37 These Measures shall be effective as of July 1, 2004. <0}

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