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中英对照法律资源--中国保险监督管理委员会行政许可实施办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

p;  <0}

{0> 中国保监会应当在机关网站上,公布行政许可事项以及行政许可申请书的格式文本,方便申请人查询下载<}0{>The CIRC shall publish the administrative licensing items and the format of administrative licensing application on its official website so as for the applicants to browse and download conveniently. <0}

{0> 第十条  中国保监会办公厅和派出机构办公室是统一受理行政许可申请的机构(以下简称受理机构)。受理机构履行下列职责:<}0{>Article 10 The General Office of the CIRC and the Offices of the local offices are institutions to uniformly accept administrative licensing applications (hereinafter referred to as the accepting institution). An accepting institution shall assume the responsibilities as follows: <0}

{0> (一)统一受理属于中国保监会或者派出机构职权范围内的行政许可申请;<}0{>1. It shall uniformly accept administrative licensing applications within the limits of authority of the CIRC or its local offices; <0}

{0> (二)对申请材料是否齐全进行初步审查,并可以就是否受理提出建议;<}0{>2. It shall conduct a preliminary examination of the completeness of the application materials and make suggestions on whether the application can be accepted or not; <0}

{0> (三)受理社会公众对保险行政许可有关问题的咨询;<}0{>3. It shall accept the inquiries of the public about insurance administrative licensing; <0}

{0> (四)督办行政许可事项的处理;<}0{>4. It shall superintend the handling of administrative licensing items; <0}

{0> (五)统一送达保险行政许可决定、保险行政许可证件。<}0{>5. It shall uniformly serve insurance administrative licensing decisions and certificates. <0}

{0> 第十一条  中国保监会及其派出机构应当在机关网站上公布受理机构的地址和联系方式。<}0{>Article 11 The CIRC and its local offices shall announce the addresses and ways of contact of the accepting institutions on their official websites.  <0}

{0> 第十二条  受理机构应当配备专职工作人员,在固定的办公场所内,统一受理行政许可申请。<}0{>Article 12 An accepting institution shall have full-time personnel to accept administrative licensing applications uniformly in fixed office premises. <0}

{0> 第十三条  受理机构应当在受理行政许可申请的办公场所内,陈列下列材料,供公众查阅:<}0{>Article 13 An accepting institution shall display the following materials in office premises where administrative licensing applications are accepted for the public to look up.   <0}

{0> (一)实施行政许可的依据;<}0{>1. Document(s) providing the basis for the implementation of administrative licensing; <0}

{0> (二)实施行政许可事项的条件、程序和期限等规定;<}0{>2. Stipulations of the conditions, procedures, and time limit of the implementation of administrative licensing;  <0}

{0> (三)需要申请人提交的全部材料的目录;<}0{>3. Catalogue of all materials which the applicant needs to submit; <0}

{0> (四)格式申请书的示范文本。<}0{>4. Sample text of the standardized application. <0}

{0> 申请人要求对前款规定的公示内容予以说明的,受理机构应当说明、解释,提供准确、可靠的信息。<}0{>In case an applicant asks for explanations of the displayed materials mentioned above, an accepting institution shall explain the materials concerned with accurate and reliable information.  <0}

{0> 第十四条  受理机构对申请人提出的行政许可申请,应当根据下列情况分别作出处理:<}0{>Article 14 An accepting institution shall handle applicants administrative licensing applications separately according to different circumstances as follows: <0}

{0> (一)申请事项依法不需要取得行政许可的,应当即时告知申请人不予受理;<}0{>1. In case an application item does not need an administrative license according to law, an accepting institution shall inform the applicant immediately that the application shall not be accepted.  <0}

{0> (二)申请事项依法不属于中国保监会或者派出机构职权范围的,应当即时作出不予受理的决定,并告知申请人向有关行政机关申请;<}0{>2. In case an application item is not within the limits of authority of the CIRC or its local offices according to law, an accepting institution shall immediately decide not to accept the application and shall inform the applicant to apply to the administrative authority concerned. <0}

{0> (三)申请材料存在可以当场更正的错误的,应当允许申请人当场更正,并要求申请人在更正处签名确认;<}0{>3. In case application materials contain any error(s) that can be corrected on the spot, an accepting institution shall allow the applicant to correct the error(s) on the spot and shall request the applicant to confirm the correction(s) by signing his/her name on the correction(s).   <0}

{0> (四)申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定形式的,应当当场或者在五日内制作补正材料通知书,告知申请人需要补正的全部内容;<}0{>4. In case application materials are incomplete or do not accord with the legal format, an accepting institution shall make out a notice of materials supplement and correction on the spot or within 5 days, informing the applicant of what to be supplemented.  <0}

{0> (五)申请事项属于中国保监会或者派出机构职权范围,申请材料齐全、符合法定形式,或者申请人按照要求提交全部补正申请材料的,应当受理行政许可申请。<}0{>5. In case an application item is within the limit

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