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中英对照法律资源--中国保险监督管理委员会行政许可实施办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

{0> 第二十四条  中国保监会或者派出机构的行政许可决定、保险许可证件,由受理机构统一送达。<}0{>Article 24 Administrative licensing decisions and insurance licensing certificates made by the CIRC or its local offices shall be uniformly served by the accepting institutions.  <0}

{0>受理机构应当在行政许可的决定作出之日起10日内,送达申请人。<}0{>The decision to grant administrative licensing shall be served to the applicant by the accepting institution within 10 days from the day when the decision is made. <0}

{0>中国保监会或者派出机构作出准予行政许可的决定,需要颁发保险许可证件的,受理机构应当在决定作出之日起10日内将保险许可证件送达申请人。<}0{>If the CIRC or its local offices make the decision to grant an administrative license and an insurance licensing certificate needs to be issued, the insurance licensing certificate shall be served to the applicant by the accepting institution within 10 days from the day when the decision is made.  <0}

{0>上述期间不包括在途时间。<}0{>Time en route shall not be calculated in the above-mentioned period.  <0}

{0> 第二十五条  受理机构送达行政许可决定、保险许可证件,应当直接送达,直接送达有困难的,可以邮寄送达。<}0{>Article 25 Administrative licensing decisions and insurance licensing certificates shall be served directly by accepting institutions. If there is any difficulty in direct service, they may be served by post.  <0}

{0>受理机构直接送达的,必须有送达回证,由申请人在送达回证上记明收到日期、签名或者盖章。<}0{>For direct service by an accepting institution, a receipt is necessary and the applicant shall date and sign or stamp on it. <0}

{0>受理机构邮寄送达的,必须保留邮寄凭证。<}0{>For service by post, an accepting institution must keep the postal certificate. <0}

{0>邮寄凭证上注明的收件日期为送达日期。<}0{>The indicated date of receipt on the postal certificate shall be the date of service. <0}

{0> 第二十六条  受理机构无法直接送达或者邮寄送达行政许可决定的,可以公告送达。<}0{>Article 26 If an administrative licensing decision cannot not be served directly or by post by an accepting institution, it shall be served by public announcement.   <0}

{0>受理机构应当通过机关网站或者报纸,公告送达。<}0{>In case of serving an administrative licensing decision by public announcement, an accepting institution shall announce the decision in the CIRCs official website or newspapers.<0}

{0>自发出公告之日起,经过60日,即视为送达。<}0{> 60 days after the day of the announcement, the decision shall be regarded as having been served.   <0}

{0> 第二十七条  中国保监会及其派出机构作出的准予行政许可决定,应当在中国保监会文告或者机关网站上公开。<}0{>Article 27 The CIRC or its local offices shall publicize an administrative licensing decision on the CIRC proclamations or its official website.  <0}

{0> 第二十八条  被许可人要求变更行政许可事项的,应当向作出行政许可决定的机关提出申请;<}0{>Article 28 If a licensee requests an alteration of administrative licensing items, the licensee shall submit an application to the institution making the administrative licensing decision. <0}

{0>符合法定条件的,中国保监会或者派出机构应当依法办理变更手续。<}0{>If the application complies with legal conditions, the CIRC or its local offices shall go through the procedures of alteration according to law.  <0}

{0> 中国保监会及其派出机构应当在法定期限内,办理变更手续。<}0{>The CIRC and its local offices shall complete the procedures of alteration within the legal time limit. <0}

{0> 第二十九条  中国保监会制定实施行政许可的规章或者规范性文件,涉及重大公共利益的,应当向社会公告,并举行听证。<}0{>Article 29 In case any regulation or normative document enacted by the CIRC for the implementation of administrative licensing is related to material public interests, the CIRC shall publicize it and convene a hearing.  <0}

{0> 第三十条  行政许可直接涉及申请人与他人之间重大利益关系的,中国保监会或者派出机构在作出行政许可决定前,应当告知申请人、利害关系人享有要求听证的权利;<}0{>Article 30 If administrative licensing is directly related to material interests between the applicant and others, the CIRC or its local offices shall inform the applicant and the interested parties of the right to request a hearing before making the administrative licensing decision;  <0}

{0>申请人、利害关系人在被告知听证权利之日起5日内提出听证申请的,中国保监会或者派出机构应当在20日内组织听证。<}0{>If the applicant or interested parties apply for a hearing within 5 days after they are informed of the right to request a hearing, the CIRC or its local offices shall organize a hearing within 20 days.<0}

{0> 第三十一条  中国保监会及其派出机构应当逐步建立健全监督制度,通过核查反映被许可人从事行政许可事项活动的有关材料,履行监督责任。<}0{>Article 31 The CIRC and its local offices shall gradually establish and perfect their supervisory system and assume the supervisory responsibilities by examining corresponding materials that reflect a licensees activities in administrative licensing items. <0}

{0>中国保监会及其派出机构对被许可人从事行政许可事项的活动进行监督检查时,应当将监督检查的情况和处理结果填写记录单,由监督检查人员签字后归档。公众有权查阅该记录单。<}0{>When supervising and inspecting the licensees activities in administrative licensing items, the CIRC and its local offices shall fill in record sheets, recording its supervision, inspection and the results of problem handling. Inspection officials shall sign and file them. The public has the right to read the record sheets. <0}

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