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中英对照法律资源--中国保险监督管理委员会行政许可实施办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

s of authority of the CIRC and its local offices, and the application materials are complete and comply with the legal format or materials have been duly supplemented or corrected in accordance with requirement, an accepting institution shall accept the administrative licensing application.  <0}

{0>受理机构不能当场作出是否受理决定的,收到申请人的申请材料后,应当向申请人出具收文回执和列明材料名称的清单。<}0{>In case an accepting institution cannot decide on the spot whether an application should be accepted or not, it shall, after receiving the applicants application materials, provide the applicant with a note acknowledging receipt of the application materials and a list clearly enumerating the names of materials submitted.  <0}

{0> 第十五条  受理机构作出受理或者不予受理的决定,应当出具加盖行政许可专用印章和注明日期的书面凭证。<}0{>Article 15 After deciding to or not to accept an application, an accepting institution shall provide a dated written decision certificate with a seal for the exclusive use of administrative licensing. <0}

{0>受理机构应当将收到完整材料之日作为受理凭证上的注明日期。<}0{>An accepting institution shall regard the date on which complete materials are received as the date to be indicated on the accepting certificate.  <0}

{0> 第十六条  受理机构应当在补正材料通知书、受理决定或者不予受理决定的作出之日,告知申请人领取有关书面凭证。<}0{>Article 16 An accepting institution shall inform an applicant to get the written decision certificate concerned on the day when a notice of material supplement and correction is made out or a decision to or not to accept the application is made.  <0}

{0>申请人拒绝领取的,受理机构可以邮寄送达。<}0{>If the applicant refuses to get the decision certificate, the accepting institution may serve the document by post. <0}

{0> 第十七条  中国保监会及其派出机构应当对申请人提交的申请材料进行审查。<}0{>Article 17 The CIRC and its local offices shall examine an applicants application materials submitted.  <0}

{0>中国保监会及其派出机构对行政许可申请进行审查时,发现行政许可事项直接关系他人重大利益的,应当告知该利害关系人。申请人、利害关系人有权进行陈述和申辩。中国保监会及其派出机构应当听取申请人、利害关系人的意见。<}0{>If the CIRC or its local offices find that the administrative licensing item is directly related to others material interests, the interested parties shall be informed. The applicant and the interested parties have the right to state their views and argue. The CIRC and its local offices shall hear the opinions of the applicant and the interested parties.  <0}

{0> 第十八条  申请人在行政许可申请受理之后、行政许可决定作出之前,提交补充申请材料的,行政许可的期限应当自受理机构收到补充申请材料之日起重新计算。<}0{>Article 18 If an applicant submits supplement materials after an accepting institution accepts the application and before an administrative licensing decision is made, the administrative licensing time shall be recalculated, starting from the date of the accepting institution receiving the supplement materials. <0}

{0> 第十九条  申请人在行政许可申请受理之后、行政许可决定作出之前,撤回行政许可申请的,应当向受理机构提交书面申请,中国保监会或者派出机构应当及时终止对行政许可申请的审查,并将行政许可申请材料退回申请人。<}0{>Article 19 If an applicant wants to withdraw the administrative licensing application after it is accepted and before a licensing decision is made, he/she shall submit a written application for withdrawal to the accepting institution. The CIRC or its local offices shall terminate the examination of the administrative licensing application in time and return the application materials to the applicant.  <0}

{0>   第二十条  中国保监会授权或者委托派出机构对申请人提出的行政许可申请进行初审的,应当同时授权或者委托派出机构统一受理行政许可申请,统一送达行政许可决定和行政许可证件。<}0{>Article 20  A local agency authorized or entrusted by the CIRC to conduct preliminary examination of applicants administrative licensing applications, shall also be authorized or entrusted to accept administrative licensing applications and to serve licensing decisions and certificates uniformly.  <0}

{0> 派出机构应当在法定期限内完成初步审查,将初审意见和申请材料提交中国保监会。中国保监会不得另行要求申请人提供申请材料。<}0{>The local agency shall finish preliminary examination within the legal time limit and submit the preliminary examination opinion and the application materials to the CIRC. The CIRC shall not require the applicant to submit application materials separately. <0}

{0> 第二十一条  中国保监会授权或者委托派出机构实施行政许可,不得延长行政许可的法定期限。<}0{>Article 21 If the CIRC authorizes or entrusts its local offices to implement administrative licensing, the legal time limit of administrative licensing shall not be prolonged.  <0}

{0> 第二十二条  申请人的申请符合法定条件、标准的,中国保监会或者派出机构应当作出准予行政许可的书面决定。<}0{>Article 22 If an applicants application complies with legal conditions and standards, the CIRC or its local offices shall make a decision in writing to grant an administrative license. <0}

{0>中国保监会或者派出机构依法作出不予行政许可的书面决定的,应当说明理由,并告知申请人享有依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的权利。<}0{>If the CIRC or its local offices makes a decision in writing to grant no administrative license according to law, it shall explain the reason and inform the applicant of the right to apply for administrative reconsideration or start administrative proceedings in accordance with law. <0}

{0>  中国保监会或者派出机构应当在法定期限内作出准予或者不予行政许可的决定。<}0{>The CIRC or its local offices shall make the decision to or not to grant an administrative license in the legal time limit.  <0}

{0> 第二十三条  中国保监会或者派出机构作出准予行政许可决定,需要颁发保险许可证件的,应当向申请人颁发加盖中国保监会印章的保险许可证件。<}0{>Article 23 If the CIRC or its local offices makes a decision to grant an administrative license and an insurance licensing certificate needs to be issued, it shall issue an insurance licensing certificate with the seal of the CIRC to the applicant.  <0}

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