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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国对外贸易法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

foreign trade activities foreign trade dealers should honor their contracts, ensure the quality of the commodity and perfect the after-sale services.

第十三条 没有对外贸易经营许可的组织或者个人,可以在国内委托对外贸易经营者在其经营范围内代为办理其对外贸易业务。

Article 13 Any organization or individual without foreign trade operation permit may entrust a foreign trade dealer located in China as its agent to conduct its foreign trade business within the business scope of the latter.


The entrusted foreign trade dealer shall provide the principal with actual business information such as market situation, commodity prices and client position.


The agent and the principal shall conclude and sign an agency agreement, in which the rights and obligations of both parties should be specified.

第十四条 对外贸易经营者应当按照国务院对外经济贸易主管部门的规定,向有关部门提交与其对外贸易经营活动有关的文件及资料。

Article 14 Foreign trade dealers are obligated to provide documents and information in relation to their foreign trade dealings to the relevant authorities pursuant to the regulations of the authority responsible for foreign trade and economic relations under the State Council.


The relevant authorities shall not disclose the business proprietary information provided by the dealers.

第三章 货物进出口与技术进出口

Chapter III Import and Export of Goods and Technologies

第十五条 国家准许货物与技术的自由进出口。但是,法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。

Article 15 The State allows free import and export of goods and technologies except where laws or administrative regulations provided otherwise.

第十六条 属于下列情形之一的货物、技术,国家可以限制进口或者出口:

Article 16 The State may impose restrictions on the import or export of goods and technologies in any of the following circumstances:


(1) where the import or export shall be restricted in order to safeguard the national security or public interest;


(2) where the export shall be restricted on account of domestic shortage in supply or effective protection of exhaustible domestic resources;


(3) where the export shall be restricted due to the limited market capacity of the importing country or region;


(4) where the import shall be restricted in order to establish or accelerate the establishment of a particular domestic industry;


(5) where the restriction on the import of agricultural, animal husbandry or fishery products in any form is necessary;


(6) where the import shall be restricted in order to maintain the State's international financial status and the balance of international payments.


(7) where, as the international treaties or agreements to which the People's Republic of China is a contracting party or a participating party require, the import or export shall be restricted.

第十七条 属于下列情形之一的货物、技术,国家禁止进口或者出口:

Article 17 The State prohibits the import or export of any goods or technologies in any of the following circumstances:


(1) where such goods or technologies will endanger national security or public interest;


(2) where the import or export of such goods or technologies must be prohibited in order to protect human life or health;


(3) where such goods or technologies will disrupt the ecological environment;


(4) where the import or export of such goods or technologies shall be prohibited in accordance with the provisions of international treaties or agreements to which the People's Republic of China is a contracting party or participating party.

第十八条 国务院对外经济贸易主管部门应当会同国务院有关部门,依照本法第十六条、第十七条的规定,制定、调整并公布限制或者禁止进出口的货物、技术目录。

Article 18 The authority responsible for foreign trade and economic relations under the State Council shall, in collaboration with the relevant authorities under the State Council and in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 and Article 17 of this Law, formulate, adjust and publish the list of goods and technologies whose import or export are subject to restrictions or prohibitions.


Upon the approval of the State Council the authority responsible for foreign trade and economic relations under the State Council may, within the framework of Article 16 and Article 17, independently or in collaboration with the relevant authorities under the State Council determine, on a temporary basis, to impose restriction or prohibition on the import or export of particular goods or technologies not included in the list mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

第十九条 对限制进口或者出口的货物,实行配额或者许可证管理;对限制进口或者出口的技术,实行许可证管理。

Article 19 Goods whose import or export is restricted shall be subject to quota and/or licensing control; technologies whose import or export is restricted shall be subject to licensing control.


Import or export of any goods and technologies subject to quota and/or licensing control will be effected only with the approval of the authorities responsible for foreign trade and economic relations under the State Council or the joint approval of the fore

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