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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Law of the People's Republic of China for Countering Unfair Competition


Chapter 1 General Provisions

    第一条  为保障社会主义市场经济健康发展,鼓励和保护公平竞争,制止不正当竞争行为,保护经营者和消费者的合法权益,制定本法。

Article 1 With a view to safeguarding the healthy development of the socialist market economy, encouraging and protecting fair competition, stopping acts of unfair competition, and defending the lawful rights and interests of operators and consumers, this Law is enacted.

    第二条  经营者在市场交易中,应当遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚实信用的原则,遵守公认的商业道德。

Article 2 In carrying on transactions in the market, operators shall follow the principle of voluntariness, equality, fairness, honesty and credibility, and observe generally recognized business ethics.


 Unfair competition in this Law refers to acts of operators which contravene the provisions of this Law, with a result of damaging the lawful rights and interests of other operators, and disturbing the socio-econimic order.


 Operators in this Law refer to legal persons, other economic organizations and individuals engaging in the trading of goods or profit-making services. (Goods mentioned below include services.)

    第三条  各级人民政府应当采取措施,制止不正当竞争行为,为公平竞争创造良好的环境和条件。

Article 3 The people's governments at various levels shall adopt measures to stop acts of unfair competition, and create a salutary environment and conditions for fair competition.


 The administrative authorities for industry and commerce in the people's governments above the county-level shall monitor and investigate acts of unfair competition. In respect of those acts which, according to the provisions of various laws and administrative regulations, shall be monitored and investigated by other departments, these provisions shall be abided by.

    第四条  国家鼓励、支持和保护一切组织和个人对不正当竞争行为进行社会监督。

Article 4 The State encourages, supports and protects all organizations and individuals in carrying out social monitoring of acts of unfair competition.


 Staff members of state organs shall not support or cover up acts of unfair competition.

     第二章  不正当竞争行为

 Chapter 2 Acts of Unfair Competition

    第五条  经营者不得采用下列不正当手段从事市场交易,损害竞争对手:

Article 5 Operators shall not adopt any of the following unfair means to carry on transactions in the market and cause damage to competitors:


 (1) Passing off the registered trademarks of others;


 (2) using, without authorization, the names, packaging or decoration peculiar to well-known goods or using names, packaging or decoration similar to those of well-known goods so that their goods are confused with the well-known goods of others, causing buyers to mistake them for the well-known goods of others;


 (3) using, without authorization, the enterprise names or personal names of others on their own goods, leading purchasers to mistake them for the goods of others;


 (4) Forging or falsely using, on their goods, symbols of quality such as symbols of authentication and symbols of famous and high-quality goods, falsifying the origin of their goods, and making false representations which are misleading as to the quality of the goods.

    第六条  公用企业或者其他依法具有独占地位的经营者,不得限定他人购买其指定的经营者的商品,以排挤其他经营者的公平竞争。

Article 6 Public utility enterprises or other operators having monopolistic status according to law shall not force others to buy the goods of the operators designated by them so as to exclude other operators from competing fairly.

    第七条  政府及其所属部门不得滥用行政权力,限定他人购买其指定的经营者的商品,限制其他经营者正当的经营活动。

Article 7 A local government and its subordinate departments shall not abuse their administrative power to force others to buy the goods of the operators designated by them so as to restrict the lawful busin

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