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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国律师法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

39 A lawyer must join his local lawyers association. A lawyer who has joined his local lawyers association is at the same time a member of the All-China Lawyers Association.


In accordance with the articles of association of lawyers association, members of lawyers associations shall enjoy the rights granted by, and perform the obligations specified in, the articles of association.

  第四十条 律师协会履行下列职责:

Article 40 Lawyers associations shall perform the following duties:


(1) assuring that lawyers practise according to law and protecting lawyers' lawful rights and interests;


(2) summarizing and exchanging lawyers' work experience;


(3) organizing professional training for lawyers;


(4) conducting education in, inspection of, and supervision over, the professional ethics and practice discipline of lawyers;


(5) making arrangements for exchanges between Chinese and foreign lawyers;


(6) mediating disputes arising in lawyers' practice activities; and


(7) other duties prescribed by law.


Lawyers associations shall give awards to or take disciplinary measures against lawyers in accordance with the articles of association.

  第四十一条 公民在赡养、工伤、刑事诉讼、请求国家赔偿和请求依法发给抚恤金等方面需要获得律师帮助,但是无力支付律师费用的,可以按照国家规定获得法律援助。

Article 41 A citizen who needs the assistance of lawyers in respect of matters such as livelihood support, work-related injuries, criminal procedure, claims for State compensation or claims for lawful payment of pensions for the disabled or families of the deceased, but cannot afford lawyers fees, may obtain legal aid in accordance with State regulations.

  第四十二条 律师必须按照国家规定承担法律援助义务,尽职尽责,为受援人提供法律服务。

Article 42 A lawyer must undertake the duty of legal aid in accordance with State regulations, and provide the recipient with legal services in fulfilment of his duty and responsibility.

  第四十三条 法律援助的具体办法,由国务院司法行政部门制定,报国务院批准。

Article 43 Specific measures for legal aid shall be formulated by the judicial administration department under the State Council and submitted to the State Council for approval.

  第四十四条 律师有下列行为之一的,由省、自治区、直辖市以及设区的市的人民政府司法行政部门给予警告,情节严重的,给予停止执业三个月以上一年以下的处罚;有违法所得的,没收违法所得:

Article 44 If a lawyer commits any of the following acts, the judicial administration department of the people's government of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government or a city divided into districts shall issue a disciplinary warning; where the case is serious, the said department shall impose a penalty of cessation of practice for no less than three months and no more than one year; and any illegal income shall be confiscated:


(1) simultaneously practising in two or more law firms;


(2) representing both parties involved in the same case;


(3) soliciting business by unfair means such as slandering other lawyers or paying middleman's fees;


(4) refusing to defend or represent a client, without good reason, after accepting authorization;


(5) failing to appear in court on schedule to participate in litigation or arbitration without good reason;


(6) divulging commercial secrets or private affairs of a party concerned;


(7) accepting authorization privately, charging fees to a client privately, accepting money or things of value from a client or using the provision of legal services to seek the disputed rights and interests of a party concerned or accepting money or things of value from the opposing party;


(8) meeting with a judge, prosecutor or arbitrator in violation of

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