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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国律师法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

29 A client may refuse to be further defended or represented by a lawyer, and may authorize another lawyer to act in his defense or to represent him.


After accepting authorization, a lawyer shall not, without good reason, refuse to defend or to represent a client. However, if the matter authorized violates law, the client uses the service provided by the lawyer to engage in illegal activities or the client conceals facts, the lawyer shall have the right to refuse to defend or to represent the client.

  第三十条 律师参加诉讼活动,依照诉讼法律的规定,可以收集、查阅与本案有关的材料,同被限制人身自由的人会见和通信,出席法庭,参与诉讼,以及享有诉讼法律规定的其他权利。

Article 30 A lawyer participating in litigation activities may, according to the provisions of procedure laws, collect and consult the materials pertaining to the case he is undertaking, meet and correspond with a person whose personal freedom is restricted, appear in court, participate in litigation, and enjoy other rights provided for in the procedure laws.


When a lawyer acts as agent ad litem or defend clients, his right to argue or present a defense shall be protected in accordance with law.

  第三十一条 律师承办法律事务,经有关单位或者个人同意,可以向他们调查情况。

Article 31 When undertaking legal matters, a lawyer may, with the consent of the relevant units or individuals, address inquiries to such units or individuals.

  第三十二条 律师在执业活动中的人身权利不受侵犯。

Article 32 In practice activities, a lawyer's right of the person shall not be violated.

  第三十三条 律师应当保守在执业活动中知悉的国家秘密和当事人的商业秘密,不得泄露当事人的隐私。

Article 33 A lawyer shall keep confidential secrets of the State and commercial secrets of the parties concerned that he comes to know during his practice activities and shall not divulge the private affairs of the parties concerned.

  第三十四条 律师不得在同一案件中,为双方当事人担任代理人。

Article 34 A lawyer shall not represent both parties involved in the same case.

  第三十五条 律师在执业活动中不得有下列行为:

Article 35 A lawyer shall not commit any of the following acts in his practice activities:


(1) to accept authorization privately, charge fees to the client privately, or accept money or things of value from the client;


(2) to seek the disputed rights and interests of a party or accept money or things of value from the opposing party by taking advantage of providing legal services;


(3) to meet with a judge, prosecutor, or arbitrator in violation of regulations;


(4) to entertain and give gifts to a judge, prosecutor, arbitrator or other relevant working personnel or bribe them, or instigate or induce a party to bribe them;


(5) to provide false evidence, conceal facts or intimidate or induce another with promise of gain to provide false evidence, conceal facts, or obstruct the opposing party's lawful obtaining of evidence; or


(6) to disrupt the order of a court or an arbitration tribunal, or interfere with the normal conduct of litigation or arbitration activities.

  第三十六条 曾担任法官、检察官的律师,从人民法院、人民检察院离任后两年内,不得担任诉讼代理人或者辩护人。

Article 36 A lawyer who once served as a judge or prosecutor shall not act as agent ad litem or defend clients within two years after leaving his post in the People's Court or the People's Procuratorate.

  第三十七条 律师协会是社会团体法人,是律师的自律性组织。

Article 37 A lawyers association is a public organization with the status of a legal person and shall be the lawyers' self-disciplinary organization.


The All-China Lawyers Association is established at the national level, while local lawyers associations are established by provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government. Local lawyers associations may be established according to need by cities divided into districts.

  第三十八条 律师协会章程由全国会员代表大会统一制定,报国务院司法行政部门备案。

Article 38 The articles of association of lawyers associations are formulated centrally by the national congress of the members and submitted to the judicial administration department under the State Council for the record.

  第三十九条 律师必须加入所在地的地方律师协会。加入地方律师协会的律师,同时是中华全国律师协会的会员。


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