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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国农业法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

tion and carry out mutual assistances and mutual relieves in the society; as to victims who can hardly secure their daily life, the people's governments at various levels shall organize them to provide for and help themselves by engaging in production, and shall extend relieves and assistances to them.


The State shall give aids to poverty-stricken areas, help them to conduct economic exploitation and improve their conditions of economic development.

  第三十条 各级人民政府应当支持为农业服务的气象事业的发展,提高对气象灾害的预报水平。

Article 30 People's governments at various levels shall support the development of meteorological undertakings in the service of agriculture and enhance the abilities of forecasting meteorological calamities.

  第三十一条 国家鼓励和扶持对农业的保险事业的发展。

Article 31 The State shall encourage and assist the development of insurance undertakings for agriculture.


The principle of voluntariness shall be practised in agricultural insurance. No organization or individual may force any agricultural labourer or agricultural production and operation organization to take out agricultural insurance.

  第三十二条 国家实行动植物防疫、检疫制度。任何组织和个人都必须遵守有关动植物防疫、检疫的法律、行政法规。

Article 32 The State shall practise a system of animal and plant epidemic prevention and quarantine. All organizations or individuals must abide by the laws and administrative rules and regulations on animal and plant epidemic prevention and quarantine.

  第三十三条 国家采取宏观调控措施,使化肥、农药、农用薄膜、农业机械和农用柴油等主要农业生产资料和农产品之间保持合理的比价。

Article 33 The State shall take measures of macro-regulation and control to maintain a reasonable price ratio between agricultural products and the principal means of agricultural production such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural plastic films, agricultural machinery and diesel oil for agricultural use.

  第三十四条 各级人民政府和农业生产经营组织应当建立和健全农药、兽药、农业机械等可能危害人畜安全的农业生产资料的安全使用制度,教育农业劳动者安全生产。

Article 34 People's governments at various levels and agricultural production and operation organizations shall establish and improve the safe-use system of agricultural means of production such as pesticides, veterinary drugs and agricultural machinery which may endanger the safety of persons or livestock, and shall educate agricultural labourers to ensure safety in production.


Any producer or seller of pesticides, veterinary drugs, chemical fertilizers, seeds, agricultural machinery, agricultural plastic films and other agricultural means of production shall be responsible for the qualities of the products he produces or sells. Any act of passing defective products off as high-quality ones, or passing fake products off as genuine ones, or passing substandard ones off as standard ones, shall be prohibited.


The production of such agricultural means of production as pesticides, veterinary drugs and agricultural machinery, which the State has publicly ordered to be obsolete, shall be forbidden.

第四章 农产品流通


  第三十五条 农产品的购销逐步实行市场调节,国家对关系国计民生的重要农产品的购销活动实行必要的宏观调控。

Article 35 Market regulation shall be gradually practised in the purchasing or selling of agricultural products, and the State shall carry out necessary macro-regulation and control in the purchasing or selling activities of major agricultural products relating to the national economy and the people's livelihood.


The State Council or the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government empowered by the State Council may entrust relevant management organizations with the purchase of the major agricultural products relating to the national economy and the people's livelihood.


The variety and quantity of agricultural products, the purchase of which is so entrusted, shall be prescribed by the State Council or by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government empowered by the State Council.


The State Council may, when necessary, set the entrustment purchase prices of the specially designated agricultural products.

  第三十六条 国家对粮食等关系国计民生的重要农产品实行保护收购制度,设立风险基金。

Article 36 The State shall practise the protective purchasing price system and establish risk fund for the major agricultural products such as grains relating to the national economy and the people's livelihood.


The State shall practise a central and local multi-leveled storage and regulation system for the major agricultural products such as grains relating to the national economy and the people's livelihood, and set up reserve funds, establish and perfect the storage and transportation system so as to guarantee the supply and stabilize the market.

  第三十七条 国有商业组织和供销合作经济等集体商业组织应当加强仓储设施建设、提供市场信息、改进收购工作,发挥主渠道作用,为农民销售农产品服务。

Article 37 The State-owned commercial organizations and the collective commercial organizations such as supply and marketing co-operatives shall strengthen the construction of storage facilities, provide market information, improve the purchasing work, play a role of main channel, and offer service to peasants in their selling of agricultural products.


The State shall encourage and guide peasants to engage in various forms of circulation activities of agricultural products. Agricultural production and operation organizations and agricultural labourers may, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, engage in activities of purchasing, processing, wholesaling, trafficking and retailing of agricultural products.

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