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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国农业法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

eople's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with their respective functions and duties, be responsible for the relevant agricultural work in their administrative areas. Other relevant departments under local people's governments at or above the county level shall, within the scope of their respective functions and duties, be responsible for the relevant work in the service of agricultural production and operation.

<第二章 农业生产经营体制>


  第十一条 集体所有的土地依照法律属于村农民集体所有,由村农业集体经济组织或者村民 委员会经营、管理。已经属于乡(镇)农民集体经济组织所有的,可以属于乡(镇)农民集体所有。

Article 11 Collective-owned land shall be owned collectively by the peasants of the village according to law, and shall be operated and managed by agricultural economic collectives of the village or by the villagers committee. Land that has already been under the ownership of peasant economic collectives of a township (or town) may be owned collectively by the peasants of the township (or town).


If land collectively owned by the peasants of a village has been respectively under the ownership of two or more agricultural economic collectives in the village, such land may be collectively owned by the peasants of the respective agricultural economic collectives.

  第十二条 集体所有的或者国家所有由农业集体经济组织使用的土地、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂、水面可以由个人或者集体承包从事农业生产。

Article 12 Lands, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed lands, beaches and water surfaces owned by collectives or the State and exploited by agricultural economic collectives, may be contracted to individuals or collectives for agricultural production.


State-owned or collective-owned waste hills or unreclaimed lands suitable for afforestation may be contracted to individuals or collectives for afforestation.


The right of individuals or collectives to undertake operation by contract shall be protected by law.


The party awarding contract and the contractor shall conclude an agricultural contract to define the rights and duties of both parties.

  第十三条 除农业承包合同别有约定外,承包方亨有生产经营决策权、产品处分权和收益权,同时必须履行合同约的义务。

Article 13 Contractors shall, except as otherwise agreed upon in agricultural contracts, enjoy the decision-making power in production and operation, the right of disposition of their products and the right of remuneration, and at the same time must fulfil the duties agreed on in the contracts.


In cases a contractor contracts for afforestation of waste hills and unreclaimed lands suitable for afforestation, provisions of the Forestry Law shall be followed.


With consent of the party awarding the contract, the contractor may, within the period of the contract, sub-contract the lands, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed lands, beaches and water surfaces he has contracted for, and may also transfer the rights and duties agreed upon in the agricultural contract to a third party.


At the expiration of a contract, the contractor shall enjoy priority in further contracting for the lands, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed lands, beaches and water surfaces for which he originally contracted.


In case a contractor deceases during the term of a contract, the successor of the deceased contractor may continue the contract.

  第十四条 农业集体经济组织或者村民委员会应当向承包土地、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂、水面的个人或者集体提供生产服务。

Article 14 Agricultural economic collectives or villagers committees shall provide production services to individuals or collectives that have contracted for the lands, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed lands, beaches or water surfaces.

  第十五条 国家鼓励个人或者集体对荒山、荒地、荒滩进行承包开发、治理,并保护承包人的合法权益。

Article 15 The State shall encourage individuals or collectives to contract to develop and rehabilitate waste hills, unreclaimed lands or waste beaches, and shall protect the contractors' lawful rights and interests.

  第十六条 农民依法缴纳税款,依法缴纳村集体提留和乡统筹费,依法承担农村义务工和劳动积累工。

Article 16 Peasants shall pay taxes in accordance with the law, and pay the expenses retained for the village's collective undertakings and fees for unified management of township public undertakings according to law, and shall afford compulsory labours and accumulated labours for the public undertakings in rural areas according to law.

  第十七条 国家保护农民和农业生产经营组织的合法财产不受侵犯。

Article 17 The State shall protect the lawful properties of peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations from violation.

  第十八条 任何机关为办理公务向农民或者农业生产经营组织收费必须依据法律、法规、国务院授权的部门的决定或者省级人民政府制定的规章的规定,省级人民政府制定的规章必须报国务院备案。

Article 18 Any collection of fees from peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations by State organs for handling official business must be based on laws or regulations or decisions made by the competent departments empowered by the State Council, or the provisions of rules formulated by the people's governments at the provincial level, and such rules must be reported to the State Council for the record.


The scopes and standards of such fees shall be made public and necessary inspections and checks shall be carried out in light of the circumstances.


Peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations shall have the right to refuse to pay fees collected by State organs for handling official business without the basis of

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