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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国企业法人登记管理条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

(5) a certificate of the identity of the principal responsible person of the enterprise;


(6) a certificate of the right to use the residence and site for operation;


(7) other relevant papers and certificates.

第十六条 申请企业法人开业登记的单位,经登记主管机关核准登记注册,领取《企业法人营业执照》后,企业即告成立。企业法人凭据《企业法人营业执照》可以刻制公章、开立银行帐户、签订合同,进行经营活动。

Article 16 When the application filed by an entity for starting operations as an enterprise as a legal person has been examined and approved by a registration authority and a Business Licenses for Enterprises as a Legal Person is received, the enterprise shall be considered as established. The enterprises as a legal person may henceforth have its official seal made, open a bank account, sign contracts and conduct business operations by dint of its Business License.


The registration authority may, after a check-up, issue duplicates of the Business License, if the enterprise as a legal person needs them for its business operations.

第六章 变更登记

Chapter VI Changes in Registration

第十七条 企业法人改变名称、住所、经营场所、法定代表人、经济性质、经营范围、经营方式、注册资金、经营期限,以及增设或者撤销分支机构,应当申请办理变更登记。

Article 17 An enterprise as a legal person shall apply for making changes in its registration whenever it changes its name, residence, site, legal representative, economic nature, scope of business, mode of operation, registered capital or duration of operation and whenever it increases or disbands its branches.

第十八条 企业法人申请变更登记,应当在主管部门或者审批机关批准后三十日内,向登记主管机关申请办理变更登记。

Article 18 An enterprise as a legal person shall apply to the registration authority for making changes in its registration within 30 days after the changes are approved by the department in charge or by the authority for examination and approval.

第十九条 企业法人分立、合并、迁移,应当在主管部门或者审批机关批准后三十日内,向登记主管机关申请办理变更登记、开业登记或者注销登记。

Article 19 An enterprise as a legal person shall apply to the registration authority for making changes in its registration, or for registration for starting operations or for cancelling its registration, whenever it is split up, or merged with others or moved elsewhere, within 30 days after these changes are approved by the department in charge or by the authority for examination and approval.

第七章 注销登记

Chapter VII Cancellation of Registration

第二十条 企业法人歇业、被撤销、宣告破产或者因其他原因终止营业,应当向登记主管机关办理注销登记。

Article 20 An enterprise as a legal person shall go through the procedures for cancelling its registration with the registration authority when it closes down, is dissolved, declares bankruptcy or terminates its business operations for other reasons.

第二十一条 企业法人办理注销登记,应当提交法定代表人签署的申请注销登记报告、主管部门或者审批机关的批准文件、清理债务完结的证明或者清算组织负责清理债权债务的文件。

Article 21 Whenever an enterprise as a legal person is to cancel its registration, it must submit an application signed by its legal representative, a document of approval issued by the department in charge or by the authority for examination and approval, a certificate showing the completion of the clearing up of its liabilities, or a document showing that a liquidation organization will be responsible for clearing up its creditor's rights and liabilities.


The registration authority, after examining and approving the application, shall recall the Business License for Enterprise as a Legal Person, duplicates of the License, take over the official seal of the enterprise, and notify the banks at which it has opened an account of the cancellation of its registration.

第二十二条 企业法人领取《企业法人营业执照》后,满六个月尚未开展经营活动或者停止经营活动满一年的,视同歇业,登记主管机关应当收缴《企业法人营业执照》、《企业法人营业执照》副本,收缴公章,并将注销登记情况告知其开户银行。

Article 22 An enterprise as a legal person, which fails to start operations 6 months after receiving its Business License for Enterprise as a Legal Person or which has ceased its operations for a year, shall be regarded as having closed down, and the registration authority shall recall its Business License for Enterprises as a Legal Person, duplicates of the License, take over its official seal and notify the banks at which it has opened an account of the cancellation of its registration.

第八章 公告、年检和证照管理

Chapter VIII Announcement, Annual Check-up and Control of Certi- ficates

第二十三条 企业开业、变更名称、注销,由登记主管机关发布企业法人登记公告。 未经登记主管机关批准,其他单位不得发布企业法人登记公告。

Article 23 The registration authority shall issue registration announcements whenever an enterprise as a legal person starts operations, changes its name or cancels its registration. No other organ shall be entitled to issue such announcements without the approval of the registration authority.

第二十四条 企业法人登记管理实行年度检验制度。企业法人应当按照登记主管机关规定的时间提交年检报告书、资金平衡表或者资产负债表。登记主管机关应当对企业法人登记的主要事项进行审查。

Article 24 A system for conducting annual check-up shall be instituted to administer the registration of enterprises as legal persons. An enterprise as a legal person shall submit its annual check-up report, its balance sheet or statement of assets and liabilities to the registration authority at the time it prescribes. The registration authority shall check up the major items contained in the registration of the enterprise as a legal person.

第二十五条 登记主管机关核发的《企业法人营业执照》是企业法人凭证,除登记主管机关依照法定程序可以扣缴或者吊销外,其他任何单位和个人不得收缴、扣押、毁坏。

Article 25 The Business License for Enterprises as a Legal Person issued by the registration authority is the certificate of an enterprise as a legal person. Except the registration authority, which may withhold or cancel it in accordance with the legal procedures, no other organ or individual is entitled to take over, detain or destroy it. 


An enterprise as a legal person, which has lost its Business License for Enterprise as a Legal Person or duplicates of the License, must announce the loss in a newspaper before it can apply for a replacement.


The Business License for Enterpr

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