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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国企业法人登记管理条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

ise as a Legal Person and its duplicates may not be forged, altered, leased, lent, sold or reproduced without permission.

第二十六条 企业法人办理开业登记、变更登记、年度检验,应当按照规定缴纳登记费、年检费。开业登记费按注册资金总额的1‰缴纳;注册资金超过一千万元的,超过部分按05‰缴纳;注册资金超过一亿元的,超过部分不再缴纳。登记费最低额为五十元。变更登记费、年检费的缴纳数额由国家工商行政管理局规定。

Article 26 An enterprise as a legal person shall pay registration and annual check-up fees according to the rules when it registers for starting operations and applies for making changes in its registration and when it receives the annual check-up. The fees to be charged on registration for starting operations shall be 0.1% of the sum of the enterprise's registered capital; in cases where the registered capital exceeds 10 million yuan, the fees to be charged on the portion in excess of the said sum shall be 0.05% of it; in cases where the registered capital exceeds 100 million yuan, no fees shall be charged on the portion in excess of the said sum. The minimum registration fee shall be 50 yuan. Fees to be charged on making changes in the registration and conducting the annual check-up shall be prescribed by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

第九章 事业单位、科技性的社会团体从事经营活动的登记管理

Chapter IX Control of the Registration of Business Operations by Institutions and Scientific and Technological Public Organizations

第二十七条 事业单位、科技性的社会团体根据国家有关规定,设立具备法人条件的企业,由该企业申请登记,经登记主管机关核准,领取《企业法人营业执照》,方可从事经营活动。

Article 27 When institutions or scientific and technological public organizations establish enterprises qualified as legal persons in line with relevant regulations of the state, the applications for registration shall be filed by the enterprises. They may engage in business operations only after their applications for registration have been approved by the registration authorities and after they have received their respective Business Licenses for Enterprise as a Legal Person.

第二十八条 根据国家有关规定,实行企业化经营,国家不再核拨经费的事业单位和从事经营活动的科技性的社会团体,具备企业法人登记条件的,由该单位申请登记,经登记主管机关核准,领取《企业法人营业执照》,方可从事经营活动。

Article 28 Institutions, which are run like enterprises in accordance with relevant regulations of the State and which no longer receive operating funds from the State, or scientific and technological public organizations which are established for business operations, shall apply for registration if they are qualified to be enterprises as legal persons. They may engage in business operations only after their applications have been approved by the registration authorities and they have received their respective Business Licenses for Enterprise as a Legal Person.

第十章 监督管理

Chapter X Supervision and Control

第二十九条 登记主管机关对企业法人依法履行下列监督管理职责:

Article 29 The registration authorities shall exercise the following functions of supervision and control over enterprises as legal persons according to law:


(1) supervising the registration for starting operations, the application for making changes and the cancellation of registration by enterprises as legal persons according to regulations;


(2) supervising the conduct of business operations by enterprises as legal persons in line with the items of registration, articles of association and contracts;


(3) supervising the compliance of enterprises as legal persons and their legal representatives with laws, regulations and policies of the State;


(4) stopping, investigating or dealing with illegal business operations of enterprises as legal persons; protecting their legitimate rights and interests.

第三十条 企业法人有下列情形之一的,登记主管机关可以根据情况分别给予警告、罚款、没收非法所得、停业整顿、扣缴、吊销《企业法人营业执照》的处罚:

Article 30 The registration authority may, in light of the circumstances, penalize an enterprise as legal person by warning, fine, confiscation of illegal earnings, suspension of business for consideration, or withholding or revoking the Business License for Enterprise as a Legal Person, if it is involved in any of the following case:


(1) concealing the true situation and resorting to deception in the course of registration or starting operations before the approval of its registration;


(2) altering major items in the registration without permission or engaging in business operations beyond the scope of business as approved in registration;


(3) failing to cancel registration according to the rules or failing to submit the annual check-up report or receive the annual check-up;


(4) forging, altering, leasing, lending, transferring, selling or reproducing the Business License for Enterprise as a Legal Person or its duplicates without permission;


(5) withdrawing or transferring capital, concealing assets or dodging liabilities;


(6) engaging in illegal business operations.


While penalizing an enterprise as a legal person in line with the above provisions, the registration authority shall investigate its legal representative's administrative and economic responsibilities according to the seriousness of the violations of the law; judicial organs shall investigate the criminal responsibilities of those who have violated the criminal law.

第三十一条 登记主管机关处理企业法人违法活动,必须查明事实,依法处理,并将处理决定书面通知当事人。

Article 31 The registration authority shall ascertain the facts and act according to law when dealing with the illegal activities of an enterprise as a legal person and notify the parties concerned of its decision in writing.

第三十二条 企业法人对登记主管机关的处罚不服时,可以在收到处罚通知后十五日内向上一级登记主管机关申请复议。上级登记主管机关应当在收到复议申请之日起三十日内作出复议决定。申请人对复议决定不服的,可以在收到复议通知之日起三十日内向人民法院起诉。

Article 32 When an enterprise as a legal person disagrees with the penalty meted out by the registration authority, it may appeal within 15 days after receiving the notice of penalty, to the immediat

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