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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国商业银行法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

he commercial bank which is to be taken over to protect the interests of the depositors, and restore the normal operation ability of the bank.


The right and liabilities of the taken-over bank will not change because of the take-over.

第六十五条  接管由中国人民银行决定,并组织实施。中国人民银行的接管决定应当载明下列内容:

Article 65 The People's Bank of China decides to organize and carry out the take-over. The take-over decision should have the following contents:


(1) The name of the commercial bank which is to be taken over;


(2) The reason for the take-over;


(3) The organization to execute the take-over; and


(4) The time limit for the take-over.


The take-over decision will be published by the People's Bank of China.

第六十六条  接管自接管决定实施之日起开始。

Article 66 The take-over will begin at the date of execution of the take-over decision.


The organization which executes the take-over will execute the business and management power of the commercial bank beginning from the date of taking over.

第六十七条  接管期限届满,中国人民银行可以决定延期,但接管期限最长不得超过二年。

Article 67 The People's Bank of China may decide to extend term of the take-over upon its expiration but the term of extension cannot exceed two years.

第六十八条  有下列情形之一的,接管终止:

Article 68 The take-over terminates in one of the following cases:


(1) The term set by the take-over decision expires or the extension of the term decided by the People's Bank of China expires;


(2) The commercial bank concerned has restored its normal business ability before the term of the take-over expires; and


(3) The commercial bank is emerged or declares bankrupt before the end of the term of the take-over.

第六十九条  商业银行因分立、合并或者出现公司章程规定的解散事由需要解散的,应当向中国人民银行提出申请,并附解散的理由和支付存款的本金和利息等债务清偿计划。经中国人民银行批准后解散。

Article 69 A commercial bank should apply to the People's Bank of China for a disbandment due to merger, seperation or reasons set in the Articles of association of the bank and the application should be accompanied with the reasons for the disbandment and the plan for balance settlement such as paying the principal and interest of the deposits. And then the bank shall disband upon approval of the People's Bank of China.


The commercial bank to be disbanded should set up a group for settling accounts in accordance with laws and pay its debts such as the principal and interest of deposits. The People's Bank of China shall supervise over the settling process.

第七十条  商业银行因吊销经营许可证被撤销的,中国人民银行应当依法及时组织成立清算组,进行清算,按照清偿计划及时偿还存款本金和利息等债务。

Article 70 If a commercial bank is dismantled because of a revoke of its business license, the People's Bank of China should, in accordance with law, set up a group for settling accounts in time, and pay its debts such as the principal and interest of deposits in time according to the plan for accounts settlement.

第七十一条  商业银行不能支付到期债务,经中国人民银行同意,由人民法院依法宣告其破产。

Article 71 If the commercial bank cannot pay the due debts, it will be declared bankrupt by the people's court in accordance with law and with the agreement of the People's Bank of China.


 When a commercial bank is declared bankrupt, the people's court will organize the People's Bank of China and other relevant departments to set up a group for setting accounts with the bank.


While the bankrupt commercial bank is undergoing the process of account settlement it should first pay the principal and interest of the individual depositors after paying the fees for account settling, employees' wages and labor insurance which are in arrears.

第七十二条  商业银行因解散、被撤销和被宣告破产而终止。

Article 72 Commercial banks should terminate their operations upon a disbandment, dismantlement and bankruptcy.

第八章  法律责任

Chapter VIII Legal Liabilities

第七十三条  商业银行有下列情形之一,对存款人或者其他客户造成财产损害的,应当承担支付迟延履行的利息以及其他民事责任:

Article 73 Whenever the appearance of one of the following cases that would do harm to the property of the depositors and other clients occurs, commercial banks concerned should undertake to pay the delayed interest and other civil liabilities:


(1) The bank delays or refuses to pay the principal and interest of the deposits without any reasons;


(2) The bank refuses to honor instruments, does not enter receipts and payments into account book, holds down bills or instruments or returns the instruments in violation of the stipulations governing account settling;


(3) The bank illegally inquires about, freezes or deducts deposits of individuals or units; and



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