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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国商业银行法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


A branch of a commercial bank does not have the qualifications of a legal person and thus shall operate within the business scope entrusted by the headquarters of the commercial bank in accordance with law. Its civil liabilities are to be undertaken by the headquarters.

第二十三条  经批准设立的商业银行及其分支机构,由中国人民银行予以公告。

Article 23 The approved establishment of the commercial banks and their branches will be announced by the People's Bank of China.


The People's Bank of China will revoke the operation licenses of a commercial bank or its branches and make an announcement of this if they fail to start their business in more than six months as from the date of getting the business licenses without justified reasons, or they stop their business for more than six consecutive months after they start their business.

第二十四条  商业银行有下列变更事项之一的,应当经中国人民银行批准:

Article 24 A commercial bank should have the approval of the People's Bank of China for one of the following changes:


(1) The change of its name;


(2) The change of its registered capital;


(3) The change of the site of the headquarters or branches;


(4) The readjustment of its business scope;


(5) The change of a shareholder who holds more than 10% of the total capital or the total amount of stocks;


(6) The revision of articles of association; and


(7) Other changes as stipulated by the People's Bank of China.


The change of chairman (president) and general manager should be reported to the People's Bank of China for an examination of their credentials.

第二十五条  商业银行的分立、合并,适用《中华人民共和国公司法》的规定。

Article 25 The separate and merge of commercial banks should follow the stipulations of the " Company Law of the People's Republic of China".


The separate and merge of commercial banks should be made under the examination and approval of the People's Bank of China.

第二十六条  商业银行应当依照法律、行政法规的规定使用经营许可证。禁止伪造、变造、转让、出租、出借经营许可证。

Article 26 A commercial bank should use its operation license in accordance with the stipulations of laws and administrative regulations and is forbidden to falsify, fabricate, transfer, lease or lend the license.

第二十七条  有下列情形之一的,不得担任商业银行的高级管理人员:

Article 27 People involved in one of the following cases cannot be senior management personnel:


(1) People who have been declared guilty or fined for corruption, bribery, encroachment upon and embezzling property or undermining social economic order, or those who have been deprived of political rights because of committing crimes;


(2) People who have been chairman of directors or factory director or manager of a company or enterprise which has gone bankrupt because of poor management and are held responsible for the bankruptcy themselves;


(3) People who have been legal representatives of companies or enterprises whose business licenses had been revoked because of violations of laws and are held responsible for this themselves; and


(4) People who owe comparatively large amount of debt which is overdue.

第二十八条  任何单位和个人购买商业银行股份总额百分之十以上的,应当事先经中国人民银行批准。

Article 28 Purchase of more than 10% of the total shares of a commercial bank by any unit or individual should be made upon the approval of the People's Bank of China in advance.

第三章  对存款人的保护

Chapter III Protections for the Depositors

第二十九条  商业银行办理个人储蓄存款业务,应当遵循存款自愿、取款自由、存款有息、为存款人保密的原则。

Article 29 A commercial bank should follow the principles of voluntary deposit and free withdrawal, paying interest to depositors and keeping secret for depositors in handling individual deposits.


The commercial bank has the right to refuse any unit or individual to inquire about, freeze and deduct from individual deposits except the cases as stipulated by laws.

第三十条  对单位存款,商业银行有权拒绝任何单位或者个人查询,但法律、行政法规另有规定的除外;有权拒绝任何单位或者个人冻结、扣划,但法律另有规定的除外。

Article 30 A commercial bank has the right to refuse any unit or individual to inquire about the deposits of any other unit except the cases as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations; the commercial bank has the right to refuse any unit or individual to freeze and deduct the deposits of any other unit except the cases as stipulated by laws.

第三十一条  商业银行应当按照中国人民银行规定的存款利率的上下限,确定存款利率,并予以公告。

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