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中英对照法律资源--外国保险机构驻华代表机构管理办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

会派出机构报告,并提交新办公地址的电话和传真号码。 <}0{>The concerned representative office shall submit CIRCs local branch office of its new office address, telephone and fax numbers within 5 days from the date of changing. <0}

{0>第三十条 代表机构更换或者增减代表、副代表、外籍工作人员,应当自更换或者增减人员之日起5日内向当地中国保监会派出机构报告,并提交被任命人员的身份证明、学历证明和简历。 <}0{>Article 30 In case of changing, increasing or reducing the number of Representatives, Deputy Representatives, or foreign employees, the concerned representative office shall report to CIRCs local branch office within 5 days from the date of changing, and submit the proof of personal identity certificates, certificate of academic degree and resume of the nominated personnel. <0}

{0>第三十一条 代表处经批准变更为总代表处的,原代表处自动撤销,总代表处应当自中国保监会批准变更之日起1个月内办理代表处的工商注销手续。 <}0{>Article 31 When a representative office is approved to be changed to a general representative office, the original representative office is cancelled automatically. The general representative office shall apply to the State Administration of the Industry and Commerce for cancellation of the registration of the representative office within one month from the date of CIRCs approval within one month from the date of CIRCs approval. <0}

{0>第三十二条 外国保险机构的代表处撤销后,总代表处是其惟一驻华代表机构的,总代表处应当将总代表处变更为代表处。 <}0{>Article 32 If a general representative office is the only representative office in China after the insurance institution it represents withdraws all other representative offices, the general representative office shall be changed into a representative office. <0}

{0>总代表处应当向中国保监会提出变更申请,并提交由其所代表的外国保险机构董事长或者总经理签署的申请书。<}0{>The general representative office shall apply to CIRC by submitting an application letter regarding such change signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or General Manager of the concerned foreign insurance institution. <0}

{0>中国保监会应当自收到申请书之日起20日内,作出批准或者不予批准的决定。<}0{>Within 20 days from the date of receiving the application letter, CIRC shall make a decision on whether or not to approve. <0}

{0>决定批准的颁发批准书;决定不予批准的应当书面说明理由。 <}0{>If CIRC decides to accept the application, it shall issue an approval document; in case of disapproval, CIRC shall state reasons in a written document. <0}

{0>总代表处经批准变更为代表处的,总代表处自动撤销,代表处应当自中国保监会批准变更之日起1个月内办理总代表处的工商注销手续。 <}0{>When a general representative office is approved to be changed to a representative office, the original general representative office is cancelled automatically. The representative office shall apply to the State Administration of the Industry and Commerce for cancellation of its registration within one month from the date of CIRCs approval. <0}

{0>第三十三条 代表处撤销后,其代表的外国保险机构设有总代表处的,由总代表处负责未了事宜;<}0{>Article 33 After a representative office of the foreign insurance institution is terminated by the CIRC, all the issues left unsettled shall be taken over and handled by its general representative office in China;<0}

{0>没有设立总代表处的,由其代表的外国保险机构的其他代表处负责未了事宜;<}0{> if there is no such a general representative office, responsibilities on all issues left unsettled shall be taken over and handled by the foreign insurance institution’s other representative offices in China; <0}

{0>其代表的外国保险机构的所有代表机构均已撤销的,由其代表的外国保险机构负责未了事宜。 <}0{>if there is no any other representative office in China, responsibilities on all issues left unsettled shall be borne by the foreign insurance institution itself. <0}

{0>第三十四条 中国保监会及其派出机构依法对代表机构进行日常和年度检查。日常和年度检查的内容包括: <}0{>Article 34 CIRC and its local branch offices conduct general supervision and annual inspection over the representative offices of foreign institutions in regard to the following issues: <0}

{0>(一)代表机构变更事项的手续是否完备; <}0{>(1) The completeness of the procedures for the changes made by the representative office; <0}

{0>(二)各项申报材料的内容与实际情况是否相符; <}0{>(2) The truthfulness of the documents and materials submitted to CIRC; <0}

{0>(三)代表机构工作人员的任用或者变更手续是否完备; <}0{>(3) The completeness of the procedures for the appointments or changes of staff members of representative offices; <0}

{0>(四)代表机构是否从事经营性活动; <}0{>(4) Whether or not representative offices are conducting business activities; <0}

{0>(五)中国保监会及其派出机构认为需要检查的其他事项。 <}0{>(5) Other items required by CIRC and its local branch offices. <0}

{0>第四章 法律责任 <}0{> Chapter Legal Liability <0}

{0>第三十五条 违反本办法,未经批准擅自设立代表机构的,中国保监会依法予以取缔。 <}0{>Article 35 Any representative office established without approval, in violation of certain provisions of these Rules, shall be banned by CIRC in accordance with law. <0}

{0>第三十六条 违反本办法规定从事保险经营活动的,由中国保监会按照有关法律、法规的规定予以处罚;<}0{>Article 36 If a representative office is engaged in financial business activities in violation of these Rules, it shall be punished by CIRC in line with relevant laws and regulations. <0}

{0>从事保险业以外经营性活动的,由中国保监会给予警告,情节严重的,处以3万元以下的罚款。 <}0{>If a representative office is engaged in profit-seeking operational activities other than insurance business, it shall be imposed a disciplinary warning or a fine below RMB 300,000 yuan. <0}

{0>第三十七条 未按规定提交本办法第二十二条、第二十三条、第二十四条要求的报告或者材料的,由当地中国保监会派出机构给予警告,责令改正。 <}0{>Article 37 If a representative office fails to submit relevant reports or documents as stipulated in Article 22, 23, 24 of these Rules to CIRC, it shall be imposed a warning and ordered to make correction by CIRCs local branch office. <0}

{0>第三十八条 对违反本办法的行为负有直接责任的代表机构工作人员,由中国保监会根据情节轻重,处以警告,单处或者并处5000元以下的罚款。 <}0{>Article 38 Employees of a representative office being with direct responsibility for activities violating these Rules shall be imposed by CIRC with a disciplinary warning and /or a fine below RMB 5000 yuan, according to the seriousness of the cases. <0}

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