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中英对照法律资源--中国意外急救医疗保险单          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


{0>倘若被保险人在意外事故中身亡,I.P.A. 将安排一切所需(包括任何迎合当地手续上的安排),并予支付 (i) 遗体或骨灰送返香港安葬,或 (ii) 应被保险人之继承人或其合法代表人要求,进行当地安葬;但当地安葬之费用只限相等于与遗体或骨灰送返香港之费用。<}0{>Upon the death of the Insured after an accident, I.P.A. will and make all the necessary arrangements (including any steps or arrangements necessary to meet local formalities) and pay for (i) the repatriation of the Insured’s mortal remains or ashes to Hong Kong, or (ii) at the request of the Insured’s heirs or legal representative, the local burial of the Insured, provided that the I.P.A.’s financial responsibility for such local burial shall be limited to the equivalent of the cost of repatriation of mortal remains as provided in this benefit.<0}



{0>安排亲友探望<}0{>Compassionate Visit<0}


{0>当被保险人因意外受伤而需要连续住院七天以上时,I.P.A. 将安排一位被保险人在香港的家属或其它所指定之友人,搭乘定期班机前往医院探视,并由I.P.A. 负担其两张来回机票及住宿费用; 但机票费用以经济舱票价为限;住宿费用每天港币1,200圆;最多连续支付七天,且并不包括饮料、膳食及其它房间服务。<}0{>In the event of the Insured suffering from serious Bodily Injury resulting in hospital confinement for more than 7 (seven) consecutive days, I.P.A. will arrange and pay for the cost of two Return Scheduled Airline (on economy fare basis) for a relative or designated person of the Insured to travel from Hong Kong to the Insured’s bedside, including the cost of an ordinary room accommodation in any reasonable hotel up to HKD1,200.00 per day for a maximum period of 7 (seven) consecutive days, but excluding the cost of drinks, meals and other room services.<0}


{0>安排幼童返香港(年龄为十六岁以下)<}0{>Return of Unattended Dependent Child(ren) to Hong Kong(Age below 16)<0}


{0>被保险人因意外伤害需要入院治疗,而致其随行未满十六岁之幼童乏人照顾者,I.P.A. 将安排其未满十六岁之幼童搭乘定期班机(包括往返机场之交通工具)返香港,I.P.A. 并负担所须费用;但机票费用以经济舱票为限。<}0{>If any of the Insured’s travelling dependent child(ren) under 16 years of age is left unattended by reason of the Insured’s Bodily Injury resulting in hospital confinement, I.P.A. will organize and pay for the cost of a schedule airline ticket (on economy fare basis),<0}{0>若被保险人未满十六岁之幼童持有回程机票,因意外事故后不能使用时,被保险人必须将原有机票交给I.P.A. 人员处理。<}0{> for such child(ren) to return to Hong Kong, including any supplementary cost of transportation to and from the airport, if the original ticket is not valid for the return, provided that the Insured shall surrender any unused portion of the return ticket to I.P.A. <0}{0>必要时,I_.P.A.将聘雇适当人员随行照顾被保险人之未满十六岁之幼童返香港,并负担该项聘雇费用。<}0{>If necessary, I.P.A. will also hire and pay for a qualified attendant to accompany any such dependent child(ren) for return journey to Hong Kong.<0}


{0>入院医疗费用担保<}0{>Hospital Admission Deposit Guarantee<0}

{0>最高担保额:港币65,000<}0{>Maximum Deposit Guarantee: HKD65,000.00<0}



{0>如被保险人因意外受伤,并经主诊医生及 I.P.A.医疗小组共同认许需要入院治疗,而被保险人当时未能支付入院按金及有关之医疗费用,I.P.A.可代被保险人担保及垫支住院医疗费用,最高担保额为港币65,000圆。<}0{>In case of hospital admission due to an accident for emergency medical treatment duly approved by both the attending physician and I.P.A.’s alarm centre doctor and the Insured is without means of payment of the required hospital admission deposit, I.P.A. on behalf of the Insured guarantee or provide such payment up to HKD65,000.00. <0}{0>但被保险人或其代表人必须依照 I.P.A.之要求及同意负责承担在I.P.A. 垫支后三十天内退还有关医疗费用给中国交通保险。<}0{>The costs of this benefit and the advanced sum should be undertaken by the Insured or his legal representative subject to I.P.A.’s requirements and reimbursed by the Insured to China Communications Insurance within 30 days from the date I.P.A. provides the service.<0}


{0>条款    只适用于第二节<}0{>CONDITIONS    APPLY TO SECTION 2 ONLY<0}


{0>所有紧急支持服务必须直接经由中国交通保险特约之服务机构 I.P.A. 安排及提供有关服务。<}0{>All emergency assistance services must be arranged and provided by China Communications Insurance’s appointed agent I.P.A.<0}

{0>否则中国交通保险将不负担或发还任何未经中国交通保险/I.P.A._预先批准的费用予任何人仕或机构。<}0{>China Communications Insurance will not pay or reimburse any costs of emergency assistance provided or incurred by any other parties without the prior approval from China Communications Insurance<0}


{0>第三节   人身意外保障<}0{>SECTION 3   PERSONAL ACCIDENT<0}


{0>保障限额:列明于承保表内<}0{>Limit of Benefits: As stated in Policy Schedule<0}

{0>在本保险单有效期间内,若被保险人中国广东省境内发生确属意外事故所致之明显身体损伤或身故,中国交通保险当按照后开保险条或批文及赔偿责任的规定,依照本保险单内所载赔偿金额表所规定的金额赔偿给被保险人或其指定的受益人。<}0{>If during the Period of Insurance the Insured shall suffer bodily injury within the territory of Guangdong Province, P.R.C. resulting solely and directly from accident caused by violent external and visible means which shall be directly and independently of any other cause, then China Communications Insurance will subject to the Terms and Conditions contained herein or endorsed hereon pay to the Insured, or in the event of the death of the Insured to his appointed Beneficiary, the benefits specified in the Schedule of Benefits.<0}



{0>赔偿金额表<}0{>The Schedule of Benefits<0}


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