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中英对照法律资源--中国意外急救医疗保险单          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

<}0{>2.1 The claim form completed by the Insured.<0}

{0>2.2 主诊医生之诊断书正本详细列明损伤之程度及原因、诊断结果及所提供之医疗方法<}0{>2.2 Original Medical Certificate issued by the attending doctor stating the nature and extent of injuries, diagnosis and what kind of treatments were provided.<0}

{0>2.3 所有由医院/医疗单位发出之医疗单据正本(包括所有费用的明细)<}0{>2.3 All original bills/receipts issued by the hospital/clinic concerned with detail breakdown of costs /expenses.<0}

{0>2.4 负责是次意外之政府有关部门报告正本或说明。<}0{>2.4 Original report issued by the official authorities concerned or evidence of the alleged accident.<0}


{0>损失通知<}0{>Notification of Loss<0}

{0>被保险人必须遵守以下损失通知事项,否则中国交通保险有权不接受索偿:<}0{>The Insured must comply with the following requirements, otherwise the claim may be denied for settlement:<0}

{0>若需要留院治疗,被保险人必需尽快或在入院后二十四小时内致电中国交通保险之二十四小时紧急支持服务热线;<}0{>In case of hospitalization, the Insured is required to notify China Communications Insurance within 24 hours after admission to hospital or as soon as practicable by calling the designated 24 hours Emergency Assistance Hotline;<0}

{0>若是接受门诊治疗,被保险人必须在接受门诊治疗后三十天内,以书面通知中国交通保险有关意外事故。<}0{>For Clinical Visit, a written notice of Claim must be given by the Insured to China Communications Insurance as soon as practicable after the occurrence of an accident giving rise to a claim and in any case within 30 days after clinical visit.<0}


{0>第二节       紧急支持服务<}0{>SECTION 2    EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE SERVICES<0}


{0>在保险有效期内,若被保险人在中国广东省境内发生确属意外事故所直接引致之明显身体损伤, 而需要紧急支持服务,被保险人可致电二十四小时紧急服务热线,中国交通保险特约之服务机构国际救援(亚洲)公司(以下简称“I.P.A.”)将提供下列之服务。<}0{>If during the Period of Insurance the Insured shall suffer bodily injury within the territory of Guangdong Province, P.R.C. resulting solely and directly from accident caused by violent external and visible means, the following emergency assistance services shall be arranged and provided directly by China Communications Insurance’s appointed agent, Inter Partner Assistance Hong Kong Limited (hereinafter called “I.P.A.”) upon notification by the Insured to the designated 24 hours emergency assistance services hotline.<0}


{0>2.1 转院服务<}0{>Medical Evacuation<0}


{0>每宗事故最高保障限额:不设上限<}0{>Limit of Benefits per event: Unlimited<0}


{0>当被保险人因遭意外损伤住院医疗时, 基于医疗上之需要, I.P.A. 将为被保险人作下列之安排及直接负责有关费用:<}0{>If the Insured shall suffer bodily injury such that I.P.A.’s medical team and the attending physician recommend hospitalization, I.P.A. will arrange and pay for: the transfer of the Insured into one of the nearest hospital and, - if necessary, on medical grounds<0}


{0>(1) 在医护人员监护下使用各种必需之医疗运送设备,例如空中救难专机、定期班机及救护车等转送被保险人至适合治疗其意外伤害之医院;或<}0{>(1) the transfer of the Insured with necessary medical supervision by any means (including but not limited to air ambulance, schedule commercial flight, and road ambulance) to a hospital more appropriately equipped for the particular bodily injury, or<0}

{0>(2) 在医护人员监护下经由救护车及定期班机直接转送至适当医院/医疗机构。<}0{>(2) the direct repatriation, including road ambulance transfers to and from the airports, of the Insured with necessary medical supervision by scheduled airline to an appropriate hospital or other health care facility, if his medical condition permits such repatriation.<0}{0>唯此项运送安排必须经由 I.P.A. 的医疗小组及主诊医生共同决定。<}0{> I.P.A.’s medical team and the attending physician will determine the necessary arrangements according to the circumstances.<0}


{0>出院后返香港<}0{>Repatriation To Hong Kong After Treatment<0}


{0>每宗事故最高保障限额:不设上限<}100{>Limit of Benefits per event: Unlimited<0}

{0>被保险人在接受第2.1条承保项目就医后,如身体状况稳定且经主诊医生及 I.P.A. 医疗小组认定可以返回香港时,I.P.A. 将安排被保险人乘搭定期班机返回香港。若被保险人持有回程机票,但因意外事故后不能使用时,被保险人应将原有机票交给 I.P.A. 人员处理,并由 I.P.A.安排机票或其它适当之交通工具返港,I.P.A. 将负担其费用,但此项返港机票以经济客位为限。被保险人若因医疗上的理由需要使用辅助设备(例如轮椅)I.P.A.将为被保险人安排及负责其费用。<}0{>Upon the discharge of the Insured from the local hospital where such Insured has been admitted or transferred as provided in Section 2.1 above, I.P.A. will arrange and pay for the repatriation of the Insured to Hong Kong by schedule airline flight (on economy class) or any other appropriate means of transportation, including any supplementary cost of transportation to and from the airport, if his original ticket is not valid for the purpose, provided that the Insured shall surrender any unused portion of his ticket to I.P.A. If, on medical ground, the Insured needs any supplemental equipment (e.g. wheelchair), I.P.A. will arrange and pay for the supplemental equipment. <0}{0>唯此项出院后返香港之服务必须经由I.P.A.的医疗小组及主诊医生共同决定。<}74{>Any decision on the repatriation of the Insured shall be made jointly and exclusively by both attending physician & I.P.A.’s medical team.<0}


{0>遗体或骨灰送返香港<}0{>Repatriation Of Mortal Remains/Ashes To Hong Kong<0}

{0>每宗事故最高保障限额:不设上限<}0{>Limit of Benefits per event: Unlimited<0}


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