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中英对照法律资源--上海市户外广告设置规划和管理办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

ion and approval organ designated by this Procedures:  (一)向市或者区、县市政委办公室缴纳市容整治费; <山西县新绛县> 1. Pay the city appearance maintenance fee to the municipal or district / county office of municipal administration committee;  (二)向市或者区、县规划局办理建设工程规划许可证(零星); <山西县新绛县> 2. Complete the formalities for obtaining the construction project planning permit with the municipal or district / county planning bureau on a case -- by -- case basis;  (三)向市或者区、县工商局办理户外广告内容登记; <山西县新绛县> 3. Register the contents of the outdoor advertisements with the municipal or district / county SAIC; and  (四)向电力、市政或者其他相关部门办理用电、掘路或者其他相关手续。 <山西县新绛县> 4. Complete formalities with the electric power department, municipal administration department and other relevant departments for power supply, digging, and other relevant formalities. 第十四条(户外广告内容登记) <山西县新绛县> Article 14 Content Registration of Outdoor Advertisements  办理户外广告内容登记,应当向市或者区、县工商局提供下列材料: <山西县新绛县> To register the contents of an outdoor advertisement, the following materials shall be submitted to the municipal or district / county SAIC:  (一)证明广告内容真实、合法的文件; <山西县新绛县> 1. Documents certifying that the contents of the advertisements are truthful and lawful;  (二)广告样稿; <山西县新绛县> 2. Samples of the advertisements;  (三)广告合同; <山西县新绛县> 3. The advertising contract; and  (四)合法有效的《申请审批表》。 <山西县新绛县> 4. The lawful and valid application form. 依据法律、行政法规规定,户外广告内容在发布前必须经有关行政主管部门审查的,还须提供有关行政主管部门的批准文件。 <山西县新绛县> For outdoor advertisements whose contents shall be examined under the laws and administrative regulations by relevant administrative departments before their release, the approval documents of the relevant administrative departments shall also be submitted. 户外广告内容需变更的,应当办理变更登记。 <山西县新绛县> When it is necessary to alter the contents of outdoor advertisements, formalities to register the alteration shall be completed. 第十五条(审核期限) <山西县新绛县> Article 15 Time limit for Examination and Verification  市或者区、县工商局和市或者区、县规划局以及市或者区、县市政委办公室应当自受理户外广告设施设置申请或者接受申请材料之日起10日内办妥有关审核手续。 <山西县新绛县> The municipal or district / county SAIC, the municipal or district / county planning bureau and the municipal or district / county office of municipal administration committee shall complete the formalities of examination and verification within 10 days after they accept the application for installing outdoor advertising facilities or receive the application materials.  逾期不提出审核意见的,视为同意。 <山西县新绛县> Failure to come up with an opinion within the prescribed period shall be deemed to be an approval. 第十六条(设施设置变更的限制) <山西县新绛县> Article 16 Restrictions on Alteration of Installation of Outdoor Advertising Facilities  设置户外广告设施应当按照批准及登记的地点、时间、规格、设计图、效果图实施,不得擅自变更。 <山西县新绛县> Outdoor advertising facilities shall be installed in compliance with the approved and registered places, dates, specifications, design drawings and effect drawings, and no changes shall be made without authorization.  确需变更的,应当按照申请设置的审批程序办理变更审批手续。 <山西县新绛县> When it is necessary to make alteration, formalities for approval of the alteration shall be completed in the same procedure as formalities for approval for installing outdoor advertising facilities. 第十七条(对户外广告内容的要求) <山西县新绛县> Article 17 Requirements Regarding Contents of Outdoor Advertisements  户外广告内容中公益宣传内容所占的面积或者时间比例,不得低于10%。 <山西县新绛县> In outdoor advertisements, the proportion of space or time used for contents propagating public welfare shall take up no less than 10%. 户外广告内容必须真实、健康,符合法律、法规、规章规定,不得以任何形式欺骗用户和消费者。户外广告使用的汉字、字母和符号应当符合国家规定。 <山西县新绛县> The contents of outdoor advertisements shall be truthful, healthy and in conformity with laws, regulations and rules. Any form of fraud for the purpose of cheating users or consumers shall be prohibited. The Chinese characters, letters and symbols in the outdoor advertisements shall be in conformity with the prescribed standards of the state. 第十八条(设施维护) <山西县新绛县> Article 18 Maintenance of Advertising Facilities  户外广告设施设置申请人应当保持户外广告设施的整洁、完好,及时维护、更新; <山西县新绛县> Applicants for approval to install outdoor advertising facilities shall keep the facilities clean, tidy and in good condition, and shall make replacements and repairs whenever necessary.  并定期对户外广告设施进行安全检查,遇台风、汛期应当采取安全防范措施。 <山西县新绛县> They shall have regular examinations to check whether the outdoor advertising facilities are secure, and shall take proper measures to remove safety hazards before a typhoon or during the flood season. 第十九条(设施撤除) <山西县新绛县> Article 19 Removal of Facilities  户外广告设施设置期满后,设置申请人应当及时撤除。 <山西县新绛县> Upon expiration of the term for an outdoor advertising facility, the applicant of the installation shall promptly remove the facility. 因城市规划调整或者社会公共利益的需要,需撤除户外广告设施的,市或者区、县规划局和市或者区、县市政委办公室可以按照各自职责,书面通知设施设置申请人撤除。 <山西县新绛县> When due to an adjustment of the city planning or for reasons of public interest, it is necessary to remove outdoor advertising facilities, the municipal or district / county planning bureau and the municipal or district / county office of municipal administration may give written notice within each’s functions and duties, requesting the applicants to remove the outdoor advertising facilities.  有关受益单位应当对设施设置申请人进行适当补偿。 <山西县新绛县> Relevant beneficiaries shall make proper compensations to applicants of the installation of the facilities. 由于前款规定的原因,经市或者区、县规划局或者市或者区、县市政委办公室书面通知撤除户外广告设施,而设置申请人拒不撤除的,市或者区、县规划局和市或者区、县市政委办公室有权代为撤除,所需费用由设置申请人承担。 <山西县新绛县> When, for reasons mentioned in the preceding Section, the municipal or district / county planning bureau and the municipal or district / county office of municipal administration have given written notice requesting an applicant to remove the outdoor advertising facilities, and the applicant refuses to comply, the municipal or district / county planning bureau and the municipal or district / county office of municipal administration shall have the power to remove the facilities for the applicant, the expenses incurred shall be borne by the applicant. 第二十条(市容整治费的减免) <山西县新绛县> Article 20 Reduction or Exemption of City Appearance Maintenance Fee  通过招标、拍卖或者其他公开竞争方式取得户外广告阵地使用权的,其市容整治费的征收标准应当低于通过协议方式取得阵地使用权的征收标准。 <山西县新绛县> When the right to use outdoor advertisement positions are acquired through bid invitation, at an auction, or through other means of open competition, the applicable rate of city appearance maintenance fee shall be lower than the rate for the right to use outdoor advertisement positions that are acquired through agreement. 按照规定发布公益宣传内容的,可以按照公益宣传内容占户外广告内容的面积或者时间比例减缴市容整治费。 <山西县新绛县> When advertisements have contents propagating public welfare in accordance with relevant stipulations, the city appearance maintenance fee shall be reduced in proportion to the space or time such public welfare contents take in the total space or time taken by the advertisements. 第二十一条(市容整治费的存储和使用) <山西县新绛县> Artic

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