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上海市城乡集市贸易食品卫生管理规定(修正)<山西县新绛县>Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the Control of Hygiene of the Food Sold on Urban and Rural Fairs 198575日上海市第八届人民代表大会常务委员会第十五次会议批准 19961031日上海市人民代表大会常务委员会第三十一次会议修正)<山西县新绛县>(Approved at the 15th Session of the Standing Committee of the 8th Shanghai Municipal people's Congress on July 5, 1985 and Amended on the Basis of the October 31, 1996 Decision of the 31st Session of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal people's Congress Amending to the Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Control of Hygiene of Food Sold on Urban and Rural Fairs)第一条 为了加强本市城乡集市贸易的食品卫生管理,保证食品卫生,保障人民身体健康,根据《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》和国务院发布的《城乡集市贸易管理办法》,结合本市具体情况,制定本规定。<山西县新绛县>Article 1 The present Provisions are formulated in accordance with the "Food Hygiene Law of the people's Republic of China" and the "Procedures on the Administration of Urban and Rural Fairs" promulgated by the State Council, and in the light of the actual situation in Shanghai with a view to strengthening the control of hygiene of the food sold on the urban and rural fairs in this municipality, ensuring food hygiene, and protecting the health of the people.第二条 凡在本市城乡集市从事食品生产、经营的单位和个人,必须遵守本规定。<山西县新绛县>Article 2 All the units and individual persons who are engaged in food production and trading on the urban and rural fairs in this municipality shall abide by the Present Provisions.第三条 工商行政管理部门负责集市的食品卫生管理工作,主要职责是:<山西县新绛县>Article 3 The industrial and commercial administrative departments are in charge of the food hygiene control on the fairs. Their main responsibilities are: 负责设立集市的登记;对集市举办者进行管理、监督;对集市场地和上市的食品进行日常卫生检查;组织集市食品卫生检查人员的食品卫生知识培训;查验集市食品生产经营者的有关营业证照;对违反本规定的行为依法进行处罚。<山西县新绛县>To register the establishment of fairs; exercise administration and supervision over fair organizers; conduct routine hygiene inspections on market places and the food marketed, organize training for the food hygiene inspectors of the fairs in food hygiene knowledge, check the business licenses of the food producers and traders on the fairs; and punish the acts of violating the present Provisions according to law.卫生行政部门负责集市的食品卫生监督检验工作,主要职责是:<山西县新绛县>The public health administrative departments are in charge of the food hygiene supervision and inspection on the fairs. Their main responsibilities are 进行食品卫生监测、检验和技术指导;协助培训食品生产经营人员,监督食品生产经营人员的健康检查;宣传食品卫生、营养知识,进行食品卫生评价,公布食品卫生情况;对食物中毒和食品污染事故进行调查,并采取控制措施;对违反本规定的行为依法进行处罚。<山西县新绛县>to conduct food hygiene monitoring, inspection and technical guidance, assist in the training of food producers and traders, supervise the health check of the food producers and traders, publicize the knowledge of food hygiene and nutrition, carry out food hygiene evaluation, publish information about food hygiene, investigate the accidents of food poisoning and food contamination and take control measures, and punish the act of violating the present Provisions according to law.乡镇人民政府和街道办事处应当协助工商行政管理部门和卫生行政部门实施本规定。<山西县新绛县>The township (town) people's governments and the sub-district offices shall assist the industrial and commercial administrative departments and the public health administrative departments in implementing the present Provisions.畜、禽的检疫工作由兽医检疫机构负责。<山西县新绛县>The veterinary quarantine organs are in charge of the quarantine of livestock and poultry.商业、水产、环卫、公安等有关部门应按各自分工,做好工作,切实实施本规定。<山西县新绛县> The departments in charge of commerce, aquatic products, environmental protection and public security shall conscientiously implement the present Provisions according to their respective assigned jobs.第四条 集市应当根据食品分类,划行归市,分段设摊,合理布局,设置符合卫生标准的水源及其他公共卫生设施,保持环境整洁,防止交叉污染。<山西县新绛县>Article 4 The markets shall allocate different zones for different food varieties, rationalize their overall layout, install hygienic water supply and other public health facilities, maintain a clean and tidy environment, and prevent cross contamination.集市举办者应当配备食品卫生检查人员,负责集市中有关证照的查验和上市食品的一般卫生检查以及食品生产经营者个人卫生的管理工作。<山西县新绛县>The market organizers shall assign food hygiene inspectors to take charge of checking the relevant licenses and permits on the fairs, carrying out general hygiene inspections on the food sold on the fairs and supervising the personal health of the food producers and traders.第五条 在集市经营食品必须遵守以下规定:<山西县新绛县>Article 5 Those who sell food on the fairs shall abide by the following stipulations: (一)出售的各类食品,必须清洁卫生,无毒无害,符合国家和本市有关食品卫生的规定;<山西县新绛县>1. All food items sold on the fairs must be clean, hygiene, nonpoisonous and unharmful, and conform to the provisions of the State and the Municipality on food hygiene;(二)肉品、内脏、鳝丝等食品,必须经食品卫生检查人员查验,加盖查验合格章或者发给合格牌证后,方能出售;<山西县新绛县>2. Food items such as meat products, viscera and shredded finless eels and other food items can only be sold after being inspected by the food hygiene inspectors and stamped with an "inspection passed" seal or given an "inspection passed" certificate;(三)在集市生产经营食品的店、摊,应当持有工商行政管理部门核发的有关营业证照,其中按照市卫生行政部门规定需要办理《食品卫生许可证》的,应当先向卫生行政部门申领《食品卫生许可证》;<山西县新绛县>3. The shops and stalls producing and selling food items on the fairs shall hold the business licenses issued by the industrial and commercial administrative departments, and those who are required by the municipal public health administrative department to hold a food hygiene license, shall first apply to the municipal public health administrative department for a food hygiene license;and (四)在当年十一月至次年四月期间生产经营食用畜禽血的,必须持有兽医卫生检验合格证明,在五月至十月期间生产经营食用畜禽血的,还必须经市卫生行政部门许可。<山西县新绛县>4. Those who produce and sell edible blood products of livestock and poultry between November of the current year and April of the next year must have the certificates issued by the veterinary health inspection, and those who produce edible blood products of livestock and poultry between May and October must also obtain the permission from the municipal public health administrative department.第六条 禁止在集市经营下列食品:<山西县新绛县>Article 6 Dealing in the following food items on the fairs is prohibited: (一)腐败变质、油脂酸败、霉变、生虫、污秽不洁或者感官性状异常的食品;<山西县新绛县>1. The food items that are putrid, oily sour, mildewy, wormeaten, dirty or offensive to sense organs;(二)河豚鱼、野蘑菇等有毒动植物以及被有毒有害物质污染的食品;<山西县新绛县>2. The poisonous animals and vegetables including balloonfish (globefish) and wild mushrooms and the food items that are contaminated by poisonous and harmful substance;(三)未经检验或者检验不合格的肉类及其制品;<山西县新绛县>3. The meat and meat products that are not inspected or fail to pass inspections;(四)病死、毒死或者死因不明的禽、畜(包括野味)肉及其制品;<山西县新绛县>

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中英对照法律资源--上海市城乡集市贸易食品卫生管理规定(修正)          【字体:


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