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中英对照法律资源--上海市特种行业和公共场所治安管理条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

(三)不得超出许可范围收购废旧物品; <Westbank> 3. It is prohibited to purchase the waste and old goods that are beyond the scope of permission; and  (四)不得在铁路沿线、机场、码头、军事禁区以及冶炼加工企业附近,设点收购废旧金属物品。 <Westbank> 4. It is prohibited to purchase the second-hand goods along the railway, near the airport, seaport, military zone and smelting areas. 第十八条经营音像制品复制业的,在承接音像制品复制业务时,应当查验有关行政管理部门出具的批准文件; <Westbank> Article 18 Those who are engaged in the duplication of audio-visual products shall check the approvals issued by the relevant administrative departments and not undertake the duplication of audio-visual products without approvals;  不得承接无批准文件的音像制品复制业务,不得承接有危害国家安全、封建迷信、色情或者淫秽内容以及国家和本市禁止的其他复制业务。 <Westbank> they shall not be engaged in the duplication business that contains the content that threatens the security of the State or the content of salacity, pornography, feudal superstition. It is also prohibited to deal in the duplication business that is forbidden by the State and the Municipality. 购买音像制品复制生产设备的,应当向公安部门备案。 <Westbank> Those who want to purchase the equipment of duplication production lines shall register with the public security bureau. 第十九条经营公共场所的,应当遵守下列规定: <Westbank> Article 19 Those who run the public places shall observe the following stipulations:  (一)场所内活动的人员不得超过核定的人数; <Westbank> 1. People who participate the activity shall not go beyond the sanctioned number; (二)发现治安隐患及时整改; <Westbank> 2. Punctual corrections shall be made when the hidden dangers of peace and order are found; (三)场所内不得从事色情、卖淫嫖娼、赌博、吸毒、贩毒以及其他违法犯罪活动; <Westbank> 3. Activities like salacity, pornography, prostitution, gambling, drug abuse , drug trade and other criminal behaviors are prohibited within the public place; (四)场所内不得从事封建迷信活动; <Westbank> 4. Feudal superstitious activities are prohibited within the public place; and  (五)不得影响周围单位和居民的正常工作、生活。 <Westbank> 5. The normal work and life of the nearby units and residents shall not be interrupted by these activities. 第二十条特种行业和公共场所单位及其从业人员应当遵守本条例以及其他有关治安管理的规定。 <Westbank> Article 20 Units of the special trades and public places as well as the personnel engaged in these businesses shall abide by the present regulations and other relevant regulations of the administration of public security. 特种行业的顾客、进入公共场所活动的人员,应当遵守法律、法规的有关规定,尊重社会公德,维护社会治安秩序。 <Westbank> Customers of the special trades and people who participate in the activities in the public places shall abide by the relevant stipulations of the law and regulations, respect social morality and maintain peace and order of the society. 第二十一条特种行业和公共场所单位发现场所内有违法犯罪活动或者违法犯罪嫌疑人、可疑物品,应当立即向公安部门报告。 <Westbank> Article 21 Any criminal activities, suspects, or suspicious objects found within the special trades or the public places shall be reported immediately to the public security bureau. 第二十二条特种行业和公共场所单位的法定代表人或者负责人是本单位的治安责任人,负责本单位的治安防范工作,并履行下列职责: <Westbank> Article 22 The legal representative or the responsible person of special trades or public places is the person in charge of the public security of the unit in itself, and takes the responsibility of maintaining peace and order as well as performs the following duties:  (一)审定并落实各项治安防范制度; <Westbank> 1. Examine the peace and order regulations and put them into effect; (二)检查治安防范工作,提出奖惩建议; <Westbank> 2. Inspect the peace and order work and make suggestions of praise and punishment; (三)如实向公安部门反映本单位的治安状况,配合公安部门对本单位进行治安检查; <Westbank> 3. Exactly report to the public security bureau the conditions of peace and order, and help the public security bureau make inspection of this unit for peace and order; (四)及时制止违法犯罪活动,并向公安部门报告; <Westbank> 4. Restrain immediately the criminal activities happening in the unit and report them to the public security bureau; and  (五)发现治安隐患,落实整改措施。 <Westbank> 5. Implement rectification measures once the hidden dangers of peace and order are found. 前款规定的治安责任人的职责,不得因承包经营等原因转移给他人。 <Westbank> The responsibility of the person in charge of public security stipulated in the previous Article must not be transferred to other people by contract.  特种行业和公共场所单位的承包经营人在承包期间,也应当按照前款规定承担治安防范责任。 <Westbank> Those who manage special trades or public places by contract shall also undertake the peace and order protection responsibilities stipulated in the previous Article during the period of the contract. 第二十三条公安人员对特种行业或者公共场所单位进行治安检查时,应当持有人民警察证件并出示由市公安局统一制发的治安检查证件。 <Westbank> Article 23 Personnel of public security bureau shall bear the police certificates and produce the peace and order inspection certificate printed and issued uniformly by the Municipal Public Security Bureau.  被检查的单位和个人,不得妨碍、拒绝检查。 <Westbank> The units or individuals inspected shall not interfere with or refuse the inspection.  公安人员违反上述规定的,被检查单位有权拒绝检查。 <Westbank> If the inspecting personnel of public security bureau violates the above-mentioned stipulations, the units inspected have the right to refuse the inspection. 公安人员对特种行业或者公共场所单位进行治安检查时,应当文明执法,公正执法;不得玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊; <Westbank> During the peace and order inspection of special trades and public places, personnel of public security bureau shall execute the law courteously and fairly, and they must not neglect their duties, or abuse their power, or play favouritism and commit irregularities.  禁止对违反治安管理的人员打骂、虐待或者侮辱。 <Westbank> It is prohibited to scold and beat, to ill-treat or to insult the people who violate the peace and order regulations. 第四章法律责任 <Westbank>  Chapter IV Legal Liability  第二十四条违反本条例的人员,应当给予治安处罚的,由公安部门依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》的规定处罚。 <Westbank> Article 24 Offenders of the present regulations are to be punished according to the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Public Security Administration and Imposition of Punishment. 单位违反本条例规定,应当给予处罚的,法律、行政法规有规定的从其规定; <Westbank> The units that violate the present regulations are to be punished according to the stipulations of the law and regulations;  法律、行政法规没有规定的,由公安部门责令改正,并依照下列规定给予处罚: <Westbank> if there is no corresponding stipulations in the law or regulations, the units are to be ordered to rectify and be punished by the public security bureau according to the following stipulations:  (一)违反本条例第五条第二款规定,未取得《特种行业许可证》或者《公共场所许可证》,擅自开设特种行业或者公共场所的,予以取缔,处一千元以上一万元以下罚款;情节严重的,处一万元以上十万元以下罚款; <Westbank> 1. Those who violate Section2 of Article 5, and take the liberty to start a special trade or run a public place without obtaining the "Special Trade License" or the "Public Place License" are to be banned, and meanwhile, a fine between 1,000 and 10,000 yuan will be imposed. In serious cases, a fine between 10,000 and 100,000 yuan will be imposed; (二)违反本条例第九条第三款、第十条、第十一条规定的,处警告、一千元以上一万元以下罚款;情节严重的,可以并处吊销《特种行业许可证》或者《公共场所许可证》; <Westbank> 2. Those who violate Section 3 of Article 9, Article 10, and Article 11 are to be warned, and a fine between 1,000 and 10,000

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