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中英对照法律资源--上海市医疗机构管理办法(2002年修正)          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

<Westbank> For the establishment of a medical institution, an application must be submitted to the Public Health Administrative Department for approval. After being approved, the formalities for establishing the medical institution shall be handled with other authorities. 第十条(设置条件) <Westbank> Article 10 (Requirements for the Establishment) 申请设置医疗机构,应当具备下列条件: <Westbank> The application for the establishment of a medical institution shall meet the following requirements: (一)符合本市医疗机构设置规划; <Westbank> 1. In conformity to the Municipal Program of the Establishment of Medical Institutions; (二)符合国家规定的医疗机构基本标准; <Westbank> 2. In conformity to the Basic Standards for Medical Institutions stipulated by the State; (三)有合适的场所; <Westbank> 3. With a suitable premise for establishing the medical institution; and  (四)有必要的资金。 <Westbank> 4. With necessary fund. 第十一条(个体诊所、个体护理站的设置条件) <Westbank> Article 11 (Requirements for the Establishment of a Private Clinic or a Private Nursing Station) 申请设置个体(包括合伙,下同)诊所或者个体护理站,除应当具备本办法第十条第二项至第四项规定的条件外,还应当同时具备下列条件: <Westbank> In addition to the requirements stipulated in Item 2 of Article 10 to Item 4 of Article 10 in the present Procedures, the applicant for the establishment of a private clinic (including partnership. The same below) or a private nursing station shall also meet the following requirements at the same time: (一)具有本市常住户口; <Westbank> 1. With permanent residential registration in Shanghai; (二)根据申请执业范围取得相应的医师或者护士执业资格后,从事同一专业临床工作5年以上; <Westbank> 2. With the professional qualifications as a doctor or nurse in conformity with the practising scope applied for and a clinical experience of five years or more in the same profession; and  (三)非在职人员。 <Westbank> 3. Non-in-service employee(s). 第十二条(申请限制条件) <Westbank> Article 12 (Restrictive Terms for Application) 不能独立承担民事责任的组织,不得申请设置医疗机构。 <Westbank> Any organization, which is unable to bear civil liability independently, can not apply for the establishment of a medical institution. 有下列情形之一的人员,不得申请设置医疗机构: <Westbank> No person in any one of the following cases is permitted to apply for the establishment of a medical institution: (一)无民事行为能力或者限制民事行为能力的人员; <Westbank> 1. The person who is incapable of, or with restricted capacity of, doing a civil act; (二)正在服刑或者劳动教养的人员; <Westbank> 2. The person who is serving a sentence liability or receiving reeducation through labour; (三)在职人员; <Westbank> 3. In-service employee(s); (四)发生二级以上医疗事故未满5年的直接责任人员; <Westbank> 4. The person who bears direct liability for a medical accident of Class II or above, which has not yet been five years; (五)被吊销执业证书的医务人员; <Westbank> 5. The medical person whose certificate of practice is revoked; (六)被吊销《医疗机构执业许可证》未满5年的医疗机构的原法定代表人或者主要负责人; <Westbank> 6. The original legal representative or the principal of a medical institution whose "Practice License of Medical Institution"has been revoked for less than five years; (七)患传染病未愈或者其他健康原因不宜从事医疗执业活动的人员; <Westbank> 7. The person who is still suffering from an infections disease or other health problem, thus being unsuitable to be engaged in medical practising activities; (八)被国家机关开除公职或者被医疗机构解除聘用合同未满5年的人员。 <Westbank> or 8. The person who has been dismissed from public office by the State organs or whose employment contract has been discharged by a medical institution for less than five years. 第十三条(申请材料的提交) <Westbank> Article 13 (Application Documents to Be Submitted) 申请设置医疗机构,应当提交下列材料,但申请设置个体诊所或者个体护理站除外: <Westbank> The following documents shall be submitted on application for the establishment of a medical institution, except for the application for establishing a private clinic or a private nursing station: (一)设置申请书; <Westbank> 1. An application for establishment; (二)选址报告和建筑设计平面图; <Westbank> 2. Site selection report and the drawings of architectural design; (三)可行性研究报告; <Westbank> 3. The feasibility study report; (四)设置申请人的资信证明; <Westbank> 4. The certificate of credit standing and respectability of the establishment applicant; and  (五)设置申请人的基本情况证明。 <Westbank> 5. The certificate of the basic condition of the establishment applicant. 第十四条(申请设置个体诊所、个体护理站应当提交的材料) <Westbank> Article 14 (Application Documents to Be Submitted for the Establishment of A Private Clinic or A Private Nursing Station) 申请设置个体诊所或者个体护理站,应当提交下列材料: <Westbank> The following documents shall be submitted on application for the establishment of a private clinic or a private nursing station: (一)设置申请书; <Westbank> 1. An application for establishment; (二)房屋产权证明或者使用权证明; <Westbank> 2. The certificate of house property right or the certificate of house use rights; and  (三)设置申请人具备本办法第十条规定条件的相关证明。 <Westbank> 3. All of the related certificates which fully prove that the establishment applicant meets the requirements stipulated in Article 10 of the present Procedures. 第十五条(医疗机构的分级) <Westbank> Article 15 (Grading of Medical Institutions) 根据国家医疗机构基本标准的分级规定,本市医院(除康复医院外)、妇幼保健院(所)、疾病防治院(所)分为三级、二级和一级3个等级。 <Westbank> According to the national basic standards for grading medical institutions, hospitals (except convalescence hospital), women and children care center (station), and disease prevention and cure center (station) in Shanghai shall be graded into three grades-Grade III, Grade II and Grade I. 第十六条(设置审批权限)设置下列医疗机构,应当向市卫生行政部门提出申请: <Westbank> Article 16 (Competence for Examining and Approving the Establishment) For the establishment of the following medical institutions, an application shall be submitted to the Municipal Public Health Administrative Department: (一)三级医院、二级医院、康复医院; <Westbank> 1. Grade-III hospital, Grade-II hospital and convalescence hospital; (二)疗养院、妇幼保健院(所)、疾病防治院(所); <Westbank> 2. Sanatorium, women and children care center (station) and disease prevention and cure center (station);

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