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上海市危棚简屋改造地块居住房屋拆迁补偿安置试行办法<Westbank>Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on Compensation and Resettlement for Demolition and Re[] of Residential Houses on Land-Plots Clustered With Shaky Sheds and Crude Shacks Designated to be Reconstructed (for Trial Implementation)颁布日期:19971208 颁布单位:上海市人民政府<Westbank>(Promulgated by the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government on December 8, 1997)第一条(目的和依据)<Westbank>Article 1 (Purpose and Basis)为了加快本市旧区危棚简屋改造,促进空置商品住宅的消化,保障拆迁当事人的合法权益,根据《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》,结合本市实际情况,制定本办法。<Westbank>The present Procedures are formulated in accordance with "Regulations on the Administration of Demolition and Re[] of Urban Houses" and in the light of the actual conditions of this Municipality, in order to speed up the reconstruction of shaky sheds and crude shacks in the old quarter of this Municipality, promote the disposal of commodity residential houses that have been long left unoccupied, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved in the demolition and re[].第二条(适用范围)<Westbank>Article 2 (Scope of Application)在本市市区范围内,经市建设委员会核定的危棚简屋改造地块拆迁居住房屋的补偿安置,适用本办法。<Westbank>The present Procedures apply to the compensation and resettlement for the demolition and re[] of residential houses on land-plots clustered with shaky sheds and crude shacks designated to be reconstructed, as checked and ratified by the Municipal Construction Commission.第三条(补偿)<Westbank>Article 3 (Compensation)拆迁居住房屋,拆迁人应当按照被拆除房屋的建筑面积和规定的补偿标准,给予居住房屋所有人补偿。<Westbank>For demolition and re[] of residential houses, the demolished shall compensate the owner of the residential houses in accordance with the architectural area of the demolished houses and the stipulated standard amount of compensation.第四条(安置方式)<Westbank>Article 4 (Ways of Resettlement)拆迁公有居住房屋,可以采取下列安置方式:<Westbank>The following ways of resettlement may be used for the demolition of publicly-owned residential houses:(一)以公有居住房屋安置;<Westbank>1. Resettlement with publicly-owned residential houses;(二)将应安置的公有居住房屋折算成货币款,由被拆迁人自行购买商品住宅安置(以下称货币化安置)。<Westbank>2. Resettlement with commodity residential house to be bought by the resident himself/herself whose house is to be demolished, with a sum money equivalent to the value of the publicly owned residential house designated for his/her resettlement (hereinafter referred to as "monetized resettlement")拆迁私有居住房屋,除可以采取前款所列的安置方式外,还可以采取互换房屋产权的安置方式。<Westbank>For demolition and re[] of privately-owned residential houses, in addition to the ways of resettlement mentioned in the preceding paragraph, resettlement may take the form of exchanging house titles.第五条(安置面积的计算标准)<Westbank>Article 5 (Standard for Computation of the Floor Area for Resettlement)以公有居住房屋安置或者互换房屋产权安置的,拆迁人应当按照被拆除房屋的建筑面积计算被拆迁人的安置面积,但下列情形除外:<Westbank>If resettlement is done with publicly-owned residential house or by exchange of house titles, the party that is to demolish the house shall compute the area for resettlement on the basis of the architectural area of the demolished house with the exception of the following circumstances:(一)被拆除房屋的建筑面积人均不足10平方米的,按照人均10平方米计算;<Westbank>1. the architectural area of the house to be demolished is less than 10 square meters per person, in which case the area for resettlement shall be computed at 10 square meters per person; or (二)被拆迁私有居住房屋所有人要求以公有居住房屋安置,且被拆除房屋的建筑面积超过人均24平方米的,按照人均24平方米计算。<Westbank>2. the owner of a privately-owned house to be demolished asks to be resettled in a publicly-owned house and the architectural area of the house to be demolished is more than 24 square meters per person, in which case the area for resettlement shall be computed at 24 square meters per person.第六条(异地安置增加面积标准)<Westbank>Article 6 (Standard of Increase in Floor Area for Resettlement in a Different [])拆迁人异地安置被拆迁人的,应当以本办法第五条规定的计算标准为依据,按照下表所列的百分率增加安置面积:<Westbank>When the party that is to demolish the house resettle the party whose house is demolished in a different [], the area for resettlement shall be increased in accordance with the ratio listed in the following table on the basis of the standard for computation set forth in Article 5 of the present Procedures:前款所列房屋地段,由市房屋土地管理局另行划定。<Westbank>The grades of the locality of the house listed in the preceding paragraph shall be defined separately by the Municipal Housing and Land Administration.第七条(独生子女增加安置面积标准)<Westbank>Article 7 (Standard of Increase in Area for Resettlement for Single-child)被拆迁人户中有领取独生子女证的独生子女的,可以在按照本办法第五条和第六条规定的计算标准进行安置以外,再增加建筑面积10平方米,但独生子女已经结婚的除外。<Westbank>In case the household living in the to- be-demolished house has a single child and holds a single child certificate, the said household shall be entitled to an extra increase in architectural area of 10 square meters in addition to the resettlement done according to the standard for computation set forth in Articles 5 and 6 of the present Procedures. But this does not apply to a single child who is married.第八条(互换房屋产权的价格)<Westbank>Article 8 (Prices for Houses Involved in Titles Exchange)被拆迁私有居住房屋所有人与拆迁人互换房屋产权的,应当按照互换房屋面积、质量的差异结算差额价款。<Westbank>When the owner of a privately-owned house to be demolished exchanges house titles with the party that is to demolish the house, the two parties shall compute the price difference according to the area and quality of the exchanged houses. 互换房屋产权的差额价款应当在签订房屋拆迁补偿安置协议时一次付清。<Westbank>The price difference shall be paid in one lump sum at the time when the two parties sign an agreement for compensation and resettlement for the demolition and re[] of houses.拆迁人以新建房屋与被拆迁私有居住房屋所有人互换房屋产权的,互换的新房价格应当按照成本价计算。<Westbank>In case the party that is to demolish the house uses a newly-built house in exchange for the title of the owner to a privately-owned house to be demolished, the price of the newly-built house shall be calculated on the basis of the cost price of the new house. 但超过应安置建筑面积的部分,按照市场价计算。<Westbank>However, if the architectural area of the newly built house exceeds that is required for resettlement, the exceeding architectural area shall be charged at market price.互换的新房成本价,由市建设委员会和市物价局参照本市公有住宅出售的成本价制定。<Westbank>The cost price of the newly-built house for exchange shall be set jointly by the Municipal Construction Commission and the Municipal Price Control Bureau by reference to the cost price for the sale of publicly-owned residential houses.第九条(货币化安置款的计算)<Westbank>

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中英对照法律资源--上海市危棚简屋改造地块居住房屋拆迁补偿安置试行办法          【字体:


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