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中英对照法律资源--保险公司合规管理指引          【字体:


作者:佚名    文章来源:不详    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

post compliance manual for compliance management.
第十九条 保险公司应当在合规管理部门与其他风险管理部门间建立协作机制。
Article 19 A cooperation mechanism between the compliance department and other risk management departments shall be established by an insurance company.
These other risk management departments shall take charge of identifying and evaluating various kinds of risks, including their own compliance risks, and reporting the related compliance risk information to the compliance department, and shall, with cooperation with the compliance department, monitor and evaluate compliance risk.
第二十条 保险公司的合规管理部门应当与内部审计部门相分离,并接受内部审计部门定期的独立审计。
Article 20 The compliance department of an insurance company shall be managed separately from the internal auditing department and be under the independent audit conducted on a regular basis by the latter.
A definite mechanism for the cooperation and information communication between the compliance department and the internal auditing department shall be established by an insurance company.
The internal auditing department shall inform the compliance department of the auditing situation and conclusion upon completion of the internal auditing, while the latter may, in light of the compliance risk monitoring situation, take the initiative to propose suggestions to the former.
第四章 合规管理
Chapter IV Compliance Management
第二十一条 保险公司应当制订合规政策,经董事会审议通过后报中国保监会备案。
Article 21 An insurance company shall set down compliance policies and shall report them to China Insurance Regulatory Committee for archival purpose after they are deliberated and approved by the board of directors.
A compliance policy, as a programmatic document for the compliance management of an insurance company, shall at least contain the contents as follows:
(一) 公司进行合规管理的目标和基本原则;
(1) the company's objective and basic principles of the compliance management;
(二) 公司倡导的合规文化;
(2) the compliance culture advocated by the company;
(三) 董事会、高级管理人员的合规责任;
(3) the compliance duties assumed by the board of directors and the senior managers;
(四) 公司合规管理框架和报告路线;
(4) the framework of compliance management and routes for reporting information;
(五) 合规管理部门的地位和职责;
(5) the status and duties of the compliance department; and
(六) 公司识别和管理合规风险的主要程序。
(6) the major procedures for identifying and managing compliance risk.
An insurance company shall, on an annual basis, evaluate its compliance policies and shall, in light of the actual needs, revise it.
第二十二条 保险公司应当制订员工和营销员行为准则、岗位合规手册等文件,落实公司的合规政策,并为员工和营销员执行合规政策提供指引。
Article 22 An insurance company shall set down conduct norms for its employees and marketing staff, the post compliance manual and other documents, bring the compliance policies into force, and guide its employees and marketing staff to exercise such policies.
The conduct norms for employees and marketing staff shall be the basic norms and must be respected by all employees and marketing staff, and may put forward special requirements for directors, supervisors and senior managers.
The post compliance manual shall prescribe the business operation procedure and norms of each post.
第二十三条 保险公司应当明确合规风险报告的路线,包括:保险公司营销员、公司其他部门及其员工向合规管理部门或者合规岗位的报告路线,各级合规管理部门或者合规岗位上报的路线,公司合规管理部门或者合规岗位和合规负责人向总经理、董事会审计委员会、董事会的报告路线。
Article 23 An insurance company shall definitely prescribe the compliance risk reporting routes including: the routes for the marketing staff, other departments and employees of the company to make report to the compliance department or the compliance posts, the routes for the compliance department or the compliance posts at each level to make report to the higher level, and the routes for the compliance department or the compliance posts and the compliance chief to make report to the general manager, the board of directors and the auditing committee thereof.
The insurance company shall also prescribe the duties of each person or institution related to a reporting route, the contents, way and frequency of such report and the requirements for report receivers to either directly deal with them or further report them to the higher level.
第二十四条 保险公司应当识别、评估和监测以下事项的合规风险:
Article 24 An insurance company shall identify, evaluate and monitor compliance risks in the aspects as follows:
(一) 保险业务行为,包括广告宣传、产品开发、销售、承保、理赔、保全、反洗钱、客户服务、客户投诉处理等;
(1) such insurance business behaviors as ad, product development, sale, insurance acceptance, claims settlement, preservation, anti money-laundering, customer service and handling of customer complaints, etc.;
(二) 保险资金运用行为,包括担保、融资、投资等;
(2) such insurance fund operation as guarantee, financing and investment, etc.;
(三) 保险机构设立、变更、合并、撤销以及战略合作等行为;
(3) such behaviors as establishment, alteration, merger, cancellation and strategic cooperation of insurance institutions;
(四) 公司内部管理决策行为和规章制度执行行为;
(4) internal management decision-making behaviors and behaviors for implementing rules and systems of the company; and
(五) 其他可能引发合规风险的行为。
(5) other behaviors that may result in compliance risks.
第二十五条 保险公司重要的内部管理制度和业务规程在发布实施前,应当提交合规管理部门审查,并经合规负责人签字认可。
Article 25 Before any announcement of important internal management system or business procedures are made, it or they shall be submitted by an insurance company to the compliance department for examination, and an approval signature must be obtained from the compliance chief before such system or procedures are put into force.
The compliance chief and the compliance department of an insurance company shall ensure that all important internal management systems and business procedures are in compliance.
第二十六条 保险公司合规管理部门应当按照高级管理人员、董事会审计委员会或者董事会的要求,在公司内进行各种合规调查。
Article 26 The compliance department of an insurance company shall conduct various kinds of compliance investigations in the company according to the requirements of the senior managers, the auditing committee of the board of directors or the board of directors.
The compliance department shall, after each investigation ends, set down a report concerning the investigation situation and conclusion, and file it with the organ requiring the investigation.
第二十七条 保险公司合规管理部门应当与公司人力资源部门建立协作机制,制订合规培训计划,开发有效的合规培训和教育项目,定期组织合规培训工作。
Article 27 The compliance department of an insurance company shall set up a cooperation mechanism with the human resource department, set down a compliance training plan, develop an effective compliance training and education program, and shall regularly organize compliance training courses.
Trainings corresponding to their duties shall have been made for the directors, supervisors and senior managers of an insurance company.
A newly hired, promoted or transferred employee shall accept compliance trainings.
第二十八条 保险公司应当建立违规事件举报机制,确保每一位员工和营销员都有权利和途径举报违规事件。
Article 28 An insurance company shall establish a mechanism for reporting violations, and such mechanism shall guarantee that each employee and marketing staff member may have the right and channel to report violations.
第二十九条 保险公司应当建立有效的合规考核和问责制度,将合规管理作为公司年度考核的重要指标,对各级管理人员的合规职责履行情况进行考核和评价,并追究违规事件管理人员的责任。
Article 29 In order to evaluate and assess the performance of duties by senior managers at various levels and subject the managers concerned in violations to corresponding responsibilities, an insurance company shall set up an effective compliance evaluation and accountability system and take compliance management as an important indicator of annual evaluation.
第五章 合规管理的外部监管
Chapter V External Supervision over Compliance Management
第三十条 保险公司合规管理部门负责组织学习中国保监会发布的重要监管文件,进行风险提示,并提出合规建议。
Article 30 The compliance department of an insurance company shall be responsible for organizing the study of the important supervisory documents circulated by China Insurance Regulatory Committee, make risk indications and put forward compliance suggestions.
The compliance department of an insurance company shall, in order to accurately apprehend the supervisory requirements, seek advice from China Insurance Regulatory Committee, and feedback the opinions and suggestions of its company.
第三十一条 保险公司应当在每年4月30日前向中国保监会提交公司上一年度的年度合规报告。保险公司董事会对合规报告的真实性负责。
Article 31 An insurance company shall, prior to April 30 of each year, present the annual compliance report of the previous year to China Insurance Regulatory Committee. The board of directors shall be liable for the authenticity of such report.
The annual compliance report shall contain contents as follows:
(一) 合规管理状况概述;
(1) an outline of the compliance management situation;
(二) 合规政策的制订、评估和修订;
(2) formulation, evaluation and revision of compliance policies;
(三) 合规负责人和合规管理部门的情况;
(3) situation of the compliance chief and the compliance department;
(四) 公司内部管理制度和业务流程情况;
(4) situation of the internal management system and operation flow;
(五) 重要业务活动的合规情况;
(5) whether significant business activities have been carried out in compliance;
(六) 合规评估和监测机制的运行;
(6) implementation of the compliance evaluation and operation of the monitoring mechanism;
(七) 面临的重大合规风险及应对措施;
(7) existing major compliance risks and measures for settling them;
(八) 重大违规事件及其处理;
(8) significant violations and measures for dealing with them;
(九) 合规培训情况;
(9) compliance trainings;
(十) 合规管理存在的问题和改进措施;
(10) problem

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