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中英对照法律资源--出口许可证签发工作规范          【字体:


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Circular of the Ministry of Commerce on Printing and Releasing the Working Rules on the Release of an Export License
Shang Pei Fa [2007] No. 359
The competent authorities for commerce of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the State Council, cities specially designated in the state plan, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and major capital cities, and all resident offices:
For the purpose of further standardizing the work on the release of an export license and making the release business of an export license more standard, systematic and scientific, the Ministry of Commerce has revised the Working Rules on the Application for and Release of an Export License (Wai Jing Mao Pei Fa [1999] No. 743) of the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. We hereby print and distribute you the revised Working Rules on the Release of an Export License, please implement accordingly.
Ministry of Commerce
Working Rules on the Release of an Export License
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 为规范出口许可证的签发工作,实现发证业务的标准化、制度化和科学化,依据《中华人民共和国行政许可法》、《中华人民共和国对外贸易法》、《中华人民共和国货物进出口管理条例》、《货物出口许可证管理办法》和《进出口商品许可证发证机构管理办法》等法律法规的规定,制定本规范。
Article 1 For the purpose of standardizing the work on the release of an export license and fulfilling the standardization, systematization and scientificity of the work on the release of an export license, the present Rules are constituted under the Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China, the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulation on the Administration of the Import and Export of Goods of the People's Republic of China, the Rules on the Administration of Export Licenses for Goods, the Rules on the Administration of Authorities Releasing Licenses for Imported and Exported Commodities and other laws and administrative regulations.
第二条 商务部授权配额许可证事务局(以下简称许可证局)对出口许可证签发工作进行统一管理、监督、检查和指导。
Article 2 The Quota and License Administrative Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the QLAB) shall be responsible for conducting the uniform administration, surveillance, inspection and guidance of the work on the release of an export license under the authorization of the Ministry of Commerce.
第三条 本规范所称出口许可证是指《中华人民共和国出口许可证》。本规范所称发证机构是指许可证局及商务部驻各地特派员办事处和各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市以及其他省会城市商务厅(局)、外经贸委(厅、局)。
Article 3 Export license referred to in the present Rules is the Export License of the People's Republic of China. Releasing authority referred to in the present Rules are the QLAB, a resident office in any locality of the Ministry of Commerce, or the department (bureau) of commerce or foreign trade and economic cooperation commission (department or bureau) of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the State Council, cities specially designated in the state plan or capital city.
Chapter II Acceptance of an Application for an Export License
第四条 发证机构应按照授权范围受理经营者提交的出口许可证申请。
Article 4 A releasing authority shall accept an application for an export license submitted by an operator in accordance with the extent of authorization.
第五条 经营者申请出口许可证须提交以下材料:
Article 5 While applying for an export license, an operator shall submit the materials as follows:
一、 加盖经营者公章的《中华人民共和国出口许可证申请表》(见附件1,以下简称申请表)。
1. The Application Form for an Export License of the People's Republic of China, affixed with the official seal of the operator (See Attachment one, hereinafter referred to as the Application Form);
二、 主管机关签发的出口批准文件。
2. The approval export documents issued by the competent authorities;
三、 出口合同正本复印件。
3. The photocopy of the original export contract;
四、 出口商与发货人不一致的,应当提交《委托代理协议》正本复印件。
4. The photocopy of the original agreement on agency, in case the exporter and consignor are inconsistent with each other; and
五、 商务部规定的其他应当提交的材料。
5. Other materials that shall be submitted according to the Ministry of Commerce.
The abovementioned materials shall be submitted at the time of collection of an export license as for an online application; or, at the time of application as for a written application.
第六条 年度内初次申请出口许可证的,还应提交以下材料的复印件:
Article 6 With respect to an initial application for an export license in a year, it shall also submit the photocopies of the materials as follows:
一、 《企业法人登记营业执照》。
1. The Enterprise Legal Person Registration and Business License; and
二、 加盖对外贸易经营者备案登记专用章的《对外贸易经营者备案登记表》或《中华人民共和国进出口经营者资格证书》;经营者为外商投资企业的,应当提交《外商投资企业批准证书》。
2. The Record Registration Form for a Foreign Trade Operator affixed with the special seal for the record registration of a foreign trade operator or the Importer or Exporter Qualification Certificate of the People's Republic of China; and the Foreign-Invested Enterprise Approval Certificate , where the operator is a foreign-invested enterprise.
In the case of any changes of the abovementioned materials, the changed material shall be submitted in time by the operator to the local releasing authority.
第七条 经营者应对所提交材料的真实性负责,其有关经营活动应遵守国家法律法规的规定。
Article 7 An operator shall be responsible for the authenticity of the submitted materials, and shall observe the provisions of laws and administrative regulations of the state when conducting business activities.
Chapter III Examination of an Application for an Export License
第八条 发证机构对出口许可证的申请应审核如下内容:
Article 8 When examining an application for an export license, the releasing authority shall inspect the contents as follows:
一、 经营者是否具有经营资格。
1. The business qualification for an operator;
二、 经营者提交的出口批准文件是否完整、有效。
2. The completeness and validity of the export approval documents submitted by an operator;
三、 申请表的相关内容与出口货物管理及许可证管理的有关规定、出口批准文件以及出口合同的内容是否相符,备注栏的内容是否完整、准确。
3. The consistency of the relevant contents of the Application Form with the relevant provisions on the administration of exported goods and license, the export approval documents and the contents of the export contract, and the completeness and accuracy of the contents in the note column; and
四、 需要提交的其他材料是否符合有关规定。
4. The accordance of other materials submitted as required with the relevant provisions.
第九条 发证机构对出口许可证申请的审核程序是:
Article 9 The procedures for a releasing authority to examine an application for an export license shall be as follows:
一、 网上申请的审核:经审核符合规定的,发证机构工作人员点击通过;不符合规定的,须在申请表审核意见栏一次性注明不予通过的原因,点击不予通过。经营者可在企业网上申领系统中获取未通过的原因。
1. With respect to the examination on an online application, in case an application is in accordance with the provisions after examination, the personnel of a releasing authority shall click the PASS icon; otherwise, shall indicate the reasons for the failed application in the examination opinion column of the Application Form for one time and click the FAIL icon. An operator may be ware of the reasons for its failed application in the enterprise online application system.
二、 书面申请的审核:经审核符合规定的,发证机构工作人员在申请表审核意见栏注明审核意见;不符合规定的,须在申请表审核意见栏注明不予通过的原因,并将申请材料退还经营者。
2. With respect to the examination on a written application, in case an application is in accordance with the provisions after examination, the personnel of a releasing authority shall indicate the examination opinions in the examination opinions column of the Application Form; otherwise, shall indicate the reasons for the failed application in the examination opinions column of the Application Form, and return the application materials to the operator.
Chapter IV Release of an Export License
第十条 发证机构自收到符合规定的申请之日起3个工作日内发放出口许可证。
Article 10 A releasing authority shall issue an export license within three workdays as of the receipt of an application that is in accordance with the provisions.
第十一条 发证机构凭加盖经营者公章的申请表取证联及领证人员本人身份证明材料发放出口许可证。
Article 11 A releasing authority shall issue an export license in the light of the license collection slip of the Application Form affixed with the official seal of an operator and the personal identity certificate of the collector.
第十二条 发证机构根据国家发展和改革委员会颁发的《收费许可证》中有关收费项目和收费标准的规定收取证件费。
Article 12 A releasing authority shall charge certificate fees in accordance with the provisions on relevant charge items and standards in the Fee Charge Permit issued by the National Development and Reform Commission.
Chapter V Use of an Export License
第十三条 出口许可证有效期不得超过6个月,逾期自行失效。需要跨年度使用时,有效期的截止日期不得超过次年2月底。
Article 13 The validity term of an export license shall be not more than six months, and an export license shall be automatically invalidated at the expiration of such a time limit. If an export license is used beyond the year, the expiration date of the validity of the export license shall be not in excess of the end of February next year.
第十四条 出口许可证一经签发,任何单位和个人不得擅自更改证面内容。因故需要更改、延期时,发证机构应受理经营者在出口许可证有效期内提出的申请。
Article 14 Upon the release of an export license, no entity or individual shall alter any content of the license. In the case of any alteration or extension of an export license for any reason, the releasing authority shall accept an application filed by an operator within the validity term of the export license.
第十五条 受理出口许可证更改、延期申请时,发证机构应要求经营者提交加盖公章的《中华人民共和国出口许可证退(换)证申请表》(见附件2)和出口许可证原件以及本规范所列第五条相关材料,并经审核程序换发新证。
Article 15 When accepting an application for the alteration or extension of an export license, a releasing authority expiration shall require the operator to submit an Application Form for the Return (Replacement) of an Export License of the People's Republic of China (See Attachment 2) affixed with the official seal of the operator, the

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