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中英对照法律资源--保险公司合规管理指引          【字体:


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Circular of China Insurance Regulatory Commission concerning Printing and Distributing the Guidelines for the Compliance Management of Insurance Companies
Bao Jian Fa [2007] No.91
Each insurance company, insurance assets management company and insurance regulatory bureau:
In order to regulate the governance structure of insurance companies, strengthen the management of risks encountered by insurance companies and exercise effective internal controls, this Commission set down the Guidelines for the Compliance Management of Insurance Companies. We hereby print and distribute to you. Please carry them out in light of your actual situation.
China Insurance Regulatory Commission
Guidelines for the Compliance Management of Insurance Companies
第一章 总则
Chapter I General Rules
第一条 为了规范保险公司治理结构,加强保险公司合规管理,根据《中华人民共和国公司法》、《保险公司管理规定》、《关于规范保险公司治理结构的指导意见(试行)》等法律法规,制订本指引。
Article 1 In order to regulate the governance structure of insurance companies and strengthen the compliance management of insurance companies, the present Guidelines are set down according to the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the Provisions on Administering Insurance Companies, the Guiding Opinions concerning Regulating the Governance Structure of Insurance Companies and other laws and regulations.
第二条 本指引所称的合规是指保险公司及其员工和营销员的保险经营管理行为应当符合法律法规、监管机构规定、行业自律规则、公司内部管理制度以及诚实守信的道德准则。
Article 2 The term "compliance" as referred to in the present Guidelines means that insurance companies and their employees and marketing staff shall carry out insurance operation and management behaviors subject to the related laws and regulations, provisions of insurance regulatory organs, self-discipline rules of the industry, their internal management system and the ethic code of honesty and good faith.
The term "compliance risk" as referred to in the present Guidelines means the risk of undertaking legal responsibility, supervisory punishment, financial losses or reputation losses as a result of an incompliant insurance operation and management behavior made by the insurance company or any of its employees and marketing staff.
第三条 合规管理是保险公司通过设置合规管理部门或者合规岗位,制定和执行合规政策,开展合规监测和合规培训等措施,预防、识别、评估、报告和应对合规风险的行为。
Article 3 Compliance management means that insurance companies shall prevent, identify, evaluate, report and handle compliance risks by taking measures such as establishing the compliance department or the compliance posts, setting down and carrying out compliance policies, conducting compliance monitoring and providing compliance trainings, etc.
Compliance management is a key part of comprehensive risk management in insurance companies, and also a basic work for conducting effective internal controls.
In order to effectively identify and actively prevent and eliminate compliance risks and ensure sound and stable business operation, an insurance company shall, according to the requirements of the present Guidelines, set up sound compliance management systems, improve the organizational structure of compliance management, clarify compliance management responsibilities and build up a perfect compliance management system.
第四条 合规人人有责。保险公司应当倡导和培育良好的合规文化,努力培育全体员工和营销员的合规意识,并将合规文化建设作为公司文化建设的一个重要组成部分。
Article 4 Everybody is responsible for compliance. An insurance company shall boost and cultivate a good compliance culture, work hard to enhance the compliance awareness of all employees and marketing staff, and regard the compliance culture construction as an important part of the construction of the enterprise culture.
Compliance shall start from the senior managers. The board of directors and the senior managers of an insurance company shall advocate ethics and values of honesty and good faith, advocate such philosophies as voluntary compliance and compliance bringing about values, etc., and make internal compliance management and external supervision better interacted with each other.
第五条 中国保监会及其派出机构依法对保险公司合规管理实施监督检查。
Article 5 The compliance management of insurance companies shall be supervised and inspected by China Insurance Regulatory Committee and its dispatched offices.
第二章 董事会、监事会和总经理的合规职责
Chapter II Compliance Duties of the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the General Manager
第六条 保险公司董事会对公司的合规管理承担最终责任,履行以下合规职责:
Article 6 The board of directors of an insurance company shall bear ultimate liabilities for the compliance management of the company, and shall perform the compliance duties as follows:
(一) 审议批准合规政策,监督合规政策的实施,并对实施情况进行年度评估;
(1) examining and approving compliance policies, supervising their implementation and evaluating their implementation annually;
(二) 审议批准并向中国保监会提交公司年度合规报告,对年度合规报告中反映出的问题,采取措施解决;
(2) examining and approving the annual compliance report of the company, presenting such report to China Insurance Regulatory Committee and taking measures to settle problems referred to in such report;
(三) 根据总经理提名决定合规负责人的聘任、解聘及报酬事项;
(3) determining such issues as the appointment, dismissal and remuneration of the compliance chief nominated by the general manager;
(四) 决定公司合规管理部门的设置及其职能;
(4) determining whether to establish the compliance department and its functions;
(五) 保证合规负责人独立与董事会、董事会审计委员会或者其他专业委员会沟通;
(5) guaranteeing that the compliance chief can independently communicate with the board of directors, the auditing committee of the board of directors or any other special committee; and
(六) 公司章程规定的其他合规职责。
(6) other compliance duties as stipulated in the articles of association of the company.
第七条 保险公司董事会审计委员会履行以下合规职责:
Article 7 The auditing committee under the board of directors of an insurance company shall discharge compliance duties as follows:
(一) 审核并向董事会提交公司年度合规报告;
(1) deliberating and approving the annual compliance report of the company and presenting such report to the board of directors;
(二) 定期审查公司半年度合规报告;
(2) regularly examining the semi-annual compliance report of the company;
(三) 听取合规负责人和合规管理部门有关合规事项的报告,并向董事会提出意见和建议;
(3) hearing the compliance issues the compliance chief and the compliance department reports; and
(四) 公司章程规定、董事会确定的其他合规职责。
(4) other compliance duties as stipulated by the articles of association and determined by the board of directors.
The insurance company may, in light of its actual situation, appoint another special committee set up by the board of directors to perform the compliance duties specified above.
第八条 保险公司设立监事或者监事会的,监事或者监事会履行以下合规职责:
Article 8 The supervisors or board of supervisors of an insurance company, if any, shall perform the compliance duties as follows:
(一) 监督董事会和高级管理人员合规职责的履行情况;
(1) supervising the performance of compliance duties by the board of directors and senior managers;
(二) 监督董事会的决策及决策流程是否合规;
(2) supervising whether the decisions of the board of directors are made in full compliance and whether the decision-making flow is in compliance;
(三) 对引发重大合规风险的董事、高级管理人员提出罢免的建议;
(3) proposing suggestions on dismissing any director or senior manager who causes a great compliance risk;
(四) 向董事会提出撤换公司合规负责人的建议;
(4) proposing suggestions to the board of directors on dismissing and replacing the compliance chief of the company;
(五) 依法调查公司经营中的异常情况,并可要求公司合规负责人和合规管理部门协助;
(5) investigating the abnormal circumstances that happened in the operation of the company in accordance with law, and when necessary, requiring the compliance chief and the compliance department to assist; and
(六) 公司章程规定的其他合规职责。
(6) other compliance duties as stipulated in the articles of association.
第九条 保险公司总经理履行以下合规职责:
Article 9 The general manager of an insurance company shall perform the compliance duties as follows:
(一) 根据董事会的决定建立健全公司合规管理组织架构,向董事会提名合规负责人,设立合规管理部门,并为其履行职责提供充分条件;
(1) in accordance with the decisions made by the board of directors, setting up and improving the compliance management organization structure, nominating the compliance chief to the board of directors, establishing the compliance department and providing sufficient conditions for the department to perform its duties;
(二) 审核合规负责人提交的公司合规政策,报经董事会审议后执行;
(2) examining the compliance policies presented by the compliance chief and exercising them upon the approval of the board of directors;
(三) 每年至少组织一次对公司合规风险的识别和评估,并审核下年度公司合规风险管理计划;
(3) identifying and evaluating the compliance risks of the company for at least once every year as well as verifying the compliance risk management plan of the next year;
(四) 审核并向董事会审计委员会提交公司年度、半年度合规报告;
(4) verifying the annual and semi-annual compliance reports and submitting them to the auditing committee of the board of directors;
(五) 发现公司有不合规的经营管理行为的,及时采取适当的补救措施,追究违规责任人的相应责任,并按规定进行报告;
(5) after finding out any incompliant operation and management behavior, promptly taking remedial measures,, subjecting the liable persons to corresponding liabilities and reporting the whole situation according to related requirements; and
(六) 公司章程规定或者董事会确定的其他合规职责。
(6) other compliance duties that are stipulated in the articles of association or determined by the board of directors.
The general manager of a branch office or central sub-branch of the insurance company shall perform the compliance duties that are prescribed in Items 3 and 5 of the preceding Paragraph.
第三章 合规负责人和合规管理部门
Chapter III Compliance Chief and Compliance Department
第十条 保险公司应当

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