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中英对照法律资源--保险公司合规管理指引          【字体:


作者:佚名    文章来源:不详    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Article 10 The post of compliance chief shall be established by an insurance company. The compliance chief shall be a senior manager of the parent company, and may not concurrently take charge of the business department or the financial department.
To appoint someone to be the compliance chief, an insurance company shall, in accordance with the Administrative Provisions on the Post-holding Qualifications of Directors and Senior Managers of Insurance Companies and the relevant provisions promulgated by China Insurance Regulatory Committee, submit the appointment for approval.
To dismiss the compliance chief, an insurance company shall, within 10 days after the dismissal, submit a report and an explanation thereon to China Insurance Regulatory Committee.
第十一条 保险公司合规负责人对总经理和董事会负责,并履行以下职责:
Article 11 The compliance chief of an insurance company shall be responsible to the general manager and the board of directors, and shall perform duties as follows:
(一) 制订和修订公司合规政策并报总经理审核;
(1) setting down and revising compliance policies and reporting them to the general manager for verification;
(二) 将董事会审议批准后的合规政策传达给公司全体员工和营销员,并组织执行;
(2) transferring the compliance policies deliberated and approved by the board of directors to all employees and marketing staff and organizing the implementation thereof;
(三) 在董事会和总经理领导下,制定公司年度合规风险管理计划,全面负责公司的合规管理工作,并领导合规管理部门或者合规岗位;
(3) under the leadership of the board of directors and the general manager, setting down the annual compliance risk management plan, taking full charge of the compliance management work and directing the work of the compliance department and persons in the compliance-related posts;
(四) 定期向总经理和董事会审计委员会提出合规改进建议,及时向总经理和董事会审计委员会报告公司和高级管理人员的重大违规行为;
(4) making suggestions to the general manager and the auditing committee of the board of directors on better compliance management on a regular basis and reporting the gross violations of the company and the senior managers thereto in a timely manner;
(五) 审核并签字认可合规管理部门出具的合规报告等各种合规文件;
(5) examining the compliance report and other compliance documents presented by the compliance department, and signing them as approval; and
(六) 公司章程规定或者者董事会确定的其他合规职责。
(6) other compliance duties as prescribed in the articles of association or determined by the board of directors.
第十二条 保险公司总公司应当设置合规管理部门。保险公司应当根据业务规模、组织架构和风险管理工作的需要,在分支机构设置合规管理部门或者合规岗位。
Article 12 The parent company of an insurance company shall establish the compliance department. While the insurance company shall establish the compliance departments or compliance posts in its branch offices in light of its business scale, organizational structure and risk management work demands.
The compliance department, post and staff in any of these branch offices shall be responsible to the chief person in charge of the branch and the compliance department or posts I in the higher level.
An insurance company shall, by working out corresponding compliance policies or other formal documents, determine the organizational structure, duties and rights of the compliance department and compliance posts, and work out measures to ensure their independency.
第十三条 保险公司必须确保合规管理部门和合规岗位的独立性,并对其实行独立预算和考评。合规管理部门和合规岗位应当独立于业务部门、财务部门和内部审计部门。
Article 13 An insurance company shall ensure the independency of the compliance department and each compliance post, and their budgets and evaluations shall be separately carried out. The compliance department and compliance posts shall be independent from the business department, the financial department and the internal auditing department.
第十四条 合规管理部门履行以下职责:
Article 14 The compliance department of an insurance company shall perform the duties as follows:
(一) 协助合规负责人制订、修订公司的合规政策和年度合规风险管理计划,并推动其贯彻落实,协助高级管理人员培育公司的合规文化;
(1) helping the compliance chief to set down and revise the compliance policies and the annual compliance risk management plan of the company, advocating the implementation of such policies and plan, and helping the senior managers to cultivate a compliance culture in the company;
(二) 组织协调公司各部门和分支机构制订、修订公司的岗位合规手册和其他合规管理规章制度;
(2) organizing the departments and branch offices of the company to set down and revise the post compliance manual and other compliance management rules and systems;
(三) 实施合规风险监测,识别、评估和报告合规风险;
(3) monitoring identifying, evaluating and reporting compliance risks;
(四) 撰写年度、半年度及其他合规报告;
(4) preparing annual, semi-annual and other compliance reports;
(五) 参与新产品和新业务的开发,识别、评估合规风险,提供合规支持;
(5) taking part in developing new products and business, identifying and evaluating compliance risks and providing support for compliance-related work;
(六) 负责公司反洗钱制度的制订和实施;
(6) working out the anti money-laundering system of the company and exercising it;
(七) 组织合规培训,贯彻员工和营销员行为准则,并向员工和营销员提供合规咨询;
(7) organizing compliance training, exercising the conduct norms for employees and marketing staff and providing them with compliance consultancy service;
(八) 审查公司重要的内部规章制度和业务流程,并根据法律法规、监管规定和行业自律规则的变动和发展,提出制订或者修订公司内部规章制度和业务流程的建议;
(8) examining the important internal rules and systems and business flow of the company, and, according to laws, regulations and supervisory provisions, proposing suggestions on setting down or revising certain inner rules and systems or business flow in light of the variation and development of the self-discipline rules of the industry;
(九) 保持与监管机构的日常工作联系,跟踪评估监管措施和要求,反馈相关意见和建议;
(9) keeping in touch with the supervisory organ in doing the daily routine, making follow-up evaluations on the supervisory measures and requirements and feeding back the related opinions and suggestions; and
(十) 董事会确定的其他合规管理职责。
(10) other compliance duties the board of directors determines.
Insurance companies shall, in light of the preceding provisions, determine the specific duties of compliance posts.
第十五条 保险公司应当以规章制度保障合规负责人、合规管理部门和合规岗位享有以下权利:
Article 15 An insurance company shall set down rules and systems to guarantee that the compliance chief, the compliance department and the compliance posts enjoy the following rights:
(一) 为了履行合规管理职责,通过参加会议、查阅文件、与有关人员交谈、接受合规情况反映等方式获取必要的信息;
(1) in order to perform their compliance duties, obtaining necessary information via attending meetings, consulting documents, interviewing persons concerned and being informed of the compliance situation;
(二) 对违规或者可能违规的人员和事件进行独立调查,必要时可外聘专业人员或者机构协助工作;
(2) independently investigating existing or potential violators and violations, and when necessary, hiring professionals to do so;
(三) 享有通畅的报告渠道,根据董事会确定的报告路线向总经理、董事会审计委员会或者董事会报告;
(3) possessing smooth reporting channels and reporting the related information to the general manager, the board of directors or the auditing committee thereof through the reporting channels as determined by the board of directors; and
(四) 董事会确定的其他权利。
(4) other rights as determined by the board of directors.
第十六条 保险公司应当为合规管理部门或者合规岗位配备足够的合规人员。
Article 16 An insurance company shall equip the compliance department or the compliance posts with sufficient compliance personnel.
The compliance personnel shall possess qualifications and experience corresponding to their posts and duties, professional knowledge in law, insurance, accounting and finance, and, especially, shall be capable of correctly understanding laws, regulations, self-discipline rules of the industry and the internal management system of the company.
In order to constantly improve their special skills, the insurance company shall provide systematic education and training on a regular basis.
The board of directors and the senior managers shall support the compliance department, the compliance posts and the compliance personnel in performance of their work duties, and take measures to effectively protect them from being unfairly treated when performing duties.
第十七条 保险公司应当为总公司的合规管理部门配备专职的合规人员。有条件的保险公司应当为分支机构的合规管理部门或者合规岗位配备专职的合规人员。
Article 17 An insurance company shall equip the compliance department in its parent company with full-time compliance personnel. An insurance company shall do the same for the compliance department or the compliance posts of its branch office when conditions permit.
第十八条 合规不仅是合规管理部门、合规岗位以及专业合规人员的责任,更是保险公司每一位员工和营销员的责任。
Article 18 Not only the compliance department, the compliance posts and the professional compliance personnel shall be responsible for compliance, but also each employee and each marketing staff member.
The departments and branch offices of an insurance company shall, within their respective scope of functions and duties, assume direct and primary responsibility for compliance management.
All departments and branch offices shall voluntarily carry out self-inspections on compliance as a routine task, report compliance risk information or potential risks to the compliance department or the compliance posts, and support and cooperate with the compliance department or the compliance posts in risk monitoring and evaluation.
The compliance department or the compliance posts shall provide compliance support to the business activities done by any other department, branch office or any employee and marketing staff, and assist and direct each department or branch office to set down the

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