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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国城镇国有土地使用权出让和转让暂行条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

(5) 50 years for comprehensive utilization or other purposes.

  第十三条 土地使用权出让可以采取下列方式:

Article 13. The assignment of the right to the use of the land may be carried out by the following means:


(1) by reaching an agreement through consultations;


(2) by invitation to bid; or


(3) by auction.


The specific procedures and steps for assigning the right to the use of the land by the means stipulated in preceding paragraphs shall be formulated by the people's government of relevant province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government.

  第十四条 土地使用者应当在签订土地使用权出让合同后六十日内,支付全部土地使用权出让金。逾期未全部支付的,出让方有权解除合同,并可请求违约赔偿。

Article 14. The land user shall, within 60 days of the signing of the contract for the assignment of the right to the use of the land, pay the total amount of the assignment fee thereof, failing which, the assigning party shall have the right to terminate the contract and may claim compensation for breach of contract.

  第十五条 出让方应当按照合同规定,提供出让的土地使用权。未按合同规定提供土地使用权的,土地使用者有权解除合同,并可请求违约赔偿。

Article 15. The assigning party shall, in compliance with the stipulations of the contract, provide the right to the use of the land thus assigned, failing which, the land user shall have the right to terminate the contract and may claim compensation for breach of contract.

  第十六条 土地使用者在支付全部土地使用权出让金后,应当依照规定办理登记,领取土地使用证,取得土地使用权。

Article 16. After paying the total amount of the fee for the assignment of the right to the use of the land, the land user shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions, go through the registration thereof, obtain the certificate for land use and accordingly the right to the sue of the land.

  第十七条 土地使用者应当按照土地使用权出让合同的规定和城市规划的要求,开发、利用、经营土地。

Article 17. The land user shall, in conformity with the stipulations of the contract for the assignment of the right to the use of land and the requirements of city planning, develop, utilize and manage the land.


Should any land user fail to develop and utilize the land in accordance with the period of time specified in the contract and the conditions therein, the land administration departments under the people's governments at the municipal and county levels shall make corrections and, in light of the seriousness of the case, give such penalties as a warning, a fine or , in an extreme case, with drawing the right to the use of the land without compensation.

  第十八条 土地使用者需要改变土地使用权出让合同规定的土地用途的,应当征得出让方同意并经土地管理部门和城市规划部门批准,依照本章的有关规定重新签订土地使用权出让合同,调整土地使用权出让金,并办理登记。

Article 18. If the land user needs to alter the purposes of land use as stipulated in the contract for assigning the right to the use of land, he shall obtain the consent of the assigning party and the approval of the land administration department and the urban planning department and shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions in this Chapter, sign a new contract for assigning the right to the use of the land, readjust amount of the assignment fee thereof, and undertake registration anew.



第十九条 土地使用权转让是指土地使用者将土地使用权再转让的行为,包括出售、交换和赠与。

Article 19. The transfer of the right to the use of the land refers to the land user's act of re-assigning the right to the use of the land, including the sale, exchange, and donation thereof.


If the land has not been developed and utilized in accordance with the period of time specified in the contract and the conditions therein, the right to the use thereof may not be transferred.

  第二十条 土地使用权转让应当签订转让合同。

Article 20. A transfer contract shall be sighed for the transfer of the right to the use of the land.

  第二十一条 土地使用权转让时,土地使用权出让合同和登记文件中所载明的权利、义务随之转移。

Article 21. With the transfer of the right to the use of the land, the rights and obligations specified in the contract for assigning the right to the use of the land and in the registration documents shall be transferred accordingly.

  第二十二条 土地使用者通过转让方式取得的土地使用权,其使用年限为土地使用权出让合同规定的使用年限减去原土地使用者已使用年限后的剩余年限。

Article 22. The land user who has acquired the right to the use of the land by means of the transfer thereof shall have a term of use which is the remainder of the term specified in the contract for assigning the right to the use of the land minus the number of the years in which the original land user has used the land.

  第二十三条 土地使用权转让时,其地上建筑物、其他附着物所有权随之转让。

Article 23. With the transfer of the right to the use of the land, the ownership of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects shall be transferred accordingly.

  第二十四条 地上建筑物、其他附着物的所有人或者共有人,享有该建筑物、附着物使用范围内的土地使用权。

Article 24. The owners or joint owners of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects shall have the right to the use of the land within the limits of use of the said buildings and objects.


With the transfer of the ownership of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects by the land users, the right to the use of the land within the limits of use of the said buildings and objects shall be transferred accordingly, with the exception of the movables.

  第二十五条 土地使用权和地上建筑物、其他附着物所有权转让,应当按照规定办理过户登记。

Article 25. With respect to the transfer of the right to the use of the land and of the ownership of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects, registration for the transfer shall be undertaken in accordance with the relevant provisions.


Divided transfer of the right to the use of the land and of the ownership of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects shall be subject to the approval of the land administration department and the housing administration departments under the people's governments at th

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