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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国促进科技成果转化法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


第二十四条 国家鼓励设立科技成果转化基金或者风险基金,其资金来源由国家、地方、企业、事业单位以及其他组织或者个人提供,用于支持高投入、高风险、高产出的科技成果的转化,加速重大科技成果的产业化。

Article 24 The State encourages establishment of funds or risk funds for transformation of scientific and technological achievements, such funds shall be raised by the State, local authorities, enterprises, institutions and other organizations and individuals and shall be used to aid transformation of such scientific and technological achievements as need substantial investment, involve considerable risks and promise high yields and to accelerate the application of major scientific and technological achievements in industrial production.


Funds and risk funds for transformation of scientific and technological achievements shall be established and used in accordance with relevant regulations of the State.

第二十五条 国家推进科学技术信息网络的建设和发展,建立科技成果信息资料库,面向全国,提供科技成果信息服务。

Article 25 The State promotes the establishment and expansion of scientific and technological information networks and the establishment of a data bank of scientific and technological achievements, both of which shall provide information services regarding such achievements throughout the country.

第四章 技术权益


第二十六条 科技成果完成单位与其他单位合作进行科技成果转化的,应当依法由合同约定该科技成果有关权益的归属。合同未作约定的,按照下列原则办理:

Article 26 When a unit that made scientific and technological achievements and another unit join efforts to transform the achievements, the ownership of rights and interests related to the achievements shall be stipulated in a contract in accordance with law. What is not stipulated in the contract shall be handled according to the following principles:


(1) Where no invention or creation ensures from transformation of a scientific or technological achievement, the rights and interests related to the scientific or technological achievement shall belong to the unit that made the achievement;


(2) Where inventions or creations ensue from collaborated transformation of a scientific or technological achievement, the rights and interests related to the inventions or creations shall belong to both parties in collaboration; and


(3) As to the scientific and technological achievements made through collaborated transformation, both parties shall have the right to put into practice the achievements thus made; consent shall have to be obtained from both parties in collaboration for transfer of the said achievements.

第二十七条 科技成果完成单位与其他单位合作进行科技成果转化的,合作各方应当就保守技术秘密达成协议;当事人不得违反协议或者违反权利人有关保守技术秘密的要求,披露、允许他人使用该技术。

Article 27 When a unit, that made scientific and technological achievements, and another unit collaborate to transform the achievements, both parties shall reach an agreement on protection of the technical know-how; the parties may not, running counter to the agreement or the request of the obligee for keeping the technical know-how, disclose or let another use the technical know-how.


Agencies of technological exchange and intermediate institutions shall be obligated to keep secret the technical know-how of the parties concerned, which they come to know while serving as an agent or an intermediary.

第二十八条 企业、事业单位应当建立健全技术秘密保护制度,保护本单位的技术秘密。职工应当遵守本单位的技术秘密保护制度。 

Article 28 Enterprises and institutions shall establish a system for protection of the technical know-how and keep improving it, in order to guard the technical know-how of their own. Employees shall adhere to the system of their own units for protection of the technical know-how.


Enterprises and institutions may sign an agreement on protection of their technical know-how with the employees who participate in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements during the period when they remain in employment or within a specified period of time after they leave office or retire; the said employees may not, in violation of what is agreed on, disclose the technical know-how of their own units or engage in transforming the same scientific or technological achievement as that of their own units.


No employees may transfer, without authorization, the scientific or technological achievements they made while holding positions in their units or do so in disguised form.

第二十九条 科技成果完成单位将其职务科技成果转让给他人的,单位应当从转让该项职务科技成果所取得的净收入中,提取不低于20%的比例,对完成该项科技成果及其转化做出重要贡献的人员给予奖励。

Article 29 When transferring a scientific or technological achievement made by employees while holding positions in a unit, the unit shall take not less than 20 percent of the net income, obtained from transfer of the achievement, to award persons who made important contributions to the scientific or technological achievement or to its transformation.

第三十条 企业、事业单位独立研究开发或者与其他单位合作研究开发的科技成果实施转化成功投产后,单位应当连续三至五年从实施该科技成果新增留利中提取不低于5%的比例,对完成该项科技成果及其转化做出重要贡献的人员给予奖励。

Article 30 If a scientific or technological achievement, that is made through the independent research and development of an enterprise or institution or through research and development of the enterprise or institution with the collaboration of another unit, is transformed successfully and is adopted in production, the unit or units shall take, for three to five years running, not less than five percent of the added profits from adoption of the achievement, that they are entitled to retain, to award persons who made important contributions to the scientific or technological achievement or to its transformation.


In respect of the remunerations or rewards given to persons who made important contributions to research and development of sci

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