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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国逮捕拘留条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Regulations of the PRC on Arrest and Detention

第一条   根据中华人民共和国宪法第十八条和第四十七条的规定,了保卫社会主义制度,为维护社会秩序,惩罚犯罪,保护公民的人身自由和住宅不受侵犯,特制定本条例。

Article 1. These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the provisions of Articles 18 and 47 of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, in order to safeguard the socialist system, maintain public order, punish crimes, uphold citizens' freedom of the person and protect their homes against any violation.

  第二条   中华人民共和国公民,非经人民法院决定或者人民检察院批准,不受逮捕。

Article 2. No citizen of the People's Republic of China may be arrested except by decision of a people's court or with the approval of a people's procuratorate.

  第三条   主要犯罪事实已经查清,可能判处徒刑以上刑罚的人犯,有逮捕必要的,经人民法院决定或者人民检察院批准,应即逮捕。

Article 3. When it is necessary to arrest an offender the principal facts of whose crime have already been clarified and who could be sentenced to a punishment of not less than imprisonment, he shall be immediately arrested by decision of a people's court or with the approval of a people's procuratorate.


If an offender liable to arrest is gravely ill or is a woman who is pregnant or is breast-feeding her own child, an alternative measure may be adopted to allow the offender to obtain a guarantor pending trial or live at home under surveillance.

  第四条   经人民法院决定或者人民检察院批准逮捕的人犯,由公安机关执行逮捕。

Article 4. The arrest of an offender, as decided by a people's court or approved by a people's procuratorate, shall be carried out by a public security organ.


When a public security organ demands the arrest of an offender, it shall obtain the approval of a people's procuratorate.

  第五条   公安机关逮捕人犯的时候,必须持有逮捕证,并且向被逮捕人宣布。逮捕后,除有碍侦查或者无法通知的情形外,公安机关、人民检察院或者人民法院应当把逮捕的原因和羁押的处所,在二十四小时以内告知被逮捕人的家属。

Article 5. When a public security organ arrests an offender, it must hold an arrest warrant and announce the arrest to the person to be arrested. Within 24 hours after the arrest, the public security organ, the people's procuratorate or the people's court shall notify the family of the arrested person of the reason for arrest and the place of custody, except where notification would hinder the investigation or there is no way to notify them.

  第六条     公安机关对罪该逮捕的现行犯或者重大犯罪嫌疑分子,如果有下列情形之一的,由于情况紧急,可以先行拘留:

Article 6. In any of the following emergency circumstances, a public security organ may first detain a major suspect or an active criminal who, on the basis of his crime, should be arrested:


(1) if he is in the process of preparing to commit a crime, is committing a crime or is discovered immediately after committing a crime;


(2) if he is identified as having committed a crime by the victim or by an eyewitness;


(3) if he is found to have criminal evidence on his person or at his residence;


(4) if after committing a crime, he attempts to commit suicide or to escape or is already a fugitive;


(5) if he may possibly destroy or falsify evidence, or collude with others to devise a consistent story;


(6) if his identity is unclear and there is strong suspicion that he is a person who goes from place to place committing crimes; or


(7) if he is engaged in beating, smashing, looting or raiding and is gravely undermining work, production or public order.

  第七条   对下列人犯,任何公民都可以立即扭送公安机关、人民检察院或者人民法院处理:

Article 7. Any citizen may forthwith seize the following offenders and deliver them to a public security organ, a people's procuratorate or a people's court for handling:


(1) a person who is in the process of committing a crime or is discovered immediately after committing a crime;


(2) a person who is wanted for arrest;


(3) a person who has escaped from prison; or


(4) a person who is being pursued for arrest.


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