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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国促进科技成果转化法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

r individuals from outside China in transforming scientific and technological achievements, they must evaluate the achievements in accordance with relevant regulations of the State.


Where State secrets are involved in transforming scientific and technological achievements with the cooperation of other countries, prior approval must be obtained through the procedures stipulated by law.

第十七条 依法设立的从事技术交易的场所或者机构,可以进行下列推动科技成果转化的活动:

Article 17 In places or agencies set up according to law for the exchange of technology, the following activities to promote transformation of scientific and technological achievements may be conducted:


(1) introducing or recommending scientific and technological achievements that are advanced, matured and applicable;


(2) providing economic, technological, environmental and other information needed for transformation of scientific and technological achievements;


(3) trading in technologies; and


(4) providing other advisory services for transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

第十八条 在技术交易中从事代理或者居间等有偿服务的中介机构,须按照国家有关规定领取营业执照;在该机构中从事经纪业务的人员,须按照国家有关规定取得资格证书。

Article 18 Intermediate institutions acting as agent or intermediaries or providing other paid services in the exchange of technologies must obtain business licenses as required by relevant State regulations. Brokers of these institutions must have qualification certificates as required by relevant State regulations.

第十九条 国家鼓励企业、事业单位和农村科技经济合作组织进行中间试验、工业性试验、农业试验示范以及其他技术创新和技术服务活动。

Article 19 The State encourages enterprises and institutions and economic cooperative organizations engaged in scientific and technological activities in the countryside to conduct intermediate and industrial experiments, agricultural experiments and demonstrations and other technological innovations and to provide technical services.


The following activities may be engaged in the bases for conducting intermediate and industrial experiments, agricultural experiments and demonstrations for the purpose of transforming scientific and technological achievements and in other institutions that are engaged in technical innovations or provide technical services:


(1) conducting intermediate and industrial experiments with regard to new products and new techniques;


(2) engaging in ancillary development and technical innovation for the systematization and engineering of scientific and technological achievements in different areas or trades to serve the community;


(3) providing technology or technical services to small and mediumsized enterprises, township enterprises, and economic cooperative organizations engaged in scientific and technological activities in the countryside; and


(4) providing all-round services in support of transforming high- technology achievements and establishing enterprises for the transformation.


Capital construction of the bases and institutions mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall have to be approved by the relevant department under the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and shall be included in the relevant plans of the State or the local authorities.

第二十条 科技成果转化的试验产品,按照国家有关试销产品的规定,经有关部门批准,可以在核定的试销期内试销。试产、试销上述产品应当符合国家有关技术、质量、安全、卫生等标准。

Article 20 Trial products from the transformation of scientific and technological achievements may be provided for test marketing within the verified period for trial sale, in accordance with State regulations governing products for trial sale and after approval by the relevant department. Trial manufacturing and test marketing of the products mentioned above shall meet the technical, quality, safety, health and other standards prescribed by the State.

第二十一条 国家财政用于科学技术、固定资产投资和技术改造的经费,应当有一定比例用于科技成果转化。

Article 21 Of the funds the government allocates to scientific and technological undertakings, to investment in fixed assets and to technological updating, a certain proportion shall be used for transforming scientific and technological achievements.


This proportion of government funds shall be chiefly used as initiation funds, discount loans, subsidy funds, risk investment and other funds for promoting transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

第二十二条 国家对科技成果转化活动实行税收优惠政策。具体办法由国务院规定。

Article 22 The State adopts a preferential tax policy regarding transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Specific measures shall be formulated by the State Council.

第二十三条 国家金融机构应当在信贷方面支持科技成果转化,逐步增加用于科技成果转化的贷款。

Article 23 State banking institutions shall support transformation of scientific and technological achievements in matters of loans and gradually increase the amount of loans extended for such tran

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