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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

ess activities of other operators.


 A local government and its subordinate departments shall not abuse their administrative power to restrict the entry of goods from other parts of the country into the local market or the flow of local goods to markets in other parts of the country.

    第八条  经营者不得采用财物或者其他手段进行贿赂以销售或者购买商品。在帐外暗中给予对方单位或者个人回扣的,以行贿论处;对方单位或者个人在帐外暗中收受回扣的,以受贿论处。

Article 8 An operator shall not practice bribery by using money, valuables or other means to sell or buy goods. Where an operator secretly pays a kickback to the other party, be it an entity or individual, off the book, it or he shall be punished for offering a bribe; where the other party, be it an entity or individual, secretly accepts a kickback off the book, it or he shall be punished for taking a bribe.


 In the selling or buying of goods, any operator may express clearly its or his intention to offer a discount to the other party and pay a commission to the middlemen. Where an operator gives a discount to the other party as pays a commission to the middlemen, it or he must enter the items in the book factually. An operator accepting a discount or commission must enter it in the book facually.

    第九条  经营者不得利用广告或者其他方法,对商品的质量、制作成分、性能、用途、生产者、有效期限、产地等作引人误解的虚假宣传。

Article 9 An operator shall not use advertisement or other means to give false, misleading information on the quality, composition, performance, use, manufacturer, useful life, origin, etc. of the goods.


 An advertisement operator shall not act as an agent for designing, producing and releasing false advertisements where they clearly know, or should know, that the information in the advertisements is false.

    第十条  经营者不得采用下列手段侵犯商业秘密:

Article 10 An operator shall not adopt any of the following means to infringe on the business secrets of others:


 (1) obtaining business secrets from the owner of the right by stealing, promising of gain, resorting to coercion or other illegitimate means;


 (2) disclosing, using or allowing others to use the business secrets of the owner of the right obtained by the means mentioned in the preceding item;


 (3) disclosing, using or allowing others to use the business secrets that it has obtained by breaking an engagement or disregarding the requirements of the owner of the right to preserve the business secrets.


 Where a third party obtains, uses or discloses the business secrets of others when it or he has or should have full knowledge of the illegal acts mentioned in the preceding section, it or he shall be deemed to have infringed on the business secrets of others.


 Business secrets in this Article refer to the technical information and operational information which is not known to the public, which is capable of bringing economic benefits to the owners of the rights, which has practical applicability and which the owners of the rights have taken measures to keep secret.

    第十一条  经营者不得以排挤竞争对手为目的,以低于成本的价格销售商品。

Article 11 An operator shall not sell its or his goods at a price that is below the cost for the purpose of excluding its or his competitors.


 In any of the following events, such sales do not come under acts of unfair competition:


 (1) Selling fresh goods;


 (2) disposing of goods the useful life of which is about to expire, or of other overstocked goods;


 (3) seasonal lowering of prices;


 (4) selling goods at lowered prices for paying off debts, changing the line of production or closing the business.

    第十二条  经营者销售商品,不得违背购买者的意愿搭售商品或者附加其他不合理的条件。

Article 12 In selling its or his goods, an operator shall not make a tie-in sale against the wish of the buyer or attach other unreasonable conditions.

    第十三条  经营者不得从事下列有奖销售:

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