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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国防震减灾法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

s Law refer to earthquakes that cause casualties and property losses.

  第二十七条 国家鼓励、扶持地震应急、救助技术和装备的研究开发工作。

Article 27 The State encourages and gives aid to research and development of technology and equipment for earthquake emergency and rescue.


The local people's governments at or above the county level in areas where destructive earthquakes may occur shall charge the departments concerned with the duty of reserving equipment necessary for earthquake emergency and rescue and training people to use them.

  第二十八条 破坏性地震应急预案主要包括下列内容:

Article 28 An emergency preplan for a destructive earthquake mainly includes the following:


(1) composition and functions and duties of an emergency institution,


(2) guarantee of emergency telecommunications;


(3) preparation of manpower, funds and materials for rescue and disaster relief;


(4) preparation of emergency and rescue equipment;


(5) preparation for disaster evaluation; and


(6) a plan for emergency actions.

  第二十九条 破坏性地震临震预报发布后,有关的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以宣布所预报的区域进入临震应急期;

Article 29 After the release of prediction for an imminent destructive earthquake, the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government concerned may declare that the areas covered in the prediction enter the emergency period of an imminent earthquake;


the local people's governments concerned shall, in accordance with the emergency preplan for destructive earthquakes, see to it that the relevant departments mobilize the community to make good preparations for disaster relief and rescue.

  第三十条 造成特大损失的严重破坏性地震发生后,国务院应当成立抗震救灾指挥机构,组织有关部门实施破坏性地震应急预案。

Article 30 After the occurrence of a severely destructive earthquake which causes tremendous losses, the State Council shall set up a headquarters for resisting the earthquake and providing disaster relief, which shall mobilize the departments concerned to implement the emergency preplan for destructive earthquakes.


An office of the said headquarters shall be set up in the competent administrative department for seismic work under the State Council.


After the occurrence of a destructive earthquake, the local people's governments at or above the county level concerned shall set up headquarters for resisting earthquake and providing disaster relief, which shall mobilize the departments concerned to implement the emergency preplan for destructive earthquakes.


A severely destructive earthquake as mentioned in this Law refers to an earthquake which causes heavy casualties and property losses, rendering people in the disaster-stricken area unable or partially unable to rehabilitate themselves and making it necessary for the State to take appropriate actions.

  第三十一条 地震灾区的各级地方人民政府应当及时将震情、灾情及其发展趋势等信息报告上一级人民政府;

Article 31 The local people's governments at different levels in earthquake-stricken areas shall promptly inform the people's governments at the next higher level of the earthquake situation and the disasters inflicted and other developments;


the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in the earthquake-stricken areas shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council, make known to the general public the earthquake situation and the disasters inflicted.


The competent administrative department for seismic work under the State Council or the administrative departments for seismic work under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, together with the departments concerned, promptly investigate and assess the losses caused by the earthquake.


The findings shall be reported to the said people's governments without delay.

  第三十二条 严重破坏性地震发生后,为了抢险救灾并维护社会秩序,国务院或者地震灾区的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,可以在地震灾区实行下列紧急应急措施:

Article 32 After the occurrence of a severely destructive earthquake, the State Council or the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may take the following emergency measures in the earthquake-stricken areas in order to deal with the emergency, provide disaster relief and maintain public order:


(1) traffic control;


(2) centralized provision and distribution of basic daily necessities such as foods;


(3) temporary requisition of houses, transportation vehicles and telecommunications equipment, etc.; and


(4) other necessary emergency measures.

第五章 震后救灾与重建


  第三十三条 破坏性地震发生后,地震灾区的各级地方人民政府应当组织各方面力量,抢救人员,并组织基层单位和人员开展自救和互救;

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