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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国防震减灾法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

shall be responsible for drawing up the seismic intensity zoning map or the ground motion parameter zoning map and for examining and granting approval of seismic safety evaluation results.


The competent administrative department for construction under the State Council shall be responsible for working out the standard aseismatic design for construction projects of all kinds of houses and buildings and the facilities attached to them and of the urban utilities, except as otherwise provided in paragraph 3 of this Article.


The competent administrative departments for railways, communications, civil aviation, water conservancy and other specialized departments concerned under the State Council shall be responsible for working out the standard aseismatic design for construction projects of railways, highways, ports, wharfs, airports, water conservancy and other special projects respectively.

  第十九条 建设工程必须按照抗震设防要求和抗震设计规范进行抗震设计,并按照抗震设计进行施工。

Article 19 All construction projects shall be designed in compliance with the requirements for fortification against earthquakes and in conformity with the standard aseismatic design and shall be constructed in accordance with the design.

  第二十条 已经建成的下列建筑物、构筑物,未采取抗震设防措施的,应当按照国家有关规定进行抗震性能鉴定,并采取必要的抗震加固措施:

Article 20 The following buildings and structures without the necessary fortifications against earthquakes shall be appraised for their earthquake-resistance capability in accordance with relevant State regulations, and the necessary measures of reinforcement shall be taken:


(1) buildings and structures which come under the category of major construction projects;


(2) buildings and structures which may induce serious secondary disasters;


(3) buildings and structures which are of great cultural relic value and are memorable; and


(4) buildings and structures which are located in the key areas under surveillance for and protection against earthquakes.

  第二十一条 对地震可能引起的火灾、水灾、山体滑坡、放射性污染、疫情等次生灾害源,有关地方人民政府应当采取相应的有效防范措施。

Article 21 The local people's governments concerned shall take appropriate and effective measures for sources of the secondary disasters such as fires, floods, landslides, radioactive contaminations and epidemic diseases that may arise in the wake of earthquakes.

  第二十二条 根据震情和震害预测结果,国务院地震行政主管部门和县级以上地方人民政府负责管理地震工作的部门或者机构,应当会同同级有关部门编制防震减灾规划,报本级人民政府批准后实施。

Article 22 The competent administrative department for seismic work under the State Council and the administrative departments or institutions for seismic work under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, together with the departments concerned at the corresponding level, work out plans for protecting against and mitigating earthquake disasters on the basis of the prediction of the possible earthquake situation and earthquake disasters and put them into effect upon approval of the people's government at the same level.


Revision of the plans for protecting against and mitigating earthquake disasters shall be submitted for approval to the authorities that originally approved them.

  第二十三条 各级人民政府应当组织有关部门开展防震减灾知识的宣传教育,增强公民的防震减灾意识,提高公民在地震灾害中自救、互救的能力;加强对有关专业人员的培训,提高抢险救灾能力。

Article 23 People's governments at all levels shall mobilize the departments concerned to disseminate knowledge about the importance of protecting against and mitigating earthquake disasters, enhancing the citizens' awareness of such importance and help increasing citizens' capability of self-and mutual-rescue from earthquake disasters; and improve the training of specialists in this field so as to enhance their ability of dealing with emergencies and providing disaster relief.

  第二十四条 地震重点监视防御区的县级以上地方人民政府应当根据实际需要与可能,在本级财政预算和物资储备中安排适当的抗震救灾资金和物资。

Article 24 The local people's governments at or above the county level in the key areas under surveillance for and protection against earthquakes shall, in the light of actual need and possibility, allocate an appropriate amount of funds and materials for earthquake relief from their financial budgets and materials reserve.

  第二十五条 国家鼓励单位和个人参加地震灾害保险。

Article 25 The State encourages units and individuals to insure against earthquake disasters.

第四章 地震应急


  第二十六条 国务院地震行政主管部门会同国务院有关部门制定国家破坏性地震应急预案,报国务院批准。

Article 26 The competent administrative department for seismic work under the State Council shall, together with the departments concerned under the State Council, draw up national emergency preplans for destructive earthquakes and submit them to the State Council for approval.


The departments concerned under the State Council shall formulate their own emergency preplans for destructive earthquakes in accordance with the national emergency preplans for destructive earthquakes and submit them to the competent administrative department for seismic work under the State Council for the record.


The competent administrative departments or institutions for seismic work under the local people's governments at or above the county level in areas where destructive earthquakes may occur shall, together with the departments concerned, work out emergency preplans for destructive earthquakes in their own administrative areas in the light of the national emergency preplans for destructive earthquakes and submit them to the said people's governments for approval.

省、自治区和人口在一百万以上的城市的破坏性地震应急预案, 还应当报国务院地震行政主管部门备案。

All such emergency preplans for provinces, autonomous regions and cities with a population of over one million shall, in addition, be submitted to the competent administrative department for seismic work under the State Council for the record.


The destructive earthquakes mentioned in thi

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