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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国公路法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

公路、公 路桥梁上或者公路隧道内行驶,不得使用汽车渡船。超过公路或者公路桥梁限载标准确需行驶的,必须经县级以上地方人民政府交 通主管部门批准,并按要求采取有效的防护措施;影响交通安全的,还应当经同级公安机关批准;运载不可解体的超限物品的,应当按照指定的时间、路线、时速行驶,并悬挂明显标志。

Article 50 Vehicles that exceed the load, height, width and length limits by roads, road bridges, road tunnels or auto ferry boats are not allowed to run along roads, road bridges or road tunnels that have limits or on auto ferry boats. Necessary runnings of vehicles exceeding the above-said road or road bridge limits prior approvals should be conveyed from transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level and necessary and effective protective measures should be adopted. If traffic safety would be affected, approval of public security organs at the same level should also be conveyed. Vehicles hauling undegradable objects exceeding the prescribed limits should run at the time, route and speed allowed with apparent signs posted on easy-to-see places.


If the transport unit concerned is incapable of carrying out the protective measures prescribed in the preceding paragraph alone, transportation departments in charge should assist in action with costs of the actions being borne by the transport unit concerned.


Article 51 Highway roads are not permitted to be used by motor vehicle manufacturers and other units as testing ground for tests of braking of motor vehicles.


Article 52 No unit or individual is allowed to damage or move or alter ancillary facilities of roads.


Ancillary facilities of roads mentioned in the preceding paragraph refer to facilities, equipment and special buildings or structures for road protection, water discharge, maintenance, management, services, traffic safety, ferrying, monitoring and control, telecommunications and fee collection for the purpose of protecting, maintaining and ensuring traffic safety of roads.


Article 53 Those who have caused damages to roads should timely report the cases concerned to and accept on-the-spot investigations by road administrative organizations.


Article 54 No unit or individual is allowed to erect signs other than road signs within the land used by roads without the approval of the the transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level.


Article 55 The addition of road crossings should get prior approval according to the related regulations of the State and the crossings should be built according to the State prescribed standards.


Article 56 Except as required by road protection and maintenance, it is forbidden to construct buildings or ground structures within the control areas on both side of roads. Necessary layings of pipelines and cables and other facilities within the control areas of roads, prior approvals of the transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level should be conveyed.


The control area for construction mentioned in the preceding paragraph should be demarcated by the local people's governments above the county level according to the principle of ensuring traffic safety and economical use of land and the provisions of the State Council.


After the control area for construction has been demarcated by the local people's governments above the county level, the transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level should put up signs and boundary markers. No unit or individual is allowed to damage or move such signs or boundary markers without authorization.


Article 57 Except the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 47 of this law, the road administration functions exercised by the transportation departments prescribed by this chapter should be exercised by road management organizations according to the provisions of Paragraph 4 of Article 8 of this law.

  第五十八条 国家允许依法设立收费公路,同时对收费公路的数量进行控制。

Article 58 The State allows the opening of toll high-ways according to law and the number of toll highways must be put on control.


Except highway roads that may collect tolls as prescribed by the provisions of Article 59 of this law, no other roads are allowed to collect tolls.

  第五十九条 符合国务院交通主管部门规定的技术等级和规模的下列公路,可以依法收取车辆通行费:

Article 59 Collection of tolls is allowed according to law for the following roads that conform to the technical grading and size prescribed by the transportation departments under the State Council:


1. Roads built by transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level by using loans or funds raised from enterprises and individuals;


2. Roads of domestic or foreign economic organizations that have got the right to collect tolls according to law;


3. Roads built with investment from domestic or foreign economic organizations according to law.

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