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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国公路法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

  第六十条 县级以上地方人民政府交通主管部门利用贷款或者集资建成的收费公路的收费期限,按照收费偿还贷款、集资款的原则,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府依照国务院交通主管部门的规定确定。

Article 60 Terms of collection of tolls of roads built by transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level with loans or funds raised should be determined by the people's governments of respective provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities according to the principle of return of the loans or funds raised through collection of tolls in line with the provisions of the transportation department under the State Council.


After a transfer of the right of toll collection, the toll road concerned should be operated by the side to which the toll collection right is transferred. Terms transfer of collection right should be agreed upon by the transferor and the transferee and submitted to organ which approves the transfer for approval, but the term shall not exceed the time limit set by the State Council.


Joint construction of roads by domestic and foreign economic organizations should go through the examination and approval procedures according to the relevant regulations of the State. After completion, the roads shall be managed and the tolls shall be collected by the investors. Terms for toll collection should be agreed upon by related transportation departments and investors according to the principle of return of investment with reasonable profits and submitted for examination and approval according to the relevant regulations of the State, but the time limit shall not exceed that set by the State Council.

  第六十一条 本法第五十九条第一款第一项规定的公路中的国道收费权的转让,必须经国务院交通主管部门批准;国道以外的其他公路收费权的转让,必须经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,并报国务院交通主管部门备案。

Article 61 The transfer of toll collection right of State road as prescribed in Item 1 of Paragraph 1 of Article 59 shall be approved by the transportation department under the State council. The transfer of toll collection right for other roads shall be approved by the people's governments of respective provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and submitted to the transportation department under the State Council for the record.


Minimum prices for the transfer of toll collection right prescribed in the preceding paragraph should be determined on the basis of the value appraised by State property appraisal organizations.

  第六十二条 受让公路收费权和投资建设公路的国内外经济组织应当依法成立开发、经营公路的企业(以下简称公路经营企业)。

Article 62 Domestic or foreign economic organizations to which the toll collection right has been transferred and which have invested in the construction of roads should set up enterprises for developing and managing roads according to law (hereinafter referred to as "road management enterprises").

  第六十三条 收费公路车辆通行费的收费标准,由公路收费单位提出方案,报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府交通主管部门会同同级物价行政主管部门审查批准。

Article 63 The standards for toll collection should be proposed by toll collecting units and submitted to the people's government of respective provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities together with price departments at the same level for approval.

  第六十四条 收费公路设置车辆通行费的收费站,应当报经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府审查批准。跨省、自治区、直辖市的收费公路设置车辆通行费的收费站,由有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府协商确定;协商不成的,由国务院交通主管部门决定。

Article 64 Opening of toll gates to collert tolls on the toll roads should get approval from local government of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities under the jurisdiction of the State Council. Openings of toll gates that transcend provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities should be decided by the people's governments of related provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities through consultation. Should consultation fail, the related decisions shall be made by transportation department under the State Council.


 When a single toll road is built by different transportation departments or run by different road management enterprises, toll gates of which should be built in a unified and rational manner according to the principle of "unified collection and proportionate sharing of toll fees".


The distance between two toll gates should not be less than the standards set by the transportation department under the State Council.

  第六十五条 有偿转让公路收费权的公路,转让收费权合同约定的期限届满,收费权由出让方收回。

Article 65 When a toll collection right contract expires, the right shall be recovered by the transferor.


When the toll collection right transfer contracts for toll roads that are invested and managed by domestic and foreign economic organizations expires, the roads should be recovered free by the State and handed over to transportation departments for management.

  第六十六条 依照本法第五十九条规定受让收费权或者由国内外经济组织投资建成经营的公路的养护工作,由各该公路经营企业负责。各该公路经营企业在经营期间应当按照国务院交通主管部门规定的技术规范和操作规程做好对公路的养护工作。在受让收费权的期限届满,或者经营期限届满时,公路应当处于良好的技术状态。

Article 66 The maintenance of roads whose toll collection rights have been transferred according to the provisions of Article 59 of this law or jointly invested and built by domestic of foreign economic organizations should be undertaken by enterprises that jointly manage the roads. The afore-said road management organizations, during their management of the roads, should do well to maintain the roads according to the technical standards and operational procedures prescribed by the transportation department under the State Council. The roads should remain in a sound technical state when the term for toll collection right transfer or operation expires.


The greening and water and soil conservation within the land used by roads should be undertaken by road management enterprises.


Road administration prescribed in the first paragraph is applicable to the provisions of Chapter Five of this law. The functions of road administration should be exercised by organizations and personnel commissioned by the transportation departments of local people's governments above the county level or road manage

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