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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法实施细则          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

organ must notify the airport without delay.

  第六章 陆地边境检疫

Chapter VI Border Quarantine

  第四十四条 实施卫生检疫的车站,应当在受入境检疫的列车到达之前,尽早向卫生检疫机关通知下列事项:

Article 44 Prior to the arrival of the trains subject to entry quarantine inspection, the railway station is required to inform the health and quarantine organ of the following matters:


(1) train number and scheduled arrival time;


(2) primary departure station;


(3) train marshalling.

  第四十五条 受入境检疫的列车和其他车辆到达车站、关口后,检疫医师首先登车,列车长或者其他车辆负责人,应当口头或者书面向卫生检疫机关申报该列车或者其他车辆上人员的健康情况,对检疫医师提出有关卫生状况和人员健康的询问,应当如实回答。

Article 45 After the train or other motor vehicle subject to entry quarantine inspection arrives at the railway station on the border, the quarantine physician shall get on board the train first. The head of train crew or the person in charge of the vehicle is required to submit a report either orally or in written form to the health and quarantine organ on the state of health of the persons on board and to give true-to-fact answers to the inquiries by the quarantine physician concerning sanitary and health conditions on board.

  第四十六条 受入境检疫的列车和其他车辆到达车站、关口,在实施入境检疫而未取得入境检疫证以前,未经卫生检疫机关许可,任何人不准上下列车或者其他车辆,不准装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品。

Article 46 During quarantine inspection, without permission by the health and quarantine organ, no persons shall be allowed to get on or off the train to other vehicle which is subjected to entry quarantine inspection; no loading or unloading of luggage, cargo or postal parcels shall be permitted.

  第四十七条 实施卫生检疫的车站,应当在受出境检疫列车发车以前,尽早向卫生检疫机关通知下列事项:

Article 47 Prior to the departure of the train subject to exit quarantine inspection, the railway station is required to inform the health and quarantine organ at the earliest possible time of the following matters:


(1) train number and scheduled departure time;


(2) destination station;


(3) train marshalling.

  第四十八条 应当受入境、出境检疫的列车和其他车辆,如果在行程中发现检疫传染病、疑似检疫传染病,或者有人非因意外伤害而死亡并死因不明的,列车或者其他车辆到达车站、关口时,列车长或者其他车辆负责人应当向卫生检疫机关报告。

Article 48 During its course of transportation, if a quarantinable infectious disease, a disease suspected to be quarantinable, or death due to an unidentified cause other than accidental harm is discovered on the train or other vehicle subject to entry or exit quarantine inspection, the head of the train crew or the person in charge of the vehicle is required to report to the health and quarantine organ about the matter upon arrival at the border station.

  第四十九条 受入境、出境检疫的列车,在查验中发现检疫传染病或者疑似检疫传染病,或者因受卫生处理不能按原定时间发车,卫生检疫机关应当及时通知车站的站长;如果列车在原停车地点不宜实施卫生处理,站长可以选择站内其他地点实施卫生处理。在处理完毕之前,未经卫生检疫机关许可,任何人不准上下列车,不准装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品。

Article 49 In cases that a quarantine infectious disease or a disease suspected to be quarantinable is discovered on the train subject to entry or exit quarantine inspection, or in case that the train is unable to leave at scheduled time due to sanitization, the health and quarantine organ is required to inform the station master of the case without delay. If the parking place is not suitable for sanitization, the station master can decide on another place within the station for sanitization. Before completion of sanitization, without permission by the health and quarantine organ, no person shall be allowed to get off or on the train, no loading or unloading of luggage, goods or postal parcels shall be permitted.


In order that the entry through train can run normally, the health and quarantine organ may have its personnel exercise quarantine inspection on board the train in operation. The head of the train crew shall provide conveniences.

  第五十条 对列车或者其他车辆实施入境、出境检疫完毕后,检疫医师应当根据检疫结果分别签发入境、出境检疫证,或者在必要的卫生处理完毕后,再分别签发入境、出境检疫证。

Article 50 After completion of entry or exit quarantine inspection or necessary sanitization to the train or other vehicle, the quarantine physician is required to sign and issue an exit and entry quarantine certificate according to quarantine inspection results.

  第五十一条 徒步入境、出境的人员,必须首先在指定的场所接受入境、出境查验,未经卫生检疫机关许可,不准离开指定的场所。

Article 51 Those who enter or leave the country at the border on foot are required to undergo entry or exit quarantine inspection at a designated place. Without permission by the health and quarantine organ, no one may leave the designated place.

  第五十二条 受入境、出境检疫的列车以及其他车辆,载有来自疫区、有染疫或者染疫嫌疑或者夹带能传播传染病的病媒昆虫和啮齿动物的货物,应当接受卫生检查和必要的卫生处理。

Article 52 Any train or vehicle, coming from pestilence area, or having been contaminated or being suspected to have been contaminated with an epidemic disease or being found to have carried goods with rodent or pests that may spread an epidemic disease, shall be required to undergo health inspection and necessary sanitization.

  第七章 卫生处理

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