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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法实施细则          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

(1) name and nationality of the vessel, scheduled date and time of arrival at the quarantine anchorage;


(2) port of departure and port of final call;


(3) number of crew and passengers;


(4) type of cargo;


(5) name of disease or principal symptoms, number of cases and deaths;


(6) whether there are any vessel doctors on board the vessel.

  第二十五条 受入境检疫的船舶,必须按照下列规定悬挂检疫信号等候查验,在卫生检疫机关发给入境检疫证前,不得降下检疫信号。

Article 25 All vessels subject to entry quarantine inspection are required to hoist quarantine signals ready for inspection. Without getting an Entry Quarantine Permit issued by the health and quarantine organ, the quarantine signals shall not be lowered.


In the day time, an international signal flag shall be put up at a conspicuous place on the vessel:


(1) The "Q" sign flag means that the vessel is free from quarantinable epidemic diseases, and is applying for an Entry Quarantine Permit;


(2) The "QQ" sign flag means that the vessel has on board a quarantinable epidemic disease or a disease suspected to be quarantinable and asks for instant quarantine sanitization.


During the night, a light-signal shall be put up vertically at a conspicuous place on the vessel:


(1) Three red lights indicate that the vessel is free from quarantinable epidemic disease and is applying for an Entry Quarantine Permit;


(2) Four lights in the order of Red-Red-White-Red indicate that the vessel has been contaminated by a quarantinable epidemic disease or a disease suspected to be quarantinable and asks for instant quarantine sanitization.

  第二十六条 悬挂检疫信号的船舶,除引航员和经卫生检疫机关许可的人员外,其他人员不准上船,不准装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品,其他船舶不准靠近;船上的人员,除因船舶遇险外,未经卫生检疫机关许可,不准离船;引航员不得将船引离检疫锚地。

Article 26 No persons other than navigation pilot and those approved by the health and quarantine organ shall be allowed to get on board the vessel(s) with quarantine flag or light signal(s); no unloading of luggage, cargo, postal parcels shall be allowed; no other vessel shall be allowed to get close; no crew member shall be allowed to leave the vessel without the approval by the health and quarantine organ, unless the vessel is in distress. The navigation pilot shall not guide the vessel(s) away from the quarantine anchorage.

  第二十七条 申请电讯检疫的船舶,首先向卫生检疫机关申请卫生检查,合格者发给卫生证书,该证书自签发之日起12个月内可以申请电讯检疫。

Article 27 Vessel(s) applying for quarantine inspection by telecommunication must first submit an application to the health and quarantine organ. A sanitary certificate shall be issued to the qualified vessel(s) which may apply for telecommunicated quarantine inspection within 12 months as of the issuance of the certificate.

  第二十八条 持有效卫生证书的船舶在入境前24小时,应当向卫生检疫机关报告下列事项:

Article 28 The vessel with valid sanitary certificate must make a report, twenty-four hours prior to its arrival, to the health and quarantine organ about the following matters:


(1) name and nationality of the vessel, scheduled date and time of arrival at the quarantine anchorage;


(2) port of departure and port of last call;


(3) number of crew and passengers and their state of health;


(4) type of cargo;


(5) date of issuance and number of the vessel's sanitary certificate; date and port of issuance of the deratization certificate or a deratization laissez-passer, as well as other sanitary documents.


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