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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     




Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为了防止传染病由国外传入或者由国内传出,实施国境卫生检疫,保护人体健康,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated in order to prevent infectious diseases from spreading into or out of the country, to carry out frontier health and quarantine inspection and to protect human health.

第二条 在中华人民共和国国际通航的港口、机场以及陆地边境和国界江河的口岸(以下简称国境口岸),设立国境卫生检疫机关,依照本法规定实施传染病检疫、监测和卫生监督。

Article 2 Frontier health and quarantine offices shall be set up at international seaports, airports and ports of entry at land frontiers and boundary rivers (hereinafter referred to as "frontier ports") of the People's Republic of China. These offices shall carry out the quarantining and monitoring of infectious diseases, and health inspection in accordance with the provisions of this Law.


Health administration departments under the State Council shall be in charge of frontier health and quarantine work throughout the country.

第三条 本法规定的传染病是指检疫传染病和监测传染病。检疫传染病,是指鼠疫、霍乱、黄热病以及国务院确定和公布的其他传染病。

Article 3 Infectious diseases specified in this Law shall include quarantinable infectious diseases and infectious diseases to be monitored.


Quarantinable infectious diseases shall include plague, cholera, yellow fever and other infectious diseases determined and announced by the State Council. Infectious diseases to be monitored shall be determined and announced by health administration departments under the State Council.

第四条 入境、出境的人员、交通工具、运输设备以及可能抟播检疫传染病的行李、货物、邮包等物品,都应当接受检疫,经国境卫生检疫机关许可,方准入境或者出境。具体办法由本法实施细则规定。

Article 4 Persons, conveyances and transport equipment, as well as articles such as baggage, goods and postal parcels that may transmit quarantinable infectious diseases, shall undergo quarantine inspection upon entering or exiting the country. No entry or exit shall be allowed without the permission of a frontier health and quarantine office. Specific measures for implementation of this Law shall be stipulated in detailed regulations.

第五条 国境卫生检疫机关发现检疫传染病或者疑似检疫传染病时,除采取必要措施外,必须立即通知当地卫生行政部门,同时用最快的方法报告国务院卫生行政部门,最迟不得超过二十四小时。邮电部门对疫情报告应当优先传送。

Article 5 On discovering a quarantinable infectious disease or a disease suspected to be quarantinable, a frontier health and quarantine office shall, in addition to taking necessary measures, immediately notify the local health administration department; at the same time, it shall make a report to the health administration department under the State Council by the most expeditious means possible, within 24 hours at the latest. Post and telecommunications departments shall give priority to transmissions of reports of epidemic diseases.


Messages exchanged between the People's Republic of China and foreign countries on the epidemic situation of infectious diseases shall be handled by the health administration department under the State Council in conjunction with other departments concerned.

第六条 在国外或者国内有检疫传染病大流行的时候,国务院可以下令封锁有关的国境或者采取其他紧急措施。

Article 6 When a quarantinable infectious disease is prevalent abroad or within China, the State Council may order relevant sections of the border to be blockaded or adopt other emergency measures.


Chapter II Quarantine Inspection

第七条 入境的交通工具和人员,必须在最先到达的国境口岸的指定地点接受检疫。

Article 7 Persons and conveyances on entering the country shall be subject to quarantine inspection at designated places at the first frontier port of their arrival.


Except for harbour pilots, no person shall be allowed to embark on or disembark from any means of transport and no articles such as baggage, goods or postal parcels shall be loaded or unloaded without the health and quarantine inspector's permission. Specific measures for the implementation of this Law shall be stipulated in detailed regulations.

第八条 出境的交通工具和人员,必须在最后离开的国境口岸接受检疫。

Article 8 Persons and conveyances exiting the country shall be subject to quarantine inspection at the last frontier port of departure.

第九条 来自国外的船舶、航空器因故停泊、降落在中国境内非口岸地点的时候,船舶、航空器的负责人应当立即向就近的国境卫生检疫机关或者当地卫生行政部门报告。

Article 9 When foreign ships or airborne vehicles anchor or land at places other than frontier ports in China, the persons in charge of the ships or airborne vehicles must report immediately to the nearest frontier health and quarantine office or to the local health administration department.


Except in cases of emergency, no person shall be allowed to embark on or disembark from the ship or airborne vehicle, and no articles such as baggage, goods and postal parcels shall be loaded or unloaded without the permission of a frontier health and quarantine office or the local health administration department.

第十条 在国境口岸发现检疫传染病、疑似检疫传染病,或者有人非因意外伤害而死亡并死因不明的,国境口岸有关单位和交通工具的负责人,应当立即向国境卫生检疫机关报告,并申请临时检疫。

Article 10 When a quarantinable infectious disease, a disease suspected to be quarantinable or a death due to an unidentified cause other than accidental harm is discovered at a frontier port, the relevant department at the frontier port and the person in charge of the conveyance must report immediately to the frontier health and quarantine office and apply for provisional quarantine inspection.

第十一条 国境卫生检疫机关依据检疫医师提供的检疫结果,对未染有检疫传染病或者已实施卫生处理的交通工具,签发入境检疫证或者出境检疫证。

Article 11 According to the results of an inspection made by quarantine doctors, the frontier health and quarantine office shall sign and issue a quarantine certificate for entry or exit to a conveyance either uncontam

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