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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定实施办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

use of channels at regular intervals.


Interconnected units shall go through relevant formalities with suppliers of international inward and outward channels for the connection or extension of international inward and outward channels which shall be reported to Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council for the record.


Suppliers of international inward and outward channels shall provide channels to interconnected units within 100 working days from the date they receive applications.


Suppliers of international inward and outward channels and interconnected units shall sign corresponding agreements and strictly perform their respective duties and commitments.

第十七条 国际出入口信道提供单位、互联单位和接入单位必须建立网络管理中心,健全管理制度,做好网络信息安全管理工作。

Article 17 Suppliers of international inward and outward channels, interconnected units and access units must set up network management centers, strengthen management systems and improve the safety management of network information.


Interconnected units shall sign agreements with access units so as to strengthen the management of their own networks and access networks; carry out technical training and management education concerning international networking for access units;


 provide access units with fair, excellent and safe services; and collect charges for networking from access units in accordance with relevant State regulations.


Access units shall subject themselves to the administration of interconnected units and access units at higher levels; sign agreements with access units at lower levels and make subscription regulations with subscribers so as to strengthen the administration of access units at lower levels and subscribers;


carry out management education, technical consulting and training for access units at lower levels and subscribers; provide access units at lower levels and subscribers with fair, excellent and safe services; and collect charges from access units at lower level and subscribers in accordance with relevant State regulations.

第十八条 用户应当服从接入单位的管理,遵守用户守则;

Article 18 Subscribers shall subject themselves to the administration of access units and observe subscription regulations.


They are forbidden from entering certain computer systems without permission and illegally changing others' information;


distributing malicious information, giving out information in other people's names and violating others' privacy through networks; developing and spreading computer viruses and engaging in other activities in violation of legitimate rights and interests of networks and individuals.


Subscribers are entitled to receiving services of various kinds from access units and obligated to pay relevant charges.

第十九条 国际出入口信道提供单位、互联单位和接入单位应当保存与其服务相关的所有信息资料;在国务院信息化工作领导小组办公室和有关主管部门进行检查时,应当及时提供有关信息资料。

Article 19 Suppliers of international inward and outward channels, interconnected units and access units shall store all the data related to their services. When the office of Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council and other competent authorities carry out examinations, they shall forward relevant data in a timely manner.


In every February, suppliers of international inward and outward channels and interconnected units shall submit reports about their network operation, business development and organizational management in the previous year to the office of Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council.

第二十条 互联单位、接入单位和用户应当遵守国家有关法律、行政法规,严格执行国家安全保密制度;

Article 20 Interconnected units, access units and subscribers shall abide by relevant State laws and regulations and strictly observe rules on safety and security.


They are not allowed to engage in activities at the expense of State security and secrets and forbidden from producing, retrieving, duplicating and spreading information that may disrupt public order and contain obscene and pornographic contents.


Harmful information, once detected, shall be reported immediately to relevant competent authorities and effective measures shall be taken to prevent it from being spread.

第二十一条 进行国际联网的专业计算机信息网络不得经营国际互联网络业务。

Article 21 Specialized computer information networks which are connected with international networks are not allowed to engage in the business operation of international networking.


Corporate computer information networks and other networks which are connected with international networks through special lines shall be operated for internal use only.


Units in charge of the operation of specialized computer information networks, corporate computer information networks and other networks which are connected with international networks through special lines shall set up network operation centers, strengthen management systems and improve the safety management of network information with reference to these Rules.

第二十二条 违反本办法第七条和第十条第一款规定的,由公安机关责令停止联网,可以并处15000元以下罚款;有违法所得的,没收违法所得。

Article 22 Those who violate Article 7 and Item 1 of Article 10 of these Rules shall be ordered to terminate their networking activities by public security departments and may be imposed a fine less than RMB 15,000. Unlawful incomes, if made, shall be confiscated.


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