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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定实施办法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Implementation rules for provisional regulations of the administration of international networking of computer information in China

第一条 为了加强对计算机信息网络国际联网的管理,保障国际计算机信息交流的健康发展,根据《中华人民共和国计算机信息网络国际联网管理暂行规定》(以下简称《暂行规定》),制定本办法。

Article 1 In accordance with Provisional Regulations of the Administration of international networking of Computer Information in the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Provisional Regulations), these Rules are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the administration of the international networking of computer information and ensuring the healthy development of the exchange of international information through computers.

第二条 中华人民共和国境内的计算机信息网络进行国际联网,依照本办法办理。

Article 2 These Rules shall apply to the connection of computer information networks within the territory of the People's Republic of China with international networks.

第三条 本办法下列用语的含义是:

Article 3 Following are the definitions of terms used in these Rules:


(1) International networking refers to the connection of computer inter- connected networks, specialized computer information networks, corporate computer information networks and other computer information networks linked by special lines within the territory of People's Republic of China with foreign computer information networks.


(2) Access networks refer to computer information networks which are connected with international networks through interconnected networks. Access networks can be those connected at multi-levels.


(3) International inward and outward channels refer to physical information channels required for international networking.


(4) Subscribers refer to individuals, legal persons and other organizations which connect their computers or networks with international networks through access networks. Personal subscribers refer to individuals with account numbers for networking.


(5) Specialized computer information networks refer to those operated for the exclusive use of certain sectors.


(6) Corporate computer information networks refer to those operated within enterprises for internal use.

第四条 国家对国际联网的建设布局、资源利用进行统筹规划。际联网采用国家统一制定的技术标准、安全标准、资费政策,以利于提高服务质量和水平。国际联网实行分级管理,即:对互联单位、接入单位、用户实行逐级管理,对国际出入口信道统一管理。国家鼓励在国际联网服务中公平、有序地竞争,提倡资源共享,促进健康发展。

Article 4 The State shall develop an overall plan for the layout of international networking and the utilization of various resources. International networking shall adopt technical codes, safety standards and policies on service charges set by the State in a unified form so that the quality of the service can be improved. International networking shall subject itself to the administration by level, that is, interconnected units, access units and subscribers are under the administration by level, and meanwhile international inward and outward channels are subject to the unified administration. The State encourages fair competition in a good order in services related to international networking and advocates resources sharing so as to promote the healthy development of international networking.

第五条 国务院信息化工作领导小组办公室负责组织、协调有关部门制定国际联网的安全、经营、资费、服务等规定和标准的工作,并对执行情况进行检查监督。

Article 5 The office of Leading Group for Information Technology Advancement under the State Council is responsible for organizing and coordinating relevant departments in the formulation of regulations and standards for safety, operations, charges and services related to international networking. The office shall check and supervise the enforcement of those regulations and standards.

第六条 中国互联网络信息中心提供互联网络地址、域名、网络资源目录管理和有关的信息服务。

Article 6 China Internet Information Center is responsible for the management of internet addresses, domain names and catalogues of network resources and shall provide relevant information services.

第七条 我国境内的计算机信息网络直接进行国际联网,必须使用邮电部国家公用电信网提供的国际出入口信道。

Article 7 Computer information networks within the territory of China, when connected with international networks, must use international inward and outward channels provided by the national public telecommunication network of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.


No units and individuals are allowed to set up channels by themselves or use other channels for international networking.

第八条 已经建立的中国公用计算机互联网、中国金桥信息网、中国教育和科研计算机网、中国科学技术网等四个互联网络,分别由邮电部、电子工业部、国家教育委员会和中国科学院管理。

Article 8 China Public Computer Interconnected Network, China Golden Bridge Information Network, China Education and Research Computer Network, China Science and Technology Network are under the administration of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Electronic Industry, State Education Commission and Chinese Academy of Sciences respectively.


China Public Computer Interconnected Network and China Golden Bridge Information Network are profit-making networks, while China Education and Research Computer Network and China Science and Technology Network are non-profit-making ones.


Profit-making networks shall be given equal treatment on service rates and technical support.


Non-profit-making networks refer to those serving the public interest which are not operated for making profits.


Charges for the channel utilization of non-profit-making networks shall be collected at a preferential rate.


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