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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国节约能源法          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

Energy administrators shall be responsible for supervision over and inspection of their own units' utilization of energy.

 第三十条 单位职工和其他城乡居民使用企业生产的电、煤气、天然气、煤等能源应当按照国家规定计量和交费,不得无偿使用或者实行包费制。  

Article 30 Employees of any units as well as other rural and urban residents who use such energy as electricity, coal gas, natural gas and coal produced by enterprises shall have the amount used measured and pay for it in accordance with State regulations. Such energy may not be used without compensation and no payment shall be made at a lump rate.

第三十一条 能源生产经营单位应当依照法律、法规的规定和合同的约定向用能单位提供能源。

Article 31 Units producing and supplying energy shall provide energy to energy-using units in accordance with the provisions of laws, regulations and contracts.

第四章 节能技术进步


 第三十二条 国家鼓励、支持开发先进节能技术,确定开发先进节能技术的重点和方向,建立和完善节能技术服务体系,培育和规范节能技术市场。

Article 32 The State encourages and supports the development of advanced technology for energy conservation, determines the priority and direction for the endeavor, establishes and keeps improving the service system for such technology, and fosters and standardizes the market for it.

 第三十三条 国家组织实施重大节能科研项目、节能示范工程,提出节能推广项目,引导企业事业单位和个人采用先进的节能工艺、技术、设备和材料。

Article 33 The State coordinates efforts for scientific research of key energy conservation projects and demonstration projects of energy conservation and recommends energy conservation projects for dissemination, providing guidance for enterprises, institutions and individuals to employ advanced techniques, skills, equipment and material for energy conservation.


The State formulates preferential policies in support of projects for demonstration and dissemination of energy conservation.

 第三十四条 国家鼓励引进境外先进的节能技术和设备,禁止引进境外落后的用能技术、设备和材料。

Article 34 The State encourages the introduction of advanced energy conservation technology and equipment from abroad and prohibits the introduction of outdated energy-using technology, equipment or material from abroad.

 第三十五条 在国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府安排的科学研究资金中应当安排节能资金,用于先进节能技术研究。

Article 35 The funds allocated by the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government for scientific research shall include funds for conserving energy, which shall be used for research in advanced technology for energy conservation.

 第三十六条 县级以上各级人民政府应当组织有关部门根据国家产业政策和节能技术政策,推动符合节能要求的科学、合理的专业化生产。

Article 36 People's governments at or above the county level shall coordinate the efforts of the relevant departments to promote, in accordance with the State's industrial policy and policy for energy conservation technology, scientific and rational specialized production that meets the requirements of energy conservation.

 第三十七条 建筑物的设计和建造应当依照有关法律、行政法规的规定,采用节能型的建筑结构、材料、器具和产品,提高保温隔热性能,减少采暖、制冷、照明的能耗。

Article 37 In designing and constructing buildings, energy-conserving building structures, materials, appliances and products shall be employed according to the provisions of relevant laws and administrative rules and regulations in order to improve thermal and insulating performance and reduce energy consumption for heating, cooling and lighting purposes.

 第三十八条 各级人民政府应当按照因地制宜、多能互补、综合利用、讲求效益的方针,加强农村能源建设,开发、利用沼气、太阳能、风能、水能、地热等可再生能源和新能源。

Article 38 People's government's at all levels shall, in accordance with the principles of suitability to local conditions, provision of multiple forms of energy to complement each other, comprehensive utilization and stress on benefits, enhance development of energy in rural areas and exploit and utilize methane, solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, geothermal energy, and other renewable and new energy resources.

 第三十九条 国家鼓励发展下列通用节能技术:

Article 39 The State encourages the development of the following universal energy conservation technologies:


(1) promote the wide use of cogeneration of heat and power and district heating, increase the utilization rate of heat and power units, developheat-cascading technology, combined heat, power and cooling technology and combined heat, power and coal gas technology, and increase the efficiency of thermal energy application in an all-round way;


(2) gradually achieve more-efficient operation of electric motors, fans, pumping equipment and systems; develop adjustable speed motor drives for energy conservation and electric-electronic power saving technology; develop, produce and disseminate the use of high-quality and low-cost energy-efficient appliances and equipment; and increase the efficiency of electric power;


(3) develop and disseminate the use of clean coal technologies, including fluidized bed combustion, smokeless combustion, and gasification and liquefaction, that are suited to domestic coals in order to increase coal utilization efficiency; and


(4) develop and disseminate other universal energy-efficient technologies that are proved mature and yield remarkable benefits.

 第四十条 各行业应当制定行业节能技术政策,发展、推广节能新技术、新工艺、新设备和新材料,限制或者淘汰能耗高的老旧技术、工艺、设备和材料。

Article 40 Each trade and profession shall work out policies for energy- efficient technology for its own trade or profession, develop and disseminate new energy-efficient technologies, techniques, equipment and materials, restrict or eliminate energy-consuming outdated technologies, techniques, equipment and materials.

 第四十一条 国务院管理节能工作的部门应当会同国务院有关部门规定通用的和分行业的具体的节能技术指标、要求和措施,并根据经济和节能技术的发展情况适时修订,提高能源利用效率,降低能源消耗,使我国能源利用状况逐步赶上国际先进水平。

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