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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国金银管理条例          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     


Regulations of the PRC on the Control of Gold and Silver

第一条 为加强对金银的管理,保证国家经济建设对金银的需要,取缔金银走私和投机倒把活动,特制定本条例。

Article 1. These Regulations are formulated to strengthen control over gold and silver, to guarantee the State's gold and silver requirements for its economic development and to outlaw gold and silver smuggling and speculation and profiteering activities.

第二条 本条例所称金银,包括:

Article 2. Reference to gold and silver in these Regulations includes:


(1) gold and silver extracted during the mining of ore deposits and gold and silver as a by-product of smelting;


(2) gold and silver bars, bullion, ingots and powder;


(3) gold and silver coins;


(4) gold and silver articles and gold or silver-based alloy articles;


(5) gold and silver contained in chemical products;


(6) leftover bits and pieces of gold and silver and gold and silver contained in waste residue, waste liquid and waste solids.


Platinum (white gold) shall be controlled in accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China.


Cultural relics containing gold and silver shall be controlled in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China Governing Cultural Relics.

第三条 国家对金银实行统一管理、统购统配的政策。

Article 3. The State shall pursue a policy of unified control, monopoly purchase and distribution of gold and silver.


The total income and expenditure of gold and silver of State organs, the armed forces, organizations, schools, State enterprises, institutions and collective urban and rural economic organizations (hereinafter referred to as domestic units) shall be incorporated into the State plan for the receipt and expenditure of gold and silver.

第四条 国家管理金银的主管机关为中国人民银行。

Article 4. The People's Bank of China shall be the State organ responsible for the control of gold and silver in the People's Republic of China.


The People's Bank of China shall be responsible for the control of the State's gold and silver reserves; responsible for the purchase and sale of gold and silver; work in conjunction with the authority responsible for commodity prices to formulate and administer a purchase and sales price for gold and silver; work in conjunction with the competent department to examine and approve the operations (including processing and sales) of units (hereinafter referred to as managing units) dealing in gold and silver products, chemical products containing gold and silver, the recovery of gold and silver from residual liquid and solid wastes; control and inspect the gold and silver market and supervise the implementation of these Regulations.

第五条 境内机构所持的金银,除经中国人民银行许可留用的原材料、设备、器皿、纪念品外,必须全部交售给中国人民银行,不得自行处理、占有。

Article 5. All gold and silver held by domestic units, with the exception of raw materials, equipment, household utensils and mementos which the People's Bank of China has permitted to be kept, must be sold to the People's Bank of China. No gold and silver may be personally disposed of or kept without authorization.

第六条 国家保护个人持有合法所得的金银。

Article 6. All gold and silver legally gained by individuals shall come under the protection of the State.

第七条 在中华人民共和国境内,一切单位和个人不得计价使用金银,禁止私相买卖和借贷抵押金银。

Article 7. No unit or individual within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall use gold and silver as a pricing unit. Private trading of gold and silver and the use of gold and silver as loan or as mortgage property shall be forbidden.

第二章 对金银收购的管理


第八条 金银的收购,统一由中国人民银行办理。除经中国人民银行许可、委托的以外,任何单位和个人不得收购金银。

Article 8. All gold and silver purchases shall be transacted through the People's Bank of China. No unit or individual shall purchase gold and silver unless authorised or entrusted to do so by the People's Bank of China.

第九条 从事金银生产(包括矿藏生产和冶炼副产)的厂矿企业、农村社队、部队和个人所采炼的金银,必须全部交售给中国人民银行,不得自行销售、交换和留用。

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