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英汉对照法律资源--中华人民共和国企业破产法(试行)          【字体:


作者:无忧教育    文章来源    点击数:    更新时间:2008-5-18     

With respect to bankrupt enterprises which have committed acts listed in the previous paragraphs, the liquidation team has the right to apply to the people's court to recover the property, which shall be added to the bankruptcy property.

  第三十六条 破产财产中的成套设备,应当整体出售;不能整体出售的,可以分散出售。

Article 36. Complete sets of equipment in the bankruptcy property shall be sold as a whole, and that which cannot be sold as a whole may be sold in parts.

  第三十七条 清算组提出破产财产分配方案,经债权人会议讨论通过,报请人民法院裁定后执行。

Article 37. The distribution plan for the bankruptcy property shall be proposed by the liquidation team, adopted by the creditors meeting and submitted to the people's court for judgment before implementation.


After the prior deduction of bankruptcy expenses from the bankruptcy property, repayment shall be made in the following order:


(1) wages of staff and workers and labour insurance expenses that are owed by the bankrupt enterprise;


(2) taxes that are owed by the bankrupt enterprise; and


(3) bankruptcy claims.


Where the bankruptcy property is insufficient to repay all the repayment needs within a single order of priority, it shall be distributed on a pro-rata basis.

  第三十八条 破产财产分配完毕,由清算组提请人民法院终结破产程序。破产程序终结后,未得到清偿的债权不再清偿。

Article 38. Upon the completion of the distribution of the bankruptcy property, the liquidation team shall apply to the people's court for the conclusion of the bankruptcy proceedings. After the termination of bankruptcy proceedings, claims that have not been repaid shall no longer be repaid.

  第三十九条 破产程序终结后,由清算组向破产企业原登记机关办理注销登记。

Article 39. After the conclusion of the bankruptcy proceedings,the liquidation team shall handle the procedures for the cancellation of registration at the original registration authorities of the bankrupt enterprise.

  第四十条 破产企业有本法第三十五条所列行为之一,自破产程序终结之日起一年内被查出的,由人民法院追回财产,依照本法第三十七条的规定清偿。

Article 40. With respect to bankrupt enterprises that are discovered within one year after the date of the conclusion of the bankruptcy proceedings to have committed any of the acts listed in Article 35 of this Law, the people's court shall recover the property and order repayment in accordance with Article 37 of this Law.

  第四十一条 破产企业有本法第三十五条所列行为之一的,对破产企业的法定代表人和直接责任人员给予行政处分;破产企业的法定代表人和直接责任人员的行为构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

Article 41. With respect to bankrupt enterprises that have committed any of the acts listed in Article 35 of this Law, the legal representative and the directly responsible personnel of the bankrupt enterprise shall be subject to administrative sanctions; where the acts of the legal representative and the directly responsible personnel of the bankrupt enterprise constitute crimes, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law.

  第四十二条 企业被宣告破产后,由政府监察部门和审计部门负责查明企业破产的责任。

Article 42. After an enterprise is declared bankrupt, the government supervisory departments and audit departments are responsible for pinpointing the responsibility for the bankruptcy of the enterprise.


Where the legal representative of the bankrupt enterprise bears the major responsibility for the bankruptcy of the enterprise, administrative sanctions shall be applied.


Where the superior departments in charge of the bankrupt enterprise bear the major responsibility for the bankruptcy of the enterprise, administrative sanctions shall be applied to the leaders of such superior departments in charge.


With respect to the legal representative of the bankrupt enterprise and the leaders of superior departments in charge of bankrupt enterprise who, due to neglect of duty, cause the bankruptcy of the enterprise that result in the major loss of state property, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with Article 187 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China.

  第六章 附 则


  第四十三条 本法自全民所有制工业企业法实施满三个月之日起试行,试行的具体部署和步骤由国务院规定。

Article 43. This Law is to be implemented on a trial basis three full months after the Law on Industrial Enterprises with Ownership by the Whole People comes into effect, and the specific plans and steps for the trial implementation shall be stipulated by the State Council.

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